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Lecture - Week 3

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18:00pm on 4/3.
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• Boundary Conditions
• Plane Waves
• Skin-depth (!!)
• Faraday cage

Reading: Chapt. 2
Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 1 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Discussions on Lecture Week 2
• Microwave?
• Meaning of Divergence & Curl : Way of “describing a Vector
Field” in a given point in space
• Maxwell’s 4 equations in diff. & Integral forms
• Solenoidal vs. irrotational
• Faraday, Lantz, Ampere's Law in a transformer
• What is time harmonic description and why is it important?

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 2 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Boundary Conditions

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 3 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
General Expression of the Boundary Conditions

  
n  ( D2  D1 )   s (1.31)

   
n  B2  n  B1 (1.32)

   
n  ( E2  E1 )   M S (1.36)

   
n  (H 2  H1 )  J S (1.37)
Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 4 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Fields at Dielectric Interface
• Assuming lossless, no charge or surface current densities exists

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 5 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Electric Wall (PEC)
(Perfect conductor at one side)
• Assuming a good conductor with surface charge (𝜌𝑆 ) and
current density (𝐽Ԧ𝑆 )

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 6 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Magnetic Wall BC (PMC)
• Cannot exists in real world but can be used to approximate
certain condition in practice : corrugated surface

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 7 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Field Illustrations on PMC & PEC

[Field in PEC and Image Area]

[Field in PMC and Image Area]

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 8 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Plane-wave in HFSS
• Simulating the plane-wave propagation in Free space with

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 9 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Helmholtz Equation
• In a source-free, linear, isotropic, homogeneous region,
Maxwell’s curl equation is given by

• By taking curl of 1.41a and using 1.41b

• Using vector identity

– Where a constant is the propagation constant

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 10 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Plane Waves in a Lossless Medium
• E-field only exists at x-direction as a function of z

• Solution of this differential equation is given by

• Since this solution expressed in Phasor is for the time

harmonic case, this result in time domain is written as

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 11 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Phase Velocity

• In order to have same amplitude for a given time z must be also

increased which means a wave traveling in the +z direction

• In order to have same amplitude for a given time z must be also

increased which means a wave traveling in the +z direction

• 𝜔𝑡 − 𝑘𝑧 = 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 : condition to have the same magnitude

over time.
• Phase velocity :

( the speed of light)

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 12 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
• Wavelength (λ) : A distance between two successive maxima
or minima on the wave a t a fixed instant of time

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 13 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Intrinsic Impedance
• From one of Maxwell’s curl equation, whenever E or H is
known, the other field vector can be readily found


• Wave impedance is the ratio of the E and H field
• For a plane wave, the wave impedance is the same with the
intrinsic impedance
• In free space the intrinsic impedance is
Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 14 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Example 1.1

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 15 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Plane Waves in a General Lossy Medium
• For a lossy medium which has a conductivity σ

• By taking curl of 1.50a, which is given by

2 2
𝛻 𝐸−γ 𝐸 =0

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 16 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Complex Propagation Constant

• Where α is the attenuation constant, and β is the phase


• The solution is given by

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 17 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Complex Propagation Constant
In Terms of the Complex Permittivity
• Since
The solution of t he wave equation in time domain must be
expressed as

• The loss can be treated through the use of a complex

permittivity. With σ=0 but set 𝜖 = 𝜖 ′ − 𝑗𝜖 ′′

Where is the loss tangent of the material

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 18 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Complex Intrinsic Impedance
• H-field can be easily derived from E-field by taking curl of it


• The intrinsic impedance of the conducting medium is now


Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 19 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Attenuation Constant (α)
• Since
The solution of t he wave equation in time domain must be
expressed as

• The loss can be treated through the use of a complex

permittivity. With σ=0 but set 𝜖 = 𝜖 ′ − 𝑗𝜖 ′′

Where is the loss tangent of the material

• Attenuation constant = α (Np/m) = α*20log(e)=α*8.685 dB/m

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 20 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Plane Waves in a Good Conductor
• As shown before, the complex permittivity (ϵ”) cannot be
differentiable from the conductor (σ)
• Therefore this condition is equivalent to ϵ”>>ϵ’
• In terms of σ, we can neglect the permittivity ϵ which gives



– This means the phase angle of the intrinsic impedance of

an arbitrary good conductor is always 45o
Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 21 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Example for Skin depth

At 10 GHz, the skin

depth is less than 1μm
for usual conductors

Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 22 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
Decibel (dB) & Naper (Np)
• Power ratio in dB
10 log dB
• Voltage ratio in dB

• Conversion between Np and dB

ln( e )   Np
20 log( e )    20 log( e) dB    8.686 dB
• Absolute power in dBm or dBW
0dBm=1mW, 30 dBm=0 dBW
Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 23 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
dBW vs. dBm
• P=V2/R=I2R 10log10(P2/P1)=20log10(V2/V1)=20log10(I2/I1)
• dBW : Absolute power in Watt (W)
– Power level with respect to 1W
– 1W=0dBW

• dBm : Absolute power in milliwatt (mW)

– Power level with respect to 1 mW
– Power P in dBm = 10 log10(P/1mW)
– 1mW = 10log10(1mW/1mW)=0dBm
– 3dBm=2mW
– 30dBm=1W=0dBW
Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 24 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.
dBm vs. dBV
• dBV : Absolute voltage in voltage
• dBV : Some times dBV considers a voltage signal as a power
• Theoretically, we CANNOT convert between dBm and dBV if
the reference resistance (R) is not fixed
• Traditionally, we consider R=50 ohm, which makes it possible
to convert dBV to corresponding dBm
• Conversion from X dBm to Y dBVrms
– Y dBVrms=X dBm-13 dB assuming R=50 ohm
– P=V2/R  V2 =P*R
– dBVrms=20log10(V)=10log10(P)+10log10(50)=dBW+17 dB
=(dBm-30 dB)+17 dB= dBm -13 dB
Microwave Circuit & Design SP 2019 Lecture week3, Slide 25 Prof. JD Park, Dongguk Univ.

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