Factors Affecting The DPHS Grade 10 Students That Resorts To Suicidal Tendencies For The School Year 2018-2019

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“Factors affecting the DPHS Grade

10 students that resorts to suicidal

tendencies for the school year
• Suicidal tendency
> suicidal ideation
> suicidal thoughts
• Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds,
• In the Philippines, there is a rise in the number of suicidal cases among the youth.
• Teens’ behaviour towards themselves and to other people are being affected.
• Students’ academic performance in school is afflicted.
Statement of the Problem
This study seeks fo answer the following:
1. Demographics
• 1.1 Age
• 1.2 Sex
• 1.3 Section

2. How often do the students experience the factors that may resort them to suicidal tendencies?

3. What is the extent of the factors affecting the Grade 10 students to have suicidal tendencies in terms of:
• 3.1 Intrapersonal Factors
• 3.2 Family-Related Factors
• 3.3 Previous Suicide Attempts
• 3.4 School-Related Factors
• 3.5 Social Factors
• 3.6 Behavioral Factors
4. How many Grade 10 students are having suicidal tendencies?

5. What is the percentage of the Grade 10 students who are

having suicidal tendencies?

6. What is the percentage of the Grade 10 students who are not

having suicidal tendencies?
Conceptual Framework
Summary of Findings
1. Based on the profile variables of the students:

1.1 In this pie graph, it shows the age of the respondents. The age bracket is divided into three
groups, 15-16 y/o which has 93 respondents (77%), 17-18 y/o has 24 respondents (20%, and 19-20
y/o which has 3 respondents (3%).

1.2 In this pie graph, it shows the sex of the respondents. 72 of the respondents (60%) are
female, while 48 of the it respondents (40%) are male.

1.3 In this pie graph, it shows the section of the respondents. 41 respondents (34%) are
Corinthians, while 42 respondents (35%) are Ephesians, and lastly, 37 respondents (31%) are
2. Based on the scales that the respondents answered:
2.1 The Bar Graph above shows the scaling in the 1st question. In the scaling, 9 respondents
(7.5%) answered that they always feel being isolated, 20 respondents (16.67 %) answered 4 (Often),
47 respondents (39.16 %) answered 3 (Sometimes), while 21 respondents (17.50 %) answered 2
(Rarely), and lastly, 23 respondents (19.17 %) answered 1 (Never). This means that most of the
students sometimes feel being isolated.
2.2 The Bar Graph shows the scaling in the 2nd question 7 respondents (5.83%) answered that
they always think no one loves them, 9 respondents (7.50%) answered 4 (often), 47 respondents
(39.17%) answered 3 (sometimes), 25 respondents (39.17%) 2 (rarely) while 25 respondents
(20.83%)answered 2 (rarely), and lastly, 32 respondents (26.67%) answered 1 (never). This is means
that most of the students sometimes thinks that no one loves them.
2.3 The Bar Graph above shows the scaling in the 3rd question. In the scaling, 11 respondents
(9.17%) answered that always feel burden to their family, 10 respondents (8.33%), 41 respondents
(34.17%) answered 3 (sometimes), while 31 respondents (25.83%) answered 2 (rarely) and lastly 27
respondents (22.5%) answered 1 (never). This means most of them sometimes feel burden to their
family.), while 31 respondents (25.83%) answered 2 (rarely) and lastly 27 respondents (22.5%)
answered 1 (never). This means most of them sometimes feel burden to their family.
2.4 The Bar Graph shows the scaling in the 4th question. In the scaling 7 respondents
(5.83%) answered that they always lose hope in life, 10 respondents (8.33%)answered 4
(often), 43 respondents (35.83%) answered 3 (sometimes), while24 respondents (20%)
answered 2 (rarely), and lastly, 36 respondents (30%) answered 1 (never). This is means
that most of the students sometimes lose their hope in life.
2.5 The Bar Graph above shows the scaling in the 5th question. In the scaling, 9
respondents (7.5 %) answered that they always feel uneasy in front of the people, 19
respondents (15.83%) answered 4 (often), 53 respondents (44.17 %) answered 3
(sometimes), while 21 respondents (17.5 %) answered 2 (rarely), and lastly, 18
respondents (15%) answered 1 (never). This means that most of the students sometimes
feel uneasy in front of the people.
2.6 The Bar Graph above shows the scaling in the 6th question. In the scaling, 4
respondents (3.33%) answered that they are always collecting stuffs that can hurt them
physically such as knife, cutter, blade, and the like, 8 respondents (6.67%) answered 4
(Often), 8 respondents (6.67%) answered 3 (Sometimes), while 27 respondents (22.5%)
answered 2 (Rarely), and lastly, 73 respondents (60.83%) answered 1 (Never). This means
that most of the students do not engaged on collecting stuffs that can hurt them physically
such as knife, cutter, blade, and the like.
2.7 The Bar Graph above shows the scaling in the 7th question. In the scaling, 11 respondents
(9.17%) answered that they always experienced being underestimated, 16 respondents (13.33%)
answered 4 (Often), 51 respondents (42.5%) answered 3 (Sometimes), while 28 respondents
(23.33%) answered 2 (Rarely), and lastly, 14 respondents (11.67%) answered 1 (Never). This means
that most of the students sometimes experienced being underestimated.
2.8 The Bar graph above shows the scaling in the 8th question. In the scaling, 18 respondents
(15%) answered that they are always judged by their physical appearance, 27 respondents (22.5%)
answered 4 (often), 34 respondents (28.33%) answered 3 (sometimes), while 28 respondents
(23.33%) answered 2 (rarely), and lastly, 13 respondents (10.83%) answered 1 (never). This means
that most of the students sometimes are always judged by their physical appearance.
2.9 The graph above shows the scaling in the 9th question. In the scaling, 28 respondents
(23.33%) answered that they are affected whenever they see their parents fighting, 20 respondents
(16.67%) answered 4 (often), 25 respondents (20.83%) answered 3 (sometimes), while 28
respondents (23.33%) answered 2 (rarely), and lastly, 19 respondents (15.83%) answered 1 (never).
This means that some of the students are affected whenever they see their parents fighting , and
some are rarely affected.

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