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Performance task in Trigonometry

*=No Contributions

Prince Roa – Amiel Dayao – Steeve Aguilar*
How did complex numbers began?

 In the history of mathematics Geronimo Cardano is

considered as the creator of complex numbers. In those
times, scholars used to demonstrate their abilities in
competitions. This was often a good way to earn money and
also an opportunity to obtain a professorship at a university.
Therefore, it was unusual to publish academic results.
Scholars kept their research secret in order to make as much
profit from their abilities as possible. Mathematical research
in the 16th century mainly focused on solving polynomial
How did complex numbers began?

 Cardano left it at the discovery of complex numbers,

which he considered 'as subtile as useless'. General
rules for basic arithmetical operations with roots of
negative numbers were only derived a few years
later by Rafael Bombelli, who also applied them
successfully to Cardano's formulae.
What does complex numbers define mathematically?

 A complex number is a number that can be

expressed in the form
 where a and b are real numbers and i is
the imaginary unit, satisfying i2 = −1. For example,
−3.5 + 2i is a complex number. It is common to
write a for a + 0i and bi for 0 + bi. Moreover, when
the imaginary part is negative, it is common to
write a − bi with b > 0 instead of a + (−b)i, for
example 3 − 4i instead of 3 + (−4)i.
 The set of all complex numbers is denoted by ℂ
What are the uses of complex numbers?

 Since complex numbers provide a system for finding the

roots of polynomials, and polynomials are used as
theoretical models in various fields, complex numbers enjoy
prominence in several specialized areas. Among these
specialized areas are engineering, electrical engineering and
quantum mechanics. Topics utilizing complex numbers
include the investigation of electrical current, wavelength,
liquid flow in relation to obstacles, analysis of stress on
beams, the movement of shock absorbers in cars, the study
of resonance of structures, the design of dynamos and
electric motors, and the manipulation of large matrices used
in modeling.
Applications in real life

 The voltage in a circuit is 45 + j10 volts and

the impedance is 3 + j4 ohms. What is the
Applications in real life
 Solutions:

 = I

45+j10 3 – j4
 = •  = I
3+j4 3 – j4
135 - j 180+ j30 – j(2)40 175-j150 = 7 – j6
 =  = 7-j6
9-j(2)16 25
7-j6 amps is the answer!
Applications in real life

 Those equations above are examples of

electrical engineering students who use complex
numbers to solve their mathematically electric

Also, they are the real life applications of

complex numbers and have been used until
 Complex numbers can be used in our daily
life, in our works when we graduate in
college. Now, the belief of Juan is already
proven false as shown in our proof.

We hope that Juan and his friends change

their belief that math can’t be applied to our
daily life as a student.


Happy Solving! =D

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