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ICE - 3302
Introduction to Digital Communication

• In the design of large and complex digital systems, it is

often necessary to have one device communicate digital
information to and from other devices. One advantage of
digital information is that it tends to be far more resistant
to transmitted and interpreted errors than information
symbolized in an analog medium.
• It is also the transfer of data over a point-to-point or
point-to-multipoint communication.
What are the examples of channels for digital

Examples include:
• Copper wires
• Optical fibers
• Wireless communication channels
• Storage media
• Computer buses

The data transferred are usually represented digits. Mainly,

Wireless vs. Wired Connections

• A process of a wireless connection channel.

- From the input, the analog data is converted into
signals interpreted as waves of either sine or
cosine. Then the waves are converted again into
readable data to be transferred to the output.

• A process of a wired connection channel.

- The connection is direct and does not need to be
converted multiple times. But instead, the
transmission of data information moves through the
channel medium with less work.
What is the data transferred in digital communication?

• A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in

a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1.
How can a bit contain information?

• The two values of a binary digit can also be interpreted

as logical values(true/false, yes/no),
algebraic signs (+/−), activation states (on/off), or any
other two-valued attribute.
• Also, each letter is specifically assigned to a series of
different groups of binary digits forming a possible
function or a stored data.
The internet data transfer

Most familiar components of data transfer for the internet

• Broadband: A broad (wide) band of frequencies that
allow many different types of traffic to be sent or received
at the same time — voice, video, data and TV all on the
same connection.
• Packets: Small pieces of information (data) on the web
that contain the text, images and video you experience
on your device. They travel on the information highway
as small pieces of a puzzle. You need all the pieces to
understand the message. Packet loss is when some
packets don’t get where they’re going so you get jittery
or inconsistent performance.
The internet data transfer

• Bandwidth: The maximum (width) or capacity of your

connection (highway). The greater your bandwidth, the
more packets you can send at one time.
• Mbps: “Megabits per second” is the unit used for
measuring how much data (packets) you are transferring
per second. Higher Mbps means more data.
• Latency: How long it takes your data to make it to its
destination. This varies due to distance (geography),
congestion, filters and other circumstances and is
represented by the number of (ms) milliseconds when
you test your Internet speed.
Transfer speed of data within the internet
Mbps vs MBps

• Mbps: (Small "b") A megabit per second (Mbit/s or

Mbps) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to 1,000,000
bits per second or 1,000 kilobits per second. 8 Megabits
per second is equivalent to 1 Megabyte per second
• MBps: (Capital "B") A megabyte per second (MB/s or
MBps) is a unit of data transfer rate equal to:
1,000,000 bytes per second, or
1,000 kilobytes per second, or
8 megabits per second.
Wireless Digital Transmission

A wave of a digital signal

How does the digital signal differ from analog signal?

An analogue
signal varies in
frequency and
amplitude. A
digital signal
has two values,
0 and 1 (or ‘on’
and ‘off’).
How do digital signals form square waves?
Does that make them more stable?

• Digital signals only contain values of 1 or 0. So assigning

1 as a positive position and 0 as a negative position will
give a more limited and stable waveform.
• Digital signals give a better-quality reception because
noise on digital signals is more easily removed.
• Digital signals can be cleaned up in a process known as
regeneration because each pulse must be a 0 or a 1, so
other values can be removed.
Comparison between analog and digital communication

• Recalling analog signals

• Analog communication is a communication method of
conveying voice, data, image, signal or video information
using a continuous signal which varies in amplitude,
phase, or some other property in proportion to that of a
variable. It could be the transfer of an analog source
signal using an analog modulation method such as FM
or AM, or no modulation at all.
More about analog communication

• Analog transmission is still very popular, in particular for

shorter distances, due to significantly lower costs and
complex multiplexing and timing equipment is
unnecessary, and in small "short-haul" systems that
simply do not need multiplexed digital transmission.
The process of analog communication system
Digital communication in relation to analog communication

• Unlike in an analog communications where the continuity

of a varying signal can not be broken, in a digital
communication a digital transmission can be broken
down into packets as discrete messages. Transmitting
data in discrete messages not only facilitates the error
detection and correction but also enables a greater
signal processing capability. Digital communication has,
in large part, replaced analog communication as the
ideal form of transmitting information through computer
and mobile technologies.
The process of digital communication system
Advantages of digital communication

a). It is fast and easier.

b). No paper is wasted.

c). The messages can be stored in the device for longer

times, without being damaged, unlike paper files that easily
get damages or attacked by insects.

d). Digital communication can be done over large distances

through internet and other things.
Advantages of digital communication

e). It is comparatively cheaper and the work which requires

a lot of people can be done simply by one person as
folders and other such facilities can be maintained.

f). It removes semantic barriers because the written data

can be easily chaned to different languages using software.

g). It provides facilities like video conferencing which save

a lot of time, money and effort.
Disadvantages of digital communication

a). It is unreliable as the messages cannot be recognised

by signatures. Though software can be developed for this,
yet the software can be easily hacked.

b). Sometimes, the quickness of digital communication is

harmful as messages can be sent with the click of a
mouse. The person does not think and sends the message
at an impulse.
Disadvantages of digital communication

c). Digital Communication has completely ignored the

human touch. A personal touch cannot be established
because all the computers will have the same font!

d). The establishment of Digital Communication causes

degradation of the environment in some cases. "Electronic
waste" is an example. The vibes given out by the telephone
and cell phone towers are so strong that they can kill small
birds. In fact the common sparrow has vanished due to so
many towers coming up as the vibrations hit them on the
Disadvantages of digital communication

e). Digital Communication has made the whole world to be

an "office." The people carry their work to places where
they are supposed to relax. The whole world has been
made into an office. Even in the office, digital
communication causes problems because personal
messages can come on your cell phone, internet, etc.

f). Many people misuse the efficiency of Digital


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