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Communication System


Behzad Shaukat 2k16-ele-056

Ahsan Ammar 2k16-ele-051
Representation and of signal
Operations on signal
Types of Signal
Fourier Series
Fourier Transform

• Oppenheim, A. V., Willsky, A. S., & Young, I. T. (1983). Signals

and systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall.
• John.G. Proakis, Masoud Salehi, Communication System
Engineering, 2nd edition.
Part 1

• Behzad Shaukat 2k16-ele-056


• It is the set of information about the behaviour and nature of some

• It is the physical quantity which varies with respect to time.
• for example sound is a signal, gesture is a signal.
Signal Representation

1. Mathematical representation
2. Graphical representation
3. Tabular representation
Operations on Signal

• Time shifting
• Time scaling
• Time reversal
Types of Signal

1. Continuous time signal(CTS) & Discrete time signal (DTS)

2. Periodic and aperiodic Signals
3. Even and odd signals
4. Random and deterministic signals
5. Energy and power signals
Continuous Time Signal

• As from the name we know that we are dealing with time domain so we will
discuss only the horizontal axis
• It is real value signal(it give infinite value in finite time)
• Magnitude of the signal is described in small alphabet
• for example x(t),m(t),g(t)
• Time dependent signal
• In CTS we use parenthesis
Examples of CTS

• Example of CTS are

• Heartbeats, blood pressure
Discrete Time Signal

• Time is in integer [n]

• Use square bracket instead of parenthesis
• It gives finite value in finite time
• Example of DTS number of student in a class , production in a company
Periodic and aperiodic signals

• Periodic signal
• A signal is said to be periodic if it repeats itself after a certain interval of time
• Can be expressed mathematically
• e.g. x(t)=x(t+T)
• The range of a periodic signal is from - infinity to + infinity
• Example of a periodic signal is sin wave
Aperiodic signal

• A signal is said to be a periodic if it does not repeat itself after certain

interval of time
• Example of aperiodic signal are
• noises ,voice ,radio wave
• NOTE: if we put t= infinity aperiodic signal is converted into periodic signal
Even and Odd signal

• One of the characteristics of signal is symmetry that may be useful for signal
• A signal is referred to as an even signal if it is identical to its time reversed
counter parts x(t)=x(-t)
• for example x(t)=|3t|
Odd signal

• A signal is said to be odd if x(t)=-x(-t)

• An odd signal must passes from the origin
• They are symmetry about origin
• Example of odd signal is sinusoidal signal
Random and Deterministic signals

• Random signal
• We not know the nature of signal
• We can not predict their future value
• e.g. blood pressure , heart beats
• Deterministic signal
• We know the nature of signal
• We can predict their future value
Energy and Power signals
• Energy signal
• If the signal is integrated for infinite time and the result is in finite time then
the signal is called energy signal
• Power of energy signal is zero
• Power signal
• A signal having a finite power is called power signal
• Power signal has infinite energy
• Note: all periodic signal are power signal but all power signal may not be
periodic signal
Part 2

• Ahsan Ammar 2k16-ele-051

Fourier Series Signal
Representation of
This concept was put forward by J. B J. Fourier (Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier)
By 1807, Fourier has completed a work, he claimed that any periodic signal
could be represented by a series of harmonically related sinusoidal.
Thus Fourier series can only be used for periodic signals.
Equations for Finding Fourier Series
for a Continuous Time Periodic Signal

Dirichlet Conditions

Dirichlet Conditions

Dirichlet Conditions

• Condition 2: The number of maxima and minima of

x(t) in each period is finite.
Dirichlet Conditions

Dirichlet Conditions

• Condition 3: In any finite interval of time, there are

only finite number of discontinuities .
Example 1


Example 2

Example 3
Consider a periodic waveform,

Fourier Transform
(for an Aperiodic Signal)
• For periodic signals we used Fourier Series.
• But for aperiodic signals another technique used is
Fourier Transform.
• Although we also have a technique for periodic
• Aperiodic Signal are sudden noises, finite energy,
exponential signals, speech signal, which do not
repeat themselves over a certain specified period of
Equations for Finding Fourier Transform
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Properties of Fourier Transform
• A continuous time signal can be completely represented by and recoverable
from knowledge of its values, or samples at points equally spaced in time.
This property is known as sampling theorem.
• This property is basically used to convert a continuous time signal to
discrete time signal, processing the discrete time signal and then converting
it back to continuous time signal.
• For example when studying a fact regarding any population or a group of
people where the idea of studying each and every individual is not feasible,
we apply sampling theorem by taking some people as a sample, studying
them and then generalizing the result to the whole population.

• Along with x(t) we’ll be observing sampling in frequency domain. As if two
signals multiply in time domain, they will be convoluting in frequency

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