Active and Passive Voice

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Active and Passive Voice

Dra. EMMY SAHARA, M.Sc.(Hons.)

Program Studi Kimia
Universitas Udayana
Active and Passive Voice
• The active voice tells you what the
subject of a sentence does.
• A sentence is written in active voice
when the subject of
the sentence performs the action in
the sentence.
Ex.: Robin started the group project.
• The passive voice creates a new
• A sentence is written in passive voice
when the subject of the sentence has
an action done to it by someone or
something else
The active voice is more common than the
passive. .
Ex.: The group project was started by
How to change an active voice sentence
to a passive voice sentence:
1. Make the object of the active sentence
into the subject of the passive
2. Use the verb “to be” in the same tense
as the main verb of the active
3. Use the past participle of the main
verb (V3) of the active sentence
Active: I wrote a grammar book
S V2 O

Passive: A grammar book was

S To Be

written by me
V3 Doer
Transitive and intransitive
Only transitive verbs (verbs which
take a direct object) can be made

I bought the book (transitive)

I ran (intransitive)
Change the following sentences into
passive sentences
1. Harry ate six shrimps at dinner.
2. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah.
3. Sue changed the flat tire.
4. Mom read the novel in one day.
5. I will clean the house every Saturday.
6. Tom painted the entire house.
7. The cleaning crew vacuums and dusts
the office every night.
Prosedur Penentuan Konsentrasi NaOH
Masukkan 10 mL larutan asam oksalat ke
dalam labu Erlenmeyer 250 mL. Tambahkan 2
tetes indikator phenolpthalein ke dalam labu
tersebut lalu titrasi dengan larutan NaOH.
Hentikan titrasi saat larutan tepat berubah
warna dari tidak berwarna menjadi merah
muda. Hitung konsentrasi NaOH sampai
empat angka di belakang desimal.
10 mL larutan asam oksalat dimasukkan
ke dalam labu Erlenmeyer 250 mL. 2
tetes indikator phenolpthalein
ditambahkan ke dalam labu tersebut
lalu dititrasi dengan larutan NaOH.
Titrasi dihentikan saat larutan tepat
berubah warna dari tidak berwarna
menjadi merah muda. Konsentrasi
NaOH dihitung sampai empat angka di
belakang desimal.
Titrasi = titration
Menitrasi = titrate
As. Oksalat = oxalic acid
4 angka di belakang koma = four
decimal places
Labu = flask
Merah muda = purple = pink
Larutan = solution

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