National Curriculum Framework

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National Curriculum Framework

What is NCF ?
It is a document seek to provide a framework within which
teachers and school choose and plan experiences that they
think children should have.
It is suggestive and provides guidelines on different aspect
of education.
National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005)

• The National Curriculum Framework 2005 is

one of the four National Curriculum
Frameworks published in 1975, 1988, 2000
and 2005 by the National Council of
Educational Research and
Training NCERT in India.
Need of NCF 2005
• Long walk to schools
• Heavy school bags
• Lack of basic infrastructure
• Corporal punishments
• Repetitive teaching styles
• Children deprived of sports
Perspective of NCF 2005
• To shift from rote memorization to connecting
knowledge to real life
• Constructive approach
• NCF 2005 encourages multilingualism which is
constitutive of the identity of a child . It ensures
that every child feels secure and accepted, and
that no one is left behind on account of his/her
linguistic background.
• The three language formula is an attempt to
address the challenges and opportunities of the
linguistic situation in India. Its primary aim is to
promote multilingualism and national harmony.
• At primary stage, child’s languages must be
accepted as they are, with no attempt to
correct them. By class 4, if rich and interesting
exposure is made available, the child will
herself acquire the standard variety. Instead
of focusing attention on errors , it would be
much better to spend time providing children
comprehensible, interesting and challenging
• Home language of children should be the
medium of learning in schools.
• According to Article 350 A of our Constitution,
it shall be the endeavor of every State and of
every local authority within the State to
provide adequate facilities for instruction in
the mother tongue at the primary stage of
education to children belonging to linguistic
minority groups.
• Language education is not confined to the
language classroom. A science, social science or
mathematics class is ipso facto a language class.
At the same time, the language class offers some
unique opportunities. Stories, poems songs and
drama link children to their cultural heritage or to
develop sensivity to others. We may point out
that children may effortlessly abstract more
grammar from such activities than through
explicit and often boring lessons.
• All teachers who teach English should have basic
proficiency in English. All teacahers should have
the skills to teach English in ways appropriate to
their situation and levels based on some
knowledge of how languages are leant. A variety
of materials should be availble to provided.
• Demand of writing in mechanically correct ways
blocks the urge to use writng to express or to
convey one’s ideas.
• While reading is readily accepted as a focus
area for language education, school syllabi are
burdened with information-absorbing and
memorizing task, so much so that the pleasure
of reading for its own sake is missed out.

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