ISD235B: (IMA 604) Cooperative Learning

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( IMA 604 ) Cooperative Learning

Prepared for :
Miss Siti Nurul Maryam Abdullah

Prepared by :
MASYITHAH BT RAZALI ( 2008298822 )
NORFAHANA BT SAINI ( 2008298868 )

STAD is a simple team technique in which students work in four or five member teams
that are mixed in performance level, gender, and ethnicity. The teacher presents a
lesson, and then students work within their teams to make sure that all team members
have mastered the lesson, and then take individual quizzes to make points for their
team. Each student’s score is compared to that of other students of similar past
performance , so that in STAD, as in TGT, students of all ability levels have a good
chance of earning maximum points for their teams.
Continue …

STAD is a simplification of TGT. STAD replaces the TGT games with a quiz. This
reduces the classroom time required to use a team techniques, although it requires the
teacher to spend somewhat more time after class grading quizzes. STAD is clearly
focused on team cooperation and does not include individual competition as in TGT.
History and founder

Developed by Dr. Robert Slavin from Center for Social Organization of

Schools at John Hopkins University. Robert Slavin is Co-Director of the
Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk,
Johns Hopkins University, and Chairman of the Success for All
Foundation. He received his Ph.D. in Social Relations from Johns
Hopkins in 1975, and since that time he has authored more than 200
articles and book chapters on such topics as cooperative learning,
ability grouping, school and classroom organization, desegregation,
mainstreaming, and research review. He also is co-founder of the
Success for All Foundation, a non-profit organisation that develops and
evaluates programs for high-poverty schools across the USA and
#The system offers a way to incorporate individual quizzes into a team context.
#Team members support each other to learn material presented by the teacher
and score points according to individual improvement.
#The class presentations, teams and team practice, worksheets, and class
newsletter used in STAD are the same as those used in TGT. Games and
tournaments are not used; they are replaced by quizzes and by a system called
“bonus point” that specifically reward students for special improvement on any
given quiz.
1. Students are divided into teams. Four is an ideal number. Teams are
chosen heterogeneously. That is to say that a team should consist of a
mix of boys and girls and have a spread of ability levels.
2. The teacher introduces material to be learnt.
3. The teacher gives handouts and answer sheets to the teams. Each
team should receive fewer sheets than the total needed. For example a
team of four would be given two worksheets and two answer sheets.
This is to stress the idea of working together.
4. Team members practise together.
5. The quiz is taken. Students take the quiz individually. If necessary
move tables apart to minimise the chance of copying.
6. The teacher collects the handouts and marks them before the next
class.The first quiz becomes the benchmark for team scores. The
process is repeated for five or six lessons.
Responsibility – each members of the team feel responsible to make sure all their members
master the lesson.

Enhance communication – in order to make all the members master the lesson, they should
communicate with each other. Explain clearly so that there’s no uncertainty between every

Cooperation – to make sure all the members master the lesson, they should cooperate in
explaining the lesson to each members.

Reduce oppression – in a team, there are various level of students. With Student Teams-
Achievement Divisions (STAD) model, there should tolerate with each other as a team.

Get same understanding – they share the same understanding about the lesson.
No Expertise – because they focus to make each members master the lesson, there’s no
specific task to each members.

No unique skills – they shows the same task as the other members.

Misunderstanding – as they work in group, not every member get the same
understanding about the lesson. So, every member wants to tell their understanding.
Student Teams- Team Accelerated Jigsaw Group Investigation
Achievement Instruction ( TAI ) ( GI )
Divisions ( STAD

mixed-ability Individualize students are students work in

groupings involving placement in a assigned to six- small groups using
team recognition mathematics member teams to cooperative inquiry,
and group sequence; individual work on academic group discussion,
responsibility for receive points based material that has and cooperative
individual learning. on unassisted final been broken down planning and
unit tests; team into sections for projects, and then
receive points based each member. make presentations
on number of units to the whole class
completed, number on their findings.
of tests passed,
perfect papers,

STAD is easily adapted and used was a very effective strategy

to developed student knowledge . The teacher was able to
deliver a presentation in the form of a lecture of class
discussion, have students work in groups, review their work,
and evaluate studentswork durig the same class period.
Setiap pemain memiliki jumlah buah dam yang sama (24 pada papan
bersaiz 10 x 10 atau 12 pada papan 8 x 8), tetapi berlainan warna.
Seorang hitam dan seorang lagi putih (atau merah). Pilihan warna
tidaklah begitu penting berbanding catur, kerana warna putih tidak
semestinya bermula dahulu.

Kedudukan pemulaan 8x8

Kedudukan permulaan permainan dam adalah seperti di dalam gambar di atas.
Petak paling bawah kiri berwarna gelap, manakala petak paling bawah kanan
berwarna cerah. Setiap pemain meletakkan (bagi petak 8x8) kesemua 12 buahnya
pada 3 baris yang terdekat, pada petak yang berwarna gelap. Ini akan meninggalkan
dua baris kosong di tengah papan permainan.Seperti yang disebut di atas, mana-
mana pihak boleh bermula dahulu, bergantung kepada persetujuan pemain.
Mengikut persetujuan pemain, mana-mana pihak boleh bermula
dahulu. Setelah pemain pertama menggerakkan satu buah, giliran
pemain kedua pula. Begitulah seterusnya sehingga permainan tamat.

Cara bergerak
Setiap buah dam cuma boleh bergerak satu petak secara pepenjuru, sama
ada ke kiri atau ke kanan, sekiranya petak tersebut masih kosong.
Haji (buah dam yang telah sampai ke hujung papan sebelah lawan)
bergerak dengan cara yang sama, tetapi boleh pergi seberapa banyak
petak yang dikehendaki.
Cara makan
Buah biasa
Sekiranya di pepenjuru kanan/kiri hadapan suatu buah sendiri ada
buah lawan, dan di belakangnya kosong, maka buah lawan tersebut
boleh dimakan (ditangkap dan dikeluarkan dari permainan) dengan
melompat buah lawan tersebut. Ertinya, buah sendiri diletakkan di
petak kosong di belakang buah lawan, kemudian buah lawan
dikeluarkan dari permainan.
Sekiranya selepas makan kali pertama, situasi yang sama berulang
lagi, maka pemain berhak memakan lagi. Ertinya, seseorang pemain
boleh memakan beberapa buah lawan dalam satu giliran.
Perlu diingatkan bahawa buah dam biasa cuma boleh bergerak, dan
oleh itu makan, ke hadapan.
Cara makan
Buah haji
Cara makan buah haji sama dengan buah biasa. Bezanya, bauh
haji boleh bergerak banyak langkah, dan oleh itu boleh makan
buah lawan yang jauh. Buah haji juga boleh makan ke belakang
kerana ia boleh bergerak ke belakang.
Peraturan makan
Sekiranya ada peluang memakan buah lawan, pemain diwajibkan
melakukannya. Kegagalan untuk memakan buah lawan akan
menyebabkan phak lawan berhak mengambil buah pemain yang gagal
memakan dan mengeluarkannya dari permainan.
Sekiranya terdapat pilihan untuk memakan buah lawan, pemain boleh
memilih untuk memakan mana-mana buah yang dikehendakinya.
Permainan dam tamat
# Seorang pemain kehilangan semua buah damnya. Dia dikira kalah.
# Seorang pemain tidak dapat menggerakkan buahnya kerana
disekat. Dia dikira kalah.
# Seorang pemain menyerah kalah.
# Kedua-dua pemain bersetuju untuk seri, biasanya kerana kedua-
dua pemain mepunyai buah haji yang tidak dapat dimakan atau

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