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 Planning is a method of doing something

that is worked out in advance

 Planning is the management function that
involves anticipating future trends and
determining the best strategies and tactics
to achieve organizational objectives
 Organizing is a method in which to apply or
impose efficient working methods in order
to work effectively or make somebody else
work effectively.
 Organizing is a management function which
refers to the structuring of resources and
activities to accomplish objectives in an
efficient and effective manner.
 Controlling means to exercise power or
authority over something such as a
business or nation.
 Controlling refers to the process of
ascertaining whether organizational
objectives have been achieved and
determining what activities should then be
taken to achieve objectives better in the
 Efficiency refers to the degree to which
something is done well or without wasted
 Efficiency is related to the cost of doing
something, or the resource utilization
 Effectiveness is the means of causing a
result, especially the desired or intended
 Effectiveness refers to goal accomplishment.
 Anengineer manager is expected to produce
some output at whatever management level
he is.
 The engineer manager must have some
knowledge of the various types of
transformation process and there are two
types of transformation process and they are
the manufacturing process, and the service
 Manufacturing refers to producing goods that
are necessary for modern life from raw
materials. The word manufacture comes
from the Latin manus (hand) and facere (to
 Manufacturing process are those that refer to
making of products by hand or with
 Job shop
 Batch flow
 Worker-paced line flow/ worker-paced
assembly line
 Machine-paced line flow/ machine-paced
assembly line
 Batch/continuous flow hybrid
 Continuous flow
A job shop is one whose production is based
on sales orders for variety of small lots.
 Job shops manufacture products in small lots
that are needed by, but cannot be produced
economically by many companies.
 Job shops produce custom products, in
general. Products may be manufactured
within a short notice. And manufacturing in
job shops are usually in labor intensive and
machines are frequently idle or not in use.
 Inthe batch flow process generally own
designed products are manufactured.
 There is flexibility to produce either low or
high volumes.
 Not all procedures are performed in all
 The type of equipment used are mostly for
general purpose.
 The process layout is used where similar
machines are grouped together.
 The operation of labor intensive, although
there is less machine idleness.
 The size of operation is generally medium-
A worker-paced assembly line is an assembly
line that refers to a production layout that is
arranged in a sequence to accommodate
processing of large volumes of standardized
products or services.
 In the worker-paced assembly line the
products manufactured are mostly
 There is a clear process pattern.
 Specialized equipment is used.
 The size of operation is variable.
 The process is work-paced.
 The type of layout used is the line flow.
 Labor is still a big cost item.
 This
type of production process production
process produces mostly standard products
with machines playing a significant role.
 The process is of clear , rigid pattern.
 Specialized type of equipment is used.
 The line flow layout is used.
 Capitalized equipment is a bigger cost item
than labor.
 Operation is large.
 The process is machine-paced.
 Thecontinuous flow processing is
characterized by the rapid rate at which
items move through the system.
 This process method is used in producing highly
standardized products like calculators,
typewriters, automobiles, televisions, cellular
phones and etc.
 There is economy of scale in production,
resulting to low per unit cost of production.
 The process is clear and very rigid.
 Specialized equipment is used.
 The line flow layout is used.
 Operations are highly capital intensive.
 The size of operations is very large.
 Process is fast.
 serviceprocess are those that refer to the
provision of services to persons by hand or
with machinery.
 Service factory
 Service shop
 Mass service
 Professional service
A service factory offers a limited mix of
service which results to some economies of
scale in operations.
 Theprocess layout preferred by the service
factory is the rigid pattern of line flow.
A service shop provides a diverse mix of
 Thelayout used are those for job shops or
fixed position and are adaptable to various
A mass service company provides services to
a large number of people simultaneuosly.
 These are companies that provide specialized
services to other firms or individuals.
 Product design.
 Production planning and scheduling.
 Purchasing and materials management.
 Inventory control.
 Quality control.
 Productdesign refers to the process of
creating a set of product specifications
appropriate to the demands of the situation.
 Production planning is defined as forecasting
the future sales of a given product,
translating this forecast into the demand it
generates for various production facilities,
and arranging for the procurement of these
 Refers to the approach that seeks efficiency
of operation through integration of material
acquisition, movement, and storage
activities in the firm.
 Isthe process of establishing and maintaining
appropriate levels of reserve stocks of goods.
 Isthe process of determining the physical
arrangement of the production system
 Refersto the measurement of products or
services against standards set by the
 The management of operations is very crucial to the
survival of firms. Operations refer to the changing of
inputs into useful outputs. In the effort to manufacture
products, operations management must contribute its
share in the accomplishment of the company’s objectives.
 The function of the operations manager is to plan,
organize, and control operations in order to achieve
objectives efficiently and effectively. The engineer
manager is often times assigned to perform the tasks of
the operations manager.
 The transformation process may be classified generally as
the manufacturing or service process. These two are sub
classified into various types, each with built-in advantages
depending on certain conditions.
 Production system consist of various parts that
complement one another in the production task. The
engineer manager needs to be familiar with these various

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