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Selection of Location for Distribution Substation

Objectives of Optimal Location of substations

 To minimize losses
 To minimize service interruption
 To reduce cost
Finding load center coordinates from the data given below
Number of consumers
Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Load 5

P, kW 25 400 630 63 1000

X, km 0.3 0.4 1.2 1.6 2.8

Y, km 0.3 1.2 1.6 0.3 1.0

Cos φ 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.75 0.9

Find: a) Determine the coordinates of active electrical load centre

b) Determine the coordinates of reactive electrical load centre
c) Plot the given data on the load topology graph.

I take 3x2km topology with power loads consumers (1 div. = 0.1 km).

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a) Plotting the electrical load centers of each consumer on the load topology, with
scale of mg=0.2km/cm (Fig.1)
b) Calculating the radius of a circles of active and reactive load of each consumer.
c) Calculating the scale for active load (ma) using the the following formula
mactive. p  ;
 Rmin

Taking the lowest load(load-1) radius Ra1= 0.1km,

then mactive. p  ; = 25/3.14*0.12=796≈800 kW/km2
 Rmin

Find the highest load (load 5) radius using ma;

Ra5 =√(P5/π*ma5)   0.63 km
3.14  800

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if the max. load Ra5 is possible to plotted on the topology, then the scale is accepted for the
rest of active load to plot their radius, therefore the scale is accepted the rest of the active
loads to plot their radius.
Rai =√(Pi/π*ma) and Rri =√(Pi/π*ma),
Calculating the radius of circles for active loads with the scale I get that is

Ra1= 0.0199*√P1 =0.0199*√25=0.10km

Ra2= 0.0199*√P2 =0.0199*√400=0.40km
Ra3= 0.0199*√P3 =0.0199*√630=0.50km
Ra4= 0.0199*√P4 =0.0199*√63=0.16km
Ra5= 0.0199*√P5 =0.0199*√1000=0.63km

d) Calculating the reactive load of each consumer using the following relation:
where, tanφ – the angle which can be found using cosφ. φi= cos -1(cos( φi) ),
cos(φi) is the power factor for Pi load

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 Load1 φ1=cos -1(0.6 )= 53.13o
 Load2 φ2=cos -1(0.7 )= 45.57o
 Load3 φ3 =cos -1(0.8 )= 36.87o
 Load4 φ4=cos -1(0.75 )= 41.41o
 Load5 φ5 =cos -1(0.9 )=25.84o

Therefore, the reactive power is

 Q1 = 25*tan 53.13 = 33.33Kvar
 Q2 =400*tan 45.57= 408.04KVar
 Q3 =630*tan 36.87= 472.50KVar
 Q4 =63*tan 41.41= 55.56KVar
 Q5 =1000*tan 25.84= 484.28KVar

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e) Calculating the radius of circles for reactive loads with the

same scale that is ma=800kw/km2

Rr1= 0.0199*√Q1 =0.0199*√33.33= 0.11km

Rr2= 0.0199*√Q2 =0.0199*√408.04=0.402km
Rr3= 0.0199*√Q3 =0.0199*√472.50=0.43km
Rr4= 0.0199*√Q4 =0.0199*√55.56=0.15km
Rr5= 0.0199*√Q5 =0.0199*√484.28=0.44km

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f) Finding the approximate centre of active and reactive electrical loads:

We need to use the following formula to determine coordinates of all consumer loads

n n

PX i i  PY i i
X a0  i 1
; Ya 0  i 1
; Centre A (Xa0 ; Ya0) – location of the main Distr.SS

P i P
i 1
i 1

n n
Q X i i QY i i Centre B (Xr0 ; Yr0) – location of the Comp.
X r0  i 1
; Yr 0  i 1
; equipment

i 1
i 1

Xa0 ; Ya0 – coordinate of the active electrical load centre
Xr0 ; Yr0 – coordinate of the reactive electrical load centre

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PX i i
X a0  i 1
; =
i 1

xao = 1.80km

QY i i
Yr 0  i 1
Q i 1

Yro =

Yro = 1.20km

Therefore , the distribution sub station will be allocated near by point A (1.80 ; 1.20)

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Q X i i
X r0  i 1
; xro =
i 1

xro = 1.50km

QY i i
Yr 0  i 1
; Yro =
i 1

Yro = 1.20km

Therefore , the synchronous compensator will be allocated near by point

B (1.50 ; 1.20).

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Load center coordinates output data

Number of consumers
Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Load 5
P, kW 25 400 630 63 1000
Ra , km 0.10 0.40 0.50 0.16 0.63
Cos φ 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.75 0.9
tanφ 1.33 1.02 0.75 0.88 0.48
Q , kVar 33.33 408.04 472.50 55.56 484.28
Rr , km 0.11 0.402 0.43 0.15 0.44

Answer: Point A(1.80 ; 1.20) will be the place where the DSS is to be located and centre of active load.
Point B (1.50 ; 1.20) will be the place where the Comp. is to be located and centre of reactive

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Fig.1. Load Topology of all group of consumers

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Location of transformer substation
and compensating equipment is
near to the larger loads.
When the power factor increases,
the active load radius increases and
the reactive load radius decreases.

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