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Chapter 20

Products Liability
Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.)

* Rules for commercial transactions

* All States have adopted provisions,

in whole or part

* Consistency among States

Sale of Goods Transactions
* Goods = tangible, movable property
- Excludes stocks, bonds, patents,
copyrights (intangible)
- Excludes real estate (not movable)
Express Warranty
Seller’s representation as to quality,
condition, performance of goods
Seller’s assurance that goods conform
to representation

* Nonconformity: Seller may be liable

for breach of express warranty
* Affirmation of fact or promise
* Description of goods
* Sample
* Model
Objectively Verifiable
“100 horsepower engine”

* Excludes opinions (“sales talk”)

“First class boat”
“Excellent car”
Reliance Justifiable
D’s words or conduct would
justifiably induce P to enter into transaction

* P’s actual reliance not necessary

* Enough that P would be
justified in relying on misrepresentation
Personal Injury
* P’s bodily harm
Economic Loss
* “Basis of the Bargain” damages
(value promised – value received)
* Monetary loss that flows from
not getting what was bargained for
(cause & effect)
Klages v. General Ordinance
P won

D’s representation regarding

performance of mace
assurance that mace conforms
to representation
Lastovich v. Ford Motor

P won

Warranty was created

Implied Warranty of
Earns a living by selling goods of this kind

Goods fit for their ordinary purpose
Goods “pass without objection”
in the industry
Welch v. Fitzgerald-Hicks
Yes, P won
* Car not merchantable
- Not fit for ordinary purpose (driving)
- Would not pass without objection
in automotive industry
Implied Warranty of Fitness

* Buyer’s particular purpose

* Buyer’s actual and reasonable reliance

Catania v. Brown
D breached warranty

Paint not fit for use on stucco house

(particular purpose)
Lewis & Sims v. Key
No, P lost
* D had no reason to know
of P’s particular purpose

* No evidence of P’s reliance

on D’s expertise
Warranty Disclaimers
Disclaim Express Warranties
* Rare
- Seller must honor promises
- Disclaimer of express warranty
in sales contract disregarded
if inconsistent with seller’s words
or conduct
- If no inconsistency, sales contract may
provide in clear & conspicuous terms
that express warranties limited
to those in sales contract
Warranty Disclaimers
Disclaim Implied Warranties
1. By Examination
* Applies to “reasonably apparent”
defects when:
- buyer inspected product
- buyer had opportunity to
inspect but chose not to do so
Warranty Disclaimers
Disclaim Implied Warranties
2. By Language
a. Merchantability
-- Must mention “merchantability”
-- If disclaimer in writing,
* must be conspicuous
b. Fitness
-- Disclaimer must be in writing
-- and conspicuous
Cates v. Dover
Disclaimer not conspicuous
Disclaimer not enforceable
Unconscionable disclaimer
* Shockingly one-sided, oppressive
1. Disparity of bargaining power
2. Personal injury

Unenforceable disclaimer
P = individual, and

D = business entity, and

Enforcement of D’s disclaimer

would leave P without remedy
Delta v. Douglas
No disparity of bargaining power

Not unconscionable to enforce disclaimer

Personal Injury
Unconscionable to limit liability
* for personal injury
- bodily harm
* in consumer goods transaction
- goods purchased for
personal, family, or household
Henningsen v. Bloomfield
Personal injury in consumer goods transaction

Disparity of bargaining power too

Here, disclaimer clearly unconscionable

Strict Liability
Absolute liability
* D’s intentions irrelevant
* D’s degree of care irrelevant
1. Defective product
a. Design defect
* Error at planning stage
or b. Manufacturing defect
* Error at factory
- Assembly/production
or c. Warning defect
* Inadequate instructions
- Lack to warn)
2. Defect  “Unreasonably Dangerous”

i. Design defect: Risk/Utility Test

If risk of injury outweighs utility

of design

then design fails test

and defective design makes product

unreasonably dangerous
2. Defect  “Unreasonably Dangerous”

ii. Manufacturing or Warning Defect:

Consumer Expectation Test

If product more dangerous than

ordinary consumer would expect

then product fails test

and defect in manufacturing

(or warning) makes product
unreasonably dangerous
3. D = Proximate Cause
* “But for” and “foreseeability” tests

of P’s Injury
* Physical injury to:
- Person (P’s bodily harm)
- P’s existing property
* Not “basis of the bargain” damages
4. Merchant
Earns a living by selling goods
of this kind
Knight v. Just Born
P’s claim:
* Due to manufacturing defect,
candy fails consumer expectation test

P has enough evidence to go to trial

* When there is evidence that product
does not live up to expectations of
ordinary consumer,
jury may infer there is defect in product
Nevauex v. Park Place
D won
* Problem with service, not product
Dutschke v. Piper
D won
* Substantial alteration of product
Two Rivers v. Curtiss
No, D won
* No injury to person (bodily harm)
* No injury to existing property

* P sought reimbursement for

“basis of bargain” damages
Breach of warranty claim
NOT strict liability claim

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