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In order to properly execute the crawl stroke, the
swimmer must begin in a prone position. During the
streamline position, the arms are superior to the head
straightly, with fingers adducted completely. Head
should be facing downward.
During the entry phase you want to begin by flexing the elbow, the
elbow should be superior to the hand during this phase. The
fingertips should enter first with the thumb down and
arm internally rotated. The arm should slide anteriorly and
slightly inferior until it reaches maximum extension in front of
The elbow must flex, and the shoulder
must internally rotate for the fingers to point down
towards the bottom of the pool. At this point the
hand is used to begin propelling the body
forward. Abducting the fingers does not allow for
proper push of the water.
During the pull of the hand, forearm and
arm pull the water caught during the catch
phrase and move posteriorly past the
shoulder. During this phase the elbow
remain flexed until it passes the shoulder
and then it moves onto the next phase.
The elbow begins to extend until it
is parallel to the thigh, and thumb must
be touching the thigh. The arm should
be fully extended to the side of the
swimmer. The head is rotated on the

The recovery phase begins as soon as the arm is

completely extended to the swimmer’s side. The swimmer
must hyperextend the shoulder and slightly externally
rotate in order to allow arm to position itself to exit the
water, elbows pointing upward, at least having a 450 angle.
The head rotates to its right allowing the swimmer to catch
his breath. As soon as the arm motion recovers, the head
must rotate to its left, allowing it to face downward again.
Once the arm externally rotates you want to let the
momentum guides your arm out of the water where you
will flex at the elbow again.

Coordination between upper body and lower body is key to successful

execution of all swimming strokes. Many swimmers would flex their knee
joint too much while kicking making this considered as kicking from the
knee. Instead of kicking from the knee you should kick from the hip with a
relatively extended leg. You should keep your legs extended and move
them simultaneously up and down. It is best not to think about flexing your
knee at all, instead think about kicking from the hip at the hip joint with
an extended leg and a very slight flexion of the knee will happen naturally.

When you swim you should always have your

ankle plantar flexed (pointed toes). Not pointing your
toes down and keeping the ankle in dorsi-flexion will
push water anteriorly when you kick, slowing
your speed and acceleration.

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