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Stress and modern life

By Leandro Hernández
What is stress?
• Stress is what you feel when you have to handle
more than you are used to. When you are
stressed, your body responds as though you are
in danger. It makes hormones that speed up
your heart, make you breathe faster, and give
you a burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-
flight stress response.
What is anxiety?
• If anxiety is severe, you may have feelings of
helplessness, confusion, and extreme worry that
are out of proportion with the actual seriousness
or likelihood of the feared event or problem.
Overwhelming anxiety that interferes with daily
life is not normal. Anxiety can cause physical
and emotional symptoms.
Modern life and stress
People 'worrying more than ever' (BBC)

People say they are worrying more than they did five years ago, a survey
has revealed.
Doctors said experiencing some stress was normal, and that people in
the UK were not 'unnecessary worriers'.

“If the survey findings were extrapolated out to the whole UK

population, it would mean 67% worried, and 21% of them were
tempted to go to the doctor or get medication.
I do not think that the people of Britain are unnecessary worriers
“Dr Mayur Lakhani, Royal College of GPs
Modern Life and Problems II
More than a third of worriers surveyed are losing sleep, a quarter say they get
annoyed, while 12% said they became withdrawn, and 11% shout.

Others turned to drink or comfort-eating to ease their stress.

A third of worriers say they tended not to do anything about their concerns.

And over half say they don't tackle their worries head-on because they hope they
will go away or get better by themselves, while a third say it's because they
are too anxious.

Two thirds of those questioned admitted worrying, with a fifth of these going to the
doctor for treatment.

But many try to cope with their anxieties themselves, talking to friends and family,
taking a walk, reading a book, or having a soak in the bath.
Ways of avoid stress
• Manage your time
• Time management is a way to find the time for more of the things you
want and need to do.

• Find a balance
• between personal, work, and family needs. This isn't easy. Start by
looking at how you spend your time. Maybe there are things that you
don't need to do at all.

• Get enough sleep.

• Your body recovers from the stresses of the day while you are
sleeping. For more information, see:
Ways of avoid stress
• Change your thinking
• Stressful events can make you feel bad about yourself. You might start
focusing on only the bad and not the good in a situation. That's called
negative thinking. It can make you feel afraid, insecure, depressed, or
anxious. It's also common to feel a lack of control or self-worth.

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