Kingdom Protista

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SEAT NO. 2025836


Kingdom Protista
 A very large and diverse group – comprising at least 16 phyla.
 A paraphyletic group – it does not contain all of the descendants of the common ancestor of
this group – some descendants are multicellular – the fungi, plants, and animals.
 Many of the protists groups did not give rise to multicellular organisms – at least 13 phyla
have remained single celled.
Phylum Protozoa
 The protozoans are small, generally microscopic animalcules.
Simplest and primitive of all animals with very simple body organization, protoplasmic
grade of organisation
 Body naked or covered by pellicle but in some forms body is covered with shells and
often provided with internal skeleton.
 The single celled body of Protozoa performs all the vital activities of life and,
therefore, no physiological division of labour is exhibited by them.
Taxonomy of Foraminifera
According to Honinberg et al (1964). Protozoa have been classified into four subphyla.


Cnidospora Ciliata

Mastigophora Opalinata Sarcodina

Rhizopodea Piroplasmea Actinopodea

Lobosia Filosia Granuloreticulosia Mycetozoia

what is Foraminifera?
 Foraminifera are members of order Foraminiferida
 The protists is characterized by streaming granular ectoplasm for catching food and other uses
 Commonly an external shell is present called a "test" of diverse forms and materials.
 Test of chitin is of primitive type.
 Most foraminifera are marine, the majority of which live on or within the seafloor sediment (i.e.,
are benthic), while a smaller variety float in the water column at various depths (i.e.,
are planktonic).
Test of Foraminifera
 Foraminifera typically produce a test, or shell, which can have either one or multiple chambers,
some becoming quite elaborate in structure.
 These shells are commonly made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or agglutinated sediment
Biology of Foraminifera
 The foraminiferal cell is divided into granular endoplasm and transparent ectoplasm from which
a pseudopodial net may emerge.
 Pseudopodial net may emerge through a single opening or through many perforations in the test.
 The pseudopods are used for locomotion, anchoring, and in capturing food, which consists of
small organisms such as diatoms or bacteria.
 The foraminiferan life cycle show alternation of generations.
Materials and methods
Study area : The study Sites selected are Juhu Beach and Girgaum Beach (Chow patty
Beach) along the west coast of India in Mumbai, Maharashtra
From the above mentioned zone or site of west coast, the stand sample (sediment) is
collected for study .The sand sample or sediment are collected from both low tide and high
tide region.
The low tide region are marked as J1 and G1 with respect to Juhu Beach and Girgaum
Beach respectively. The high tide region are marked as J2 and G2 with respect to Juhu
Beach and Girgaum Beach respectively. The sample are collected along the along the sample
are column for High tide and low tide. Collected sample from two different region are put
in a plastic bag and tight with zip.
Thin layer or film of sand sample are scattered on the slide and then observe under
compound microscope for the foraminiferan. Oil immersion lens are used for better
observance under microscope.
Total 17 microscopic specimen of foraminifera have been obsereved from both Juhu
Beach and Girgaum Beach.
And separately from sand sample collected from Juhu Beach total 10 specimen were
found among which 5 specimen are unidentitied where as sand sample collected from
Girgaum Beach contain total 16 specimens were found among which are unidentified.
And all total specimen are commonly found from Juhu beach and Giragaum beach.
Specimens found in Juhu beach:
1. Polystomella spp (Elphidium sp)
2. Orbulina spp
3. Triloculina spp
4. Fursenkoina spp
5. Cylindrogullmia spp
6. 5 unidentified specimens
Specimens found in Girgaum beach:

1) Polystomella spp 10) Lenticulina spp

2) Orbulina spp 11) Aschemonella spp
3) Triloculina spp 12) Globigerinoides spp
4) Bolivina spp 13) 4 are unidentified
5) Cylindrogullmia spp
6) Fursenkoina spp
7) Spirllina spp
8) Spirulina spp
9) Cibicides spp
Polystomella spp
Triloculina spp

Orbulina spp
Fursenkoina spp Cylindrogullmia spp

Bolivina spp
Spirillina spp

Spirulina spp
Aschemonella spp

Lenticulina spp

Cibicides spp
Unidentified specimen

Globigerinoides spp

Unidentified specimen
Unidentified specimen

Unidentified specimen Unidentified specimen

Result And Discussion
Considerable differences in foraminiteral assemblage were found in Juhu beach and Girgaum beach.
Benthic foraminiferan found are Polystomella spp ( Elphidium spp), Triloculina spp , Fursenkoina spp,
Cylindrogullmia spp, Bolivina spp, Spirulina spp., Cibicides spp, Lenticulina spp, Aschemonella spp and
five unientified foraminiteran specimen two planktonic specimen were found , namely orbulina spp,
Globigerinoides spp, overall if specimen of foraminiferan are found all together from Juhu beach and
Girgaum beach from which 9 specimens were commonly observed in both the sand samples collected
from both beaches.
But separately 10 specimens are found in sand sample of Juhu beach among which 5 specimen were
unidentified whereas 16 specimen are found in sand sample collected from Girgaum beach among which
4 are unidentified. Total 4 unidentified specimens are common in both sample where as one uncommon
unidentified specimen is found in Juhu beach.
The low tides region sand sample both ( J1 and G1) of Juhu and Girgaum beach had more species
richness as compared to high tide region sand sample ( J2 and G2) from Juhu and Girgaum beach.
From low tide region of Juhu total 10 specimens are found whereas from high tide region as of Juhu only
4 specimens are found thus, species richness is more in low tide region of Juhu beach as compared to
high tide region of Juhu beach.
On another side low tide region of Girgaum total 16 specimens are found whereas from high tide region
total 7 specimen are found thus low tide region of Girgaum beach has more specimen richness as
compared to high tide region.
Thus for species richness it can be stated that J1 > J2 (for Juhu beach) and G1 > G2 (for Girgaum beach)
where 1 and 2 base suffix are used for low tide and high tide respectively.
Comparing species richness of both regions G1 > J1 and G2 > J2, are all the species richness is more
along the order G1 > J1 > G2 > J2.
The Polystomella spp and the Triloculina spp are the most dominating species of Juhu beach and in more
abundance also where as Cylindrogullmia spp, Fursenkoina spp are low in abundance the Poly stomella
spp and Trilocullna spp are also found in abundance in Girgaum beach where as Lenticulina spp,
Orbulina spp Cylindrogullmia spp, Spirillina spp, Spirulina spp are also in abundance.
Where as Cibicides spp, Globigerinoides spp, Bolivina spp are low in abundance.
Pie diagram showing
species richness of Juhu

Polystomella spp Triloculina spp

Orbulina spp Cylindrogullmia spp
Fursenkoina spp 5 unidentified specimens
Pie diagram showing
species richness of
Girgaum beach.
Polystomella spp Triloculina spp
Orbulina spp Cylindrogullmia spp
Fursenkoina spp 4 unidentified specimens
Cibicides spp Bolivina spp It can be stated that species richness of Juhu
Spirillina spp Spirulina spp beach is less as compared to Girgaum beach.
Lenticulina spp Aschemonella spp
Globigerinoides spp
Why Are Forminiera Important?
 Biostratigraphy:- Foraminifera provide evidence of the relative ages of
 Paleoecology and palaeobiogeography – Foraminifera Provide evidence
about past environments.
 Oil exploration – Foraminifera are use to find petroleum
Several species of several genera are more numerous in the low tide region as
comparead to high tide region
Specimens of foraminiferan from among twelve genera have been identified where as
remaining Five specimen were unidentified.
The different colouration of sand sample have different species richness and show
species unevenness. Though both Juhu beach and Girgaum beach lie along west coast of
India, in Mumbai Maharashtra and bounded by Arabian sea.
Degree of pollution and other factor can also play vital role in obtaining different
species richness.

I am able to complete my research project because of my Teachers . I express my
gratitude to my teachers, Miss Lubna. S. Majgaonkar and Dr. Abhay. S. Hule. I am very
much thankful to them for their positive reaction for me and helping me in each and
every problems and obstacle suffered by me in completing my research project.
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K.Kameswara Rao, K.V. Jayalakshmy, P.Venugopal, T.C. Gopalakrishna and M.D Rajagopal , Foraminifera
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Journals plos. Org/plosone, Isabels Fenton ,Paul N.Pearson, Tom Dunkley Jones, Andy Purvis ,
Environmental Prediction of Diversity in Recent Planktonic foraminifera as Recorded in Marine
exploration-74665681,M.Alveirinho Dias,Paulo
Miranda:Response of Benthic foraminitera to Organic Matter Quantity and Quality and Bioavailable
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