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REF: http://www.mensxp.com/health/live-healthy/6805-5-
1. Listening to Music

• One of the most instant

stress relieving
techniques could be
listening to your favorite
music. Music not only
calms you down but also
acts as an instant mood
changer. It can entertain
you and divert the mind
from the thought that is
bothering you.
2. Cup of Coffee/Tea

There are times you

do not wish to sit at home
when you’ve had a terrible
fight with a friend/parents.
You should immediately step
out for a cup of coffee or tea
at your favorite hang out
spot. Redirecting your mind
to lighter issues can brighten
up your mood.
3. Chat with your best friend

The moment you are

frustrated and your mood is
spoilt, pick up the phone or
run to your best friend and
vent out your anger or
sorrow. This technique will
not only make your heart
feel lighter but will also
improve your mood quickly.
Friends prove to be your best
companions when in need.
4. Chocolate

Grab a bar of your

preferred chocolate to
ease you off the stress and
make you feel like a child all
over again. Scientifically
chocolate, especially dark
chocolate is known to
reduce the level of stress
hormones in the body
resulting into improvement
of your mood immediately.
5. Bond with Nature

Taking a stroll down the

park or on the beach can
instantly freshen your
mind. Breathing fresh
oxygen and bonding with
elements of nature can
prove to be
absolutely relaxing for the
mind and body.

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