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How should Parle - G rebrand


Submitted by:
Amit Kumar Shaw (M005-18)
Business Research Methods - II
Harshita MV (M020-18)

Group 2 Hemlata Choudhary (M021–18)

Patil Shradha Kailas (M031-18)
Samrat Datta (M040-18)
Soumya Sengupta (M044-18)
Tannavi Singh (M050-18)

Reporting to

Prof. Aditya Shankar Mishra

Parle - G
FGD Structured
Questionnaire Q1. what brand of biscuit do you generally prefer?
How should Parle - G rebrand itself? Q2. What comes to your mind when you go to buy biscuit?
Q3. When you visit a departmental store what do you consider when you see
From its packaging to the biscuit itself, there have not been multiple brands of biscuits?
Q4. If there is a price reduction in particular biscuit, does this affect your decision
any significant changes for over a decade. However, in of buying that particular biscuit?
MDP order to stay competitive, how should Parle - G rebrand Q5. One incident that clicks you regarding biscuit in terms of price?
itself? Q6. Enhancements in the biscuit would affect your buying behaviour?
Q7. Is there any biscuit which is considered as healthy or anyone has prescribed
your particular brand?
Q8. When was the last time you were introduced to a particular biscuit and
what was the way?
Q9. One good and bad memory or incident related to biscuits based on any factor.
In order for the management to make a decision on how Q10. How do you associate with a brand of biscuit?
Parle - G should be rebranded, they first have to analyze Q11. What affects your buying behaviour of particular biscuit?
the factors which affect a consumer’s decision to buy a Q1 Q.12. Has any media gimmick by any company has affected your buying behaviour?
Q Q13. If a particular brand stops publishing its biscuits, how will it affect you?

The management can take a decision on the areas in

which they have a scope for improvement.
Specific Components: Interview
Inference Using this qualitative research technique, we got
an individual’s perspective about buying a
MRP 1.
Should Parle - G make changes to its packaging?
How do factors like packaging, advertising and pricing
particular kind of biscuit. From this interview we
enquired about his choices, eating habits and
affect the brand perception of Parle - G among the other details which gave an idea about his lifestyle
. From this, we inferred that there are a few factors which influence a
consumers? customer’s behaviour while shopping for a biscuit. Before proceeding
3. What are the parameters that help a company become with our research and data collection we further conducted an
the market leader in the biscuit industry? FGD to get an opinion of 4-5 people on the same topic.
4. How do demographic, geographic, psychographic and
behavioural factors of the consumers affect the brand
perception of Parle - G?
Parle - G
FGD Inference

On the basis of the FGD conducted, we identified few

prominent factors:
• Price
• Advertisement
• Packaging
• Nostalgia Factor
• Taste
• Budget Constraint
Factor Analysis

Formulating the Problem

Initially, we conducted exploratory research through FGD and in-depth interviews.

A few factors such as price, brand consciousness and taste consciousness were identified as important. The respondents filled out
questionnaires based on characteristics which affect their biscuit buying behaviour.

This is a matrix showing the correlations between the

We can see that variable 3 is positively correlated with

variable 5 and negatively correlated with variable 6.

The approximate chi-square statistic is 779.756, with 28

degrees of freedom which is significant at the 0.05 level.

The value of KMO statistic, 0.520 is greater than 0.5,

hence factor analysis may be considered an appropriate
technique for analysing the correlation matrix.
Factor Analysis

Number of Factors

Eigenvalues represent the amount of variance

associated with the factor. If Eigenvalues are
greater than 1, those factors are retained.

The three components together account for

84.584% of the total variance.

Scree Plot
The plot has a distinct break in the slope of the
factors in the region of high eigenvalues and it
gradually trails off with the rest of the factors.

We see that three variables have eigenvalue > 1.

Factor Analysis
The factor matrix contains the coefficients called the factor loadings, used to express the standardized variables in
terms of the factors. We have rotated the matrix used the varimax method, to get loadings for the significant variables.

Questions Results

Q1. While grocery shopping, I have We can identify from the rotated
a limited budget component matrix that variables 3, 6 and
Q2. The most important Rotated 8 are highly correlated, with variable 6
consideration while buying a biscuit Matrix being negatively correlated to the other
is its taste two variables. An analysis of the
Q3. If a biscuit brand I like releases questions tells that they can be grouped
a new product, I will try it out as Brand Consciousness.
Q4. Before I buy a packet of
biscuits, I check its price
Q5. I prefer to have a wider variety The variables 1, 4 and 7 are also
of biscuits to suit my taste correlated and can be clubbed as Price
Q6. The brand of the biscuit does Consciousness.
not influence my decision to buy it
Q7. Price of a biscuit does not Variables 1 and 4 are positively correlated
influence my buying decision with each other and negatively correlated
Q8. The brand ambassador & with variable 7. The variables 2 and 5 are
advertisements are not important
factors while buying biscuits
positively correlated, and can form a
factor of Taste Consciousness.
Discriminant Analysis

Objective: To identify the key factors that play an important role when a consumer is making a choice between
buying Parle - G and Britannia Marigold (one of Parle - G’s major competitor).
Background: From our exploratory research data, we had reached down to the following factors which play an
important role in the buying of biscuits: brand association, pricing, packaging, advertisement, taste, nutritious values
and emotional connect.
The aim of the analysis is to identify the significant factors and their impact on the buying of the competitor biscuits.


Grouping Variable: Buyer Choice (1-> Parle - G; 2->

Britannia Marigold)

Independent Variable: Brand association

(brand_assoc), pricing (price), packaging (packaging),
advertisement (advertisement), taste (taste), nutritious
values (nutritious values) and emotional connect
(emotional connect).
Discriminant Analysis

The significant factors for the choices would be revealed from the
chart of “Tests of Equality of Group Means” which shows that
Nutritious values is not a significant factor

Multi-collinearity is unlikely to be a problem in the

analysis; however, it is not witnessed here as shown
in the Pooled-Within Group Matrices:
Discriminant Analysis

X1 = Brand Result
X2 = Price
X3 = Packaging In this case, the significant factors are emotional
X4 = Advertisement
X5= Taste
connect and attitude towards the brand. Therefore, they
X6 = Nutritious Values happen to be the most dominant factors influencing
X7 = Emotional Connect
buyer’s decision to buy Parle - G.

Buyer Choice1 = .248 x1 + (-.204) x2 + (-.197)x3 + .102x4 + (-.104)x5 + .005x6 + .362x7 + (-

Results Managerial

 According to factor analysis, the general factors which affect a consumer’s biscuit buying decision are brand
consciousness, price consciousness, and taste consciousness.
 From the discriminant analysis, we see that the major variables which make people buy Parle-G are
emotional connect and attitude towards the brand. Hence, the management should take care to maintain this
connect with the consumers while re-branding itself.
 While re-branding itself, Parle-G should focus on the areas of price and packaging.

Limitations Conclusion
• The majority of people being surveyed Our research hypothesis (null) that Price and emotional connect are
belonged to the age category of 19-25 years the dominant factors influencing the buyer decision in favour of Parle -
G has been proven to be partially incorrect, and hence, the null
• Children (age group 6-14) were not included hypothesis needs to be rejected.
in our research An affiliation for the buyers regarding their association with the brand
• No representation of people from BPL section has been seen to be primarily motivated by their emotional connect
of society with the brand. On the other hand, it is seen that a more popular brand
has got advertisement and packaging as its dominant influencing
• The ratio of employed, unemployed and factors in buying. Taste and Nutrition values have been seen to be the
student category was not equal throughout least significant of the discriminating factor among buyers across the
the research two sections.
Thank You!!

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