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A Presentation on

Broad Band and Switching Networks

` presented by
N Naveen Chowdary
Broadband - DataOne

 BSNL has categorised data transfers of >256 kbps as Broadband.

 Using a Broadband connection we can surf the Internet with

>=256kbps data transfer rates as against the normal dialup
internet in which case we can achieve theoretical speed upto
56kbps only.
 In case of Broadband, we can simultaneously use telephone

and surf the net.

 A separate modem called ADSL-Modem is required for

BSNL's DataOne connection which is being supplied by BSNL

on payment basis.
The following Services are planned through Broadband
 Primary source of Internet bandwidth for retail users for
applications like web browsing, e-commerce etc.,
 Multicast video services, vide-on-demand etc., through the BRAS.

 Allow wholesale BRAS ports to be assigned to smaller ISPs

through the franchisee model where in the later has separate

network of DSLAMs, AAA, LDAP through a revenue scheme of

 Dial VPN (VPDN) user connects to their private networks through

the NIB-2.

 Support for both prepaid and postpaid Broadband Services.


Broadband is deployed as Project-2.2 of NIB-2 project.

The following are the components of Broadband Access Network:

 Broadband Remote Access Server (BBRAS)

 Gigabit and Fast Ethernet Aggregation Switches (LAN

 Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer(DSLAM)

 Servers for AAA, LDAP at NOC

 Provisioning and configuration management at NOC

 The DSLAMs will in general be co-located with existing
PSTN exchanges which provide last mile access to
customers over copper wire.
 All DSLAMs will be aggregated through a Fast Ethernet

Interface except 480Port DSLAMs.

 480Port DSLAMs will be aggregated through Gigabit

Ethernet Interface.
 In A1, A2, A3 and A4 cities BBRAS per city will be

 There will be no BBRAS at B1 and B2 Cities.

 B1, B2 and other lower hierarchical cities will be

aggregated through Layer-2 switches and will be

connected to the nearest BBRAS of Ax cities on
Ethernet over SDH.
The function of BBRAS (Broadband Remote Access Server) is to
terminate the PPP sessions initiated by the customer and extend
the connection further to Internet / MPLS-VPN as desired by the

At present 23 BRASs are deployed in NIB-2 Project.

 3 BRASs in A1 cities
 3 BRASs in A2 cities

 7 BRASs in A3 cities

 10 BRASs in A4 cities
Broadband User connectivity to DSLAM
 It is the equipment installed in Local Exchange for providing
Broadband connections.

 The DSLAM ( Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer ) will

provide access from 128Kbps to 8Mbps.
 The DSLAM will support for QoS features such as Committed

Access Rate between CPE and DSLAM, Traffic Policing per port.
 The DSLAM will work satisfactory without any degradation in

performance and without using any repeater over a distance for

various access speeds for 0.5mm copper pair.

Downstream Bit Rate Distance

6 Mbps 1.5 KMs
2 Mbps 3.5 KMs
1 Mbps 4.0 KMs
 DSLAM contains several ATU-C (ADSL Transceiver Units –
Central Office) units which are used for terminating ADSL local
loop coming from Broadband subscribers.
 It contains an electronic low pass passive filter called as splitter

which separates/combines voice and data.

 DSLAMs are available in various capacities as follows:
Broadband Modem
 The broadband modem is also known as ADSL Modem or ATU-R.

 It uses the DSL technology.

 There are many variations in DSL technology viz. HDSL, VDSL etc.

 The one used in Broadband is 'Asymmetric DSL' modem.

 The term ADSL can be defined as follows:

- Asymmetric, because data transmission is faster downstream

to the subscriber than upstream from the subscriber,
- Digital, because even voice and video are digitised before they
are transmitted as modulated analogue representations of
digital data,
- Subscriber Line, because data is carried over a single twisted
pair copper ‘loop’ to the subscribers premises.
ADSL Technology
- At present Broadband is being mostly used for WEB browsing
- Web browsing involves downloading very high data and
uploading very less data , so customers do not need a high
bi-directional transmission speed.

ADSL Technology:
- ADSL transmission technology exploits the fact that all
telephony signals are below 4kHz in frequency, although a
typical copper-pair line can transmit usable signals up to
approximately 1Mhz.
- ADSL uses the rest of the full copper line frequency spectrum,
from above the voice frequencies up to 1.1 Mhz.

Variations in ADSL:
In ADSL again there are two technologies viz. CAP and DMT.
CAP - Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation.
DMT - Discrete Multi Tone modulation.
ADSL Technology

We are using the DMT (Discrete Multi Tone modulation)


- DMT splits the available 0 to 1104 KHz frequency range into

256 sub-carriers of 4.312 KHz each.

- There are nominally 224 downstream frequency carriers and

32 upstream frequency carriers.

- If the line is of good quality, each sub-carrier frequency can

support modulation of 0 to 15 bits.

- Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) or Echo Correction (EC)

method is used to separate the upstream and downstream
- over all in ADSL-DMT technology usable frequency bands are

Voice - 0 KHz to 4 KHz

Upstream - 25 KHz to 160 KHz
Downstream - 240 KHz to 1500 KHz
ADSL Technology
ADSL Technology
ADSL – Modem

The following types of ADSL-modems are available in field.

Various Characteristics of these modems are:
Features of Broadband

Using BSNL's DataOne the users get the following features:

- Maximum download speed is 2Mbps.
- Maximum upload speed is 256Kbps.
- Telephone and Internet can be used simultaneously.
- Billing will be done w.r.t. data transfer and not w.r.t. to time.
So there will not be any charge for just being connected.
- The following actions done while using Internet are involved
in Data Transfer - all the web pages viewed, files sent, files
received, emails sent, emails received, text chatting, voice
chatting and any other internet based applications used.
- DataOne connection is “Always On” connection. For achieving
this we have to program the ADSL modem with Broadband
“userid” and “password”. After programming whenever the
modem is powered on we will be connected to Internet. No
need to dial using PPPoE software.
Thank You

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