Text Encryption and Decryption

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Project Members:

 P.Pavan Kalyan 314177110189

 P.Naga Ramya 314177110114

 P.Jayaram Sai 314177110197

 Ch.Ganesh 314177110191

 In today’s world most of the communication is done using electronic media. Data security plays a vital in
such communication. Hence, there is a need to protect data from malicious attacks. This can be achieved by
cryptography. The earlier encryption algorithm is Data Encryption Standard(DES) which has several
loopholes such as small key size and sensible to brute force attacks etc. These loopholes overcome by a new
algorithm called as Advanced Encryption Standard(AES).

 In this project work, the plain text of 128 bits is given as input to encryption block in which encryption of
data is made and the cipher text of 128 bits is throughout as output The key length of 128 bits is used in
process for both encryption and decryption of data blocks. Hence it is called a symmetric key cryptography.
The rounds in decryption are exact in inverse of encryption. There are four rounds in encryption
SubBytes,Shiftrows,MixColumns and AddRoundKey.Similarly for decryption we have
InvSubBytes,InvShiftRows,InvMixColumns and InvAddRoundKey. The number of times operation
performed is depend on key length i.e. for 128 bits we have 10 rounds.
Existing System

In our existing system we are using many algorithms for

data encryption . Since the algorithms are existing over
a period, if a guess on particular technique is made and
if the unauthorized people know how to apply that
particular technique, then our existing system fails in
providing greater security.
Proposed System

Here we are implementing a new technique for

encrypting the data. As this is new technique and the
session key generated undergoes transpositions in
different phases of encryption, so it is very difficult to
identify the data. AES algorithm is used to secure the data
from unauthorized users . It is used for both IMAGE and
TEXT files

Hardware Requirements:
 512 RAM or Above
 1GB Secondary memory or Above
 Intel I3 or Above processor

Software Requirements:
 Operating System:
 Windows
 Language used:
 Editor:

 Encrypt module
Substitute bytes
Shift Rows
Mix columns
Add round Key
 Decryption Module
Add Round Key
Inverse Shift Row
Inverse Substitute Bytes
Inverse Mix Columns
Demonstrate the process of Text
Encryption and Decryption
Substitute Byte Transformation
Shift Rows Transformation
Cyclic Shift Row Operation :
Mix Columns Transformation
ADD ROUND Key Transformation

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