March 27

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Today’s Agenda

 Warm up: Why do you think the world is
divided into different regions?
 Unit Question?!
 Country Jigsaw!

 Learning Target: I can work on a jigsaw

to increase my understanding of
different countries in East Asia.
What countries are we focusing on today?

 China
 Japan
 Korea – North and South
 Mongolia

 Doyou know anything about these

Country Jigsaw Explanation!
 What is a jigsaw?
 Class will be divided into 8 total groups
 Each group will be responsible for researching one country
 Every group member will need to take notes and discuss major
points from their book section
 Every group member will also be responsible for completing a mini
research task to gather additional facts about their country’s
 THEN, you will be put into new groups where you present the
information you learned about your country, then take notes on the
other countries!
INB Check – Next Class

 4 – Full notes on your country’s section in the

book, Jigsaw notes are complete with details and
taped into your INB
 3 – Notes on your country’s section, Jigsaw notes
mostly in complete sentences, taped into INB
 2 – Incomplete country notes, missing or
incomplete Jigsaw notes
 1 – Missing INB
Group Assignments – Write Down in INB

 Groups 1 & 2 = China, pg 360-361

 Groups 3 &4 = Japan, pg 362-363
 Groups 5 & 6 = Korea, pg 364-365
 Groups 7 & 8 = Mongolia, pg 366-367

 Group silent reading time and note

taking – 10 minutes
Group Discussion Time!
 For the next FIVE MINUTES summarize the notes you took as a group – DON’T
 Now, for FIVE MINUTES, decide the top 3 points you think the other groups
MUST know about the section you read – each group member must copy this
down on your country’s portion of the worksheet
 For a FINAL FIVE MINUTES, research some interesting GEOGRAPHY facts to add
to the “additional notes” portion of the worksheet for your country.
 Some things you COULD research
 Size of the country (in square miles)
 Population size
 What is the climate like? Rainfall? Average temperature?
 What kind of government controls the country?
 Most populous cities? (capital cities? Locations?)
New groups!
 Take 2 minutes to make sure you’re prepared to
summarize your section and tell your new group about
what you learned
 Each country representative will have approximately 5
minutes to talk about the book section, give the other
group members the 3 points to complete their note sheet
 Every country representative needs to have at least 2
additional facts to present about the country for the extra
note space on the note sheet
China Section Summary

 China has 2 large river systems

 The Chang Jiang (or Yangtze) – the longest river
 The Huang He – often called the Yellow River because
it flows through an area with yellow soil
 The river systems help with China’s agriculture
 The Grand Canal controls flooding and river flow
Japan’s Island Section Summary
 Japan is an archipelago (closely related group of islands)
 Most of Japan is covered by mountains
 The Ring of Fire is an area with many earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions
 Japan’s location makes it more susceptible to earthquakes
and tsunamis
 Japan is very crowded – most people live on its plains not
the mountains
 Japan has limited natural resources
Korean Peninsula Section Summary
 The peninsula was divided into two countries after World
War II
 North Korea is Communist and South Korea is Democratic
 Korea is very “mountainous” and most people live in the
river valleys
 South Korea has more agricultural land
 Lots of rainfall and flooding
 There is a demilitarized zone between North and South
Korea that has been turned into a refuge for animals
Mongolia Section Summary

 Mongolia is landlocked between northern China

and eastern Russia
 Most of Mongolia is within the Gobi desert
 It is a semiarid land and gets fewer than 20 inches
of rain per year
 Mongolia does not have much livable space
because of its harsh environment
Debrief Time

 How are the countries in East Asia similar or

 How do these countries compare to other
countries we have studied so far?
 What do you still want to know about the
countries of East Asia?
INB Check – Next Class

 4 – Full notes on your country’s section in the

book, Jigsaw notes are complete with details and
taped into your INB
 3 – Notes on your country’s section, Jigsaw notes
mostly in complete sentences, taped into INB
 2 – Incomplete country notes, missing or
incomplete Jigsaw notes
 1 – Missing INB, incomplete note sheet

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