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The Central Teaching

Methods of Attaining Ethical Ideal

1. Samkhya(Philosophical Wisdom)
2. Karma Yoga(Devoted Actions)
3. Dhyana Yoga(Meditation of Supreme Self)
4. Bhakti Yoga (Worship of God)
Mortality in the

Stihtaprajna( Man of Steady Wisdom)

Equanimity (Sees Brahmana in Every Thing)
Indifference (Different from Equanimity)
● Union with Supreme self or God called LIBERATION
● Samkara’s Vedantic Approach (Clearifies Gita is different from Vedanta)
How can Philosophical
Wisdom,Devotion to Actions,
Meditation can gain absolute
freedom from Rebirth
Clue lies in Gita
Origin of 4 CASTES

● Brahmana
● Ksatriyas
● Vaisyas
● Sudras
Duties divided according to svabhava

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