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Gathering Information

and Scanning the


Tutored by : Prof. Sunil D’ Anto

Learning Agenda
• What are the components of a modern
marketing information system?
• What are useful internal records?
• What is involved in a marketing intelligence
• What are the key methods for tracking and
identifying opportunities in the macro
• What are some important macro environment
MIS Provides Information on Buyer
Preferences and Behavior:
Dupont’s Pillow Study

Pillow Segments
• 23% - stackers
• 20% - plumpers
• 16% - rollers or folders
• 16% - cuddlers
• 10% - smashers
Information Needs Probes for MIS
• What decisions do you regularly make?
• What information do you need to make these
• What information do you regularly get?
• What special studies do you periodically
• What information would you want that you are
not getting now?
• What are the four most helpful improvements
that could be made in the present marketing
information system?
Marketing Information System (MIS)

A marketing information system consists

of people, equipment, and procedures to
gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and
distribute needed, timely, and accurate
information to marketing decision makers.
An MIS is developed from:

•Internal company records.

•Marketing Intelligence activities.
•Marketing Research.
Marketing Information System
Internal Records and
Marketing Intelligence

2. Sales
1. Order-to-Payment
3. Databases(for RFM), Marketing
Warehousing, Intelligence
Data Mining System*
(analytics for fresh insights)

The internal records supply results data; Mktg. Int. System supplies happenings*
What Is a
Marketing Intelligence System?

A marketing intelligence system is a set

of procedures and sources that
managers use to obtain everyday
information about developments in the
marketing environment.
*Steps to Improve Marketing Intelligence

Train sales force to scan for new developments

Motivate channel members to share intelligence

Network externally

Utilize a customer advisory panel

Utilize government data resources

Purchase information from research vendors

Collect customer feedback online

Secondary Commercial Data Sources

AC Nielsen – TAM Media

ORG MARG Research

The Marketing

Readership Surveys
Gallup India

Important Sources of Secondary Data in
South Asia
• Statistical Outline of India
• Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
• The Marketing Whitebook
• National Council of Applied Economic
Research (NCAER)
• Indian Trade Statistics
• Web sites such as and
Important Sources of Secondary Data in
South Asia (contd.)
• Euromonitor International
• Statistics Division of the Government of
Pakistan (
• The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
• The Department of Census and Statistics,
Sri Lanka (
Environmental Forces


Political-Legal Economic

Technological Socio-Cultural

Population and Demographics

• Population growth • Educational groups

• Population age mix • Household patterns
• Ethnic markets • Geographical shifts
D 100
Mobile Phone
Population Age Groups


The Cool generation !
Economic Environment

• Income Distribution
• Savings, Debt, and Credit
• Consumer Psychology

Levi’s has responded to

changes in income
distribution by offering an
upscale line and a mass
market line
Income Distribution in India
Social-Cultural Environment

Views of themselves

Views of others

Views of organizations

Views of society

Views of nature

Views of the universe

Other Cultural Factors in Marketing

• Core beliefs: hard to change

• Secondary beliefs: easier to change
• Existence of subcultures
Islamic Banking: Reflecting Religious and
Cultural Sensitivities
• Consistent with principles of religious Laws (Shariah)
• Prohibits investing in business that are considered
• Popular in ME & some Asian countries
Cartoon Network’s
New Generation Survey

• Achieving good grades at school – all respondents

• Looking good – 90% of respondents
• Being religious/traditional – 84% of respondents
• Having boyfriend/girlfriend – 40% of respondents
• Career aspirations – One-third wanted to be doctor,
21% of wanted to be engineer
Natural Environment

Shortage of
raw materials

energy costs


Toyota Experienced
with Green Cars
Consumer - Environmental Segments

True Blue Greens (30%)

Greenback Greens (10%)

Sprouts (26%)

Grousers (15%)

Apathetics (18%)
Technological Environment

Pace of change

for innovation

Varying R&D

Increased regulations
Political-Legal Environment

Increase in
business legislation /
Government Agencies

Growth of special
interest groups /
Pressure Groups
Marketing Deliberation

 What brands do you feel

successfully speak to you?
 Effectively target your age group?
 Which ones do not?
 What could they do better?

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