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The Sports News

Rustum D. Geonzon
Education Supervisor I
DepEd Samar Division
The sports news has the greatest
appeal to a large number of student
readers. Part of the thrill of school life
is rivalry between/amongst schools
and between intramural teams.
Because of this keen interest, school
papers devote the last page as space
for sports articles – sports editorials,
features, trivia and the like.
The Nature of Sports News
Basically, the same as general news and also
requires accuracy, organization, brevity, good
writing. The 5 Ws and the H of a news lead may
also be found in a sports lead.
Primarily describes action. It is usually centered
around a conflict.
Uses a special vocabulary which the reader is
expected to know. However, the sports reporter
should avoid both slang and too technical
Uses a more colorful, vigorous style. Although he
has greater freedom, the sports writer should not
be carried away by over exuberance.
Kinds of Sports Articles
The Advanced Story helps to create interest, to develop
unity, and to generate enthusiasm through the inside facts.
It should be accurate and conservative.
The advanced story furnishes the reader with plenty of
data-the line-ups, the strong and the weak points of the
contenders, the performance records of the teams or of
individuals the competitors, the betting odds, tradition and
history, systems of play, other feature angles.
The advanced story may have several treatments. It
may involve more than one game; it may combine future
and past games or it may report on a game after deadline
but before publication. The last type uses expression like
“was to play” or it may be in a feature style with a timeless
The Analytical Story accompanies the straight
report and carries a review of the game – the
strategies, the key player, the outstanding
The “off – the court” story involves conflicts
among sportsmen, particularly the officials, as
well as the other side-lights.
The Follow-up sports story is a summary of the
activities of a team during a week or season. It
sometimes gives an opportunity to preview public
reaction if the sport is very important, such as
the Philippine Basketball team against Japan or
Korea in the Asian Basketball Championship.
The follow-up sports story is usually brief in a
school paper and includes only details about
outstanding plays and players.
Structure of a Sports Story
The lead may be summarized or analyzed; it may give the
significance, the winner, the hero, the score. The score is
usually played up in the first sentence or set in bold above
the story proper.
The body plays up the elements not in the lead and gives
details of those already mentioned.
a. key play and outstanding performer
b. Quotations from players, trainers,
c. Play by play account
d. Personalities
e. Background on players
f. Importance of the event
g. Summaries of results and statistics
Qualities of a Good Sports Writer
Sportsmanship. He should write up the game without
partiality and permit the better team to win in the story as
well as in the game. He should sustain even unpopular
decisions of the officials. He may analyze the cause of the
defeat of his team but the analysis should not be an alibi.
Ability to report accurately a fast contest.
A style of writing that includes familiarity with sports terms.
Slang is not acceptable but sports terms add liveliness and
vividness to the account. However, it should not include
overly technical terms.
A basic knowledge of sports rules and regulations. He does
not have to be an athlete, but merely interested in the
A specilaized use of summary and feature leads.
Writing the Sports Story
Be accurate. Not only in the score but in all the other highlights. If
you are not sure of an episode in the game, check personally with
the players involved or their coaches.
Avoid Cliches like, “splicing the hoop,” “walloped the pill,” “turned
the tables on,” “lowered the boom,” “sank a twinnie,” etc.
Include human interest. The personal background of the
performer can lend color and depth to a story.
Keep your sense of humor.
Exercise Discipline. When you cover a game, a multitude of detail
crowds in on you. Be selective and pick out for your story only the
ones that count or which would give point to your story. The
editing on a story starts with the reporter himself.
Follow the inverted pyramid order – the big facts first, the lesser
Write the headlines along with the story.
Write the story immediately after the event. Like any other news
story, the sports must pass the “cut-off” test.
Commonly Used Words and
In Basketball

backboard half- court pass

backcourt halftime
backcourtman hook shot
baseline jump ball
field goal jump shot
foul line lay up
foul shot man-to-man
free throw midcourt
free throw line pivot man
front court play off
full-court press zone
Thank you ! ! !

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