Principios Básicos Actuadores

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Primavera 2015
Me gusta la gente con
capacidad para medir las
consecuencias de sus
acciones, la gente que no
deja las soluciones al azar.

Mario Benedetti

1. Introducción a los actuadores.

2. Principios Básicos
3. Motores de DC
4. Trasmisión de potencia
5. Motores de Pasos
6. Motores de CA
7. Motores Brushless & RC
8. Actuadores Neumáticos
9. Lógica Eléctrica
10. Válvulas de Control
11. Micro actuadores (MEMS).
Capítulo 2
Physical Basic Concepts
Physical Basic Concepts

• Force
• Pressure
• Torque
• Moment of inertia
• Energy
• Work
• Power
Physical Basic Concepts
In physics, the concept of force (F) is any influence that causes an
object to undergo a certain change, either concerning its movement,
direction, or geometrical construction.
Physical Basic Concepts

 Force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push
or pull that can cause an object with mass to change its velocity
to accelerate, or which can cause a flexible object to deform.
Physical Basic Concepts

 Force has both magnitude and direction, making it a vector
 Force is measured in Newtons (SI) or pounds (lb) (English).
Physical Basic Concepts
Physical Basic Concepts

 Pressure is defined as force per unit area that a fluid exerts
on its surroundings.
Physical Basic Concepts

 The SI unit for pressure is the Pascal (N/m2), but other
common units of pressure include pounds per square inch
(PSI), atmospheres (atm), bars, inches of mercury (in Hg),
millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and Kg/mt2.

 Torque is a twisting or turning force that tends to cause an
object to rotate. A force applied to the end of a lever, for
example, causes a turning effect or torque at the pivot
Torque Definition.
Product of force applied to the object and the smallest distance
between the line of action of the force and the object’s axis of
Physical Basic Concepts

 Torque is measured in Newtons-mt (SI) or pounds-feet (lb-ft)

Torque is a vectorial quantity

Physical Basic Concepts
Moment of inertia.
 Mechanical systems are subject to the law of inertia.
 The law of inertia states that an object will tend to remain in its
current state of rest or motion unless acted upon by an external
 This property of resistance to acceleration/deceleration is
referred to as the moment of inertia (J).
 Moment of inertia is measured in kg-mt2 (SI) or (lb-ft2) (English).
Physical Basic Concepts

Rotational Systems
Newton´s Second Law

Physical Basic Concepts

Rotational Systems
Physical Basic Concepts
 Whenever a force of any kind causes motion, work is
accomplished. For example, work is accomplished when an
object on a conveyor is moved from one point to another.

Energy = Work

 Work is defined by the product of the net force (F) applied and
the distance (d) moved. W (Joules) = F (newton) x d (mt)
 In rotational system W (Joules) = τ (kg-mt) x θ (radianes).
Physical Basic Concepts
Physical Basic Concepts
Physical Basic Concepts
 Power is the rate of doing work, or work divided by time.

 In rotational system Potencia(watts) = [par(newton-mt) x

desplazamiento angular(radianes)]/tiempo (seg).

 P = τ x θ/t or P= τxw
Power can be expressed in
Watts, but is often expressed in
horsepower (HP).

1 HP = 0.746 kWatts
Elements of Translational
Mechanical Systems
Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

Inertia Elements Springs

In translating mechanical A linear translating spring is an
systems, the inertia element that is deformed
elements are masses. A (shortened or lengthened) in
mass will be drawn with direct proportion to the
a coordinate system as in amount of force applied. Ideal
the drawing below. springs have no mass.
Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

Friction Elements
Friction is the most difficult of the three
elements to model accurately. However,
unless explicitly stated, in the context of
linear systems friction is assumed to be
viscous friction.
Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

F= 𝑘 𝑥(𝑡)
Translational spring k constante de Hooke

F= 𝑏 𝑣(𝑡)
b coeficiente de fricción viscosa
Translational damper

F= 𝑚 𝑎(𝑡)
m masa
Translational mass
Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

Velocity - v (m/s)

Acceleration - a (m/s2)
Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

Key Concepts about Elements

If neither side of the spring is
attached to a fixed reference, the
situation is slightly more
complex. The forces on both
ends of the spring must be equal
in magnitude and opposite in
direction. This way there is no
net force on the spring - if there
was a net force there would be
infinite acceleration, because the
mass of our ideal spring is zero.
Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

Series and Parallel Elements

Parallel Elements
When two springs are placed in parallel (such that both springs have both ends in
common), the effective spring constant adds.

A similar
statement can
be made about
Elements of Translational Mechanical Systems

Series and Parallel Elements

Series Elements
If two friction elements are in series, such that they have only one end in common, and
nothing else is connected to that end, the inverse of the equivalent friction coefficient is equal
to the sum of the inverses of the coefficients of the individual elements.
Elements of Rotational
Mechanical Systems
Elements of Rotational Mechanical Systems
Inertia Elements
In rotating mechanical systems, the inertia elements are masses that rotate and
are characterized by moment of inertia (J).
Elements of Rotational Mechanical Systems

A rotational spring is an element that is deformed (wound or unwound) in direct
proportion to the amount of torque applied. Ideal springs have no inertia.

A shaft
between two
elements can
also act as a
Elements of Rotational Mechanical Systems

Friction Elements
As with the translating systems, friction is the most difficult of the three elements
to model accurately and we will generally only consider viscous friction.

A rotation friction
element often consists
of an object moving in a
fluid, very similar to the
translating dashpot, but
with a rotary motion.
This is the case of
bearing lubrication
Elements of Rotational Mechanical Systems

T= 𝑘 Θ(𝑡)
Rotational Spring k constante de Hooke

T= 𝑏 𝑤(𝑡)
b coeficiente de fricción viscosa
Rotational Damper

T = J (t)
Rotational Mass J Momento de inercia
Elements of Rotational Mechanical Systems

Modeling Translational and
Rotational Mechanical Systems
Modeling Mechanical Systems

The Mathematical Model of a

Dynamic System in Time Domain is a:

Differential Equation
Modeling Mechanical Systems

Dynamic systems as
well as the differential
equations may be linear
or nonlinear, or variant
or time invariant. But
we will only analyze
linear systems time
Modeling Mechanical Systems

To modeling and solve our systems in a easy way we are

going to use Laplace Transform.
• Laplace transform can
significantly reduce the effort
required to solve linear
differential equations.
• A major benefit is that this
transformation convert
differential equations to
algebraic equations, which
can simplify the mathematical
manipulations required to
obtain a solution.
Modeling Mechanical Systems

To use Laplace Transform to model and solve lineal

systems, we only need to know a few and easy
Modeling Mechanical Systems

L[f(t)] = F(s)
Modeling Mechanical Systems

L[ 𝑑(𝑓 𝑡 )
] = sF(s)-f(0)
Derive in time domain is equivalent
to multiplying by s in Laplace domain
Modeling Mechanical Systems

𝑡 1
L[‫׬‬0 𝑓(𝑡)] = F(s)
Integrate in time domain is equivalent
to divide by s in Laplace domain
Modeling Mechanical Systems

Step Function

f(t) = 1 ; t ≥ 0

L[f(t)] =
Modeling Mechanical Systems

Ramp Function

L[f(t)] = 2
Modeling Mechanical Systems

The Mathematical Model of a

Dynamic System in Laplace Domain is
know as:

Transfer Function
Modeling Mechanical Systems

Transfer Function

The Transfer Function of a system is the ratio of the output of a system

to the input of a system, in the Laplace domain considering its initial
conditions to be zero.
If we have an input function R(s), and an output function C(s), we define
the transfer function G(s) to be:

𝐺 𝑠 =
Modeling Mechanical Systems

For the following system, analyze, using simulation, the behavior of displacement
x(t). Change conditions and observe response. Consider F=5 N, m=10, b=3 y

Input Fe(t)
Output x(t) 5
𝑥 𝑠 =
𝑠(10𝑠2 + 0.1𝑠 + 15)

free body diagram

Modeling Mechanical Systems

For the following system, analyze, using simulation, the behavior of angular
displacement Ɵ(t). Change conditions and observe response. Consider T=5 N mt,
J=10, B=2, k=1.

k T

Input T(t)
Output Θ(t)
Modeling Mechanical Systems

k1, k2, k3 = 10
b1, b2 = 1
m1= 10, m2=4

For the above system and considering Fe = 100 N do the following activities:
1. Obtain the simulation model at time for X1 and X2.
2. Obtain, mathematically, the transfer function for X1 and X2.
3. Obtain time response for X1 and X2
4. Using final value theorem, find final value of x1 and x2
5. Change value of damping elements and report behavior of the system.
6. Check responses with point 1 simulation.
7. Design a control system for X1 in order to obtain a permanent error of 5%. Report the
displacement overshot.
Modeling Mechanical Systems

For the following system, analyze, using simulation, the behavior of angular
displacement Ɵ(t). Change conditions and observe response. Consider T=5 N mt,
J=10, B=2, k=1.


Input T(t)
Output Θ(t)
Basic Concepts Problems
Physical Basic Concepts

Evaluación 1 Actividad 1 (10 puntos)

Resolver en clase y de manera colaborativa, utilizando

scripts de Matlab, las actividades de evaluación E1-
A1.1 hasta la E1-A1.13 y las experiencias de
aprendizaje E1-ERA1 y E1-ERA2 Entregar reporte de
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.1
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.2
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.3
of 10 N is


Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.4
A cable is wrapped around a uniform, solid cylinder of radius 'R' and mass 'M'. The
cylinder rotates about its axis, and the cable unwinds without stretching or pulling. If
the cable is pulled with a force of 'F' Newtons, what is its lineal acceleration?

R=10 cms
M= 15 Kg
F= 150 N

a= 20 mts/seg2
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.5
A 5N force is applied to a stick, 3 m from the pivot. At what distance from the pivot
would a 2 N force have to be applied to prevent the stick from rotating?

7.5 meters
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.6
A 50 kg ladder leans against a wall as shown below. What is the minimum force of
friction needed to prevent the ladder from sliding. Assume that the force of
friction from the wall is negligible

Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.7
A wheel that has a moment of inertia of 50 kg-m2 is pulled on by two ropes as shown
below. One rope is wrapped around the inner radius of 0.1 m and the other is
wrapped around the outer radius of 0.4 m. Determine the angular acceleration of
the wheel.

0.04 rad/s2
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.8
Un motor de DC de imán permanente mueve la carga de la figura 1, 1.5 mts
en 10 seg. Calcule; a) La potencia total consumida por el motor en Watts, b)
la potencia mecánica, c) La velocidad angular del motor en RPMs y d) El
torque generado por el motor en el extremo de la polea 1. Si la eficiencia
de la trasmisión es de 0.95, recalcule la potencia requerida del motor.

P=73.57 Watts
W=14.32 rpms

V = w. r
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.9


which is the final velocity of the wheel.

V = w. r
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.10

Si el motor es de CD y esta alimentado con un voltaje de 180 VDC. ¿Cuál es la corriente que el motor
esta consumiendo sin tomar en cuenta las pérdidas?
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.11
If A = 3N, determine the weight of B,C,D,E, and F
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 Actividad 1.13


d Which is the torque of the shaft in c?

Determine the mathematical model of Θ vs d
Determine the mathematical model of torque in C
vs force in E.
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 ERA1
A wheel that has a moment of inertia of 50 kg-m2 is pulled on by one rope as shown
below. The rope is wrapped around the inner radius of 0.1 m and in the other there
is a mechanical spring. a) Determine the maximum displacement, b) Determine the
dynamic behavior of the spring displacement (speed and displacement).

K=30 N/m

X y
Physical Basic Concepts
Evaluación 1 ERA2
Wm= ?
Considerando el sistema de enrollado
mostrado en la figura con los datos dA= ?
dB= 0.1 mts
indicados, a) determine el diámetro de la
polea A (cada rotación de la polea A hace
que el alambre que se está enrollando dP= 0.15 mts
avance 1mm) a fin de que el enrollado se VLineal= ?
realice de manera alineada. b) ¿Cuál es la
velocidad lineal de enrollado del
0.5 mts
alambre? c) ¿Cuál debe de ser la dalambre= 0.5 mm
velocidad del motor a fin de que una
línea de enrollado se realice en 3 seg?
d) ¿afecta el diámetro del carrete de
enrollado en la sincronización del mismo? Diámetro inicial de enrollado
justifique su respuesta de manera 30 cms
Basic Concepts
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

A current-carrying wire produces a magnetic

field in the area around it.

Intensidad del campo
Intensidad de la corriente magnético (amperes
eléctrica (amperes) vuelta/mt)

µ Densidad del flujo
Permeabilidad magnética magnético (webers/mt2 =
(henrys/mt) Teslas) = µH
Flujo magnético total
(webers) = BA
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

A time-changing magnetic field induces a

voltage in a coil or wire if it passes through that
coil or wire (basis of transformer action).
Fuerza magneto-motriz ln Longitud del camino del campo (mts)
Ŧ (amperes-vuelta) =
N(vueltas) x I B= µH
Densidad del campo

Ŧ = φR , flujo total x reluctancia

Número de
vueltas del
Para un núcleo
alambre φ
R = ln/(µA) Flujo magnético H=Ni/ln
total (webers) = BA
Intensidad del campo magnético
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

A current-carrying wire in the presence of a

magnetic field has a force induced on it (basis
of motor action)

Electromagnetism fundamentals.

A moving wire in the presence of a magnetic

field has a voltage induced in it (basis of
generator action).

Mixing actions
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

H Intensidad del campo magnético (amperes vuelta/mt)

ln Longitud del camino del campo (mts)
N Número de vueltas del alambre
I Intensidad de la corriente eléctrica (amperes)
B Densidad del flujo magnético (webers/mt2 = Teslas) = µH
µ Permeabilidad magnética (henrys/mt)
φ Flujo magnético total (webers) = BA

Circuitos magnéticos
Ŧ (amperes-vuelta) = N(vueltas) x I (amperes); Fuerza magnetomotriz
Ŧ = φR , flujo total x reluctancia
Para un núcleo cuadrado R = In/(µA)
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

1. Un conductor que lleva una corriente produce un campo
magnético a su alrededor (ley de Ampere). H=Ni/ln , B=µH, φ=BA
2. Un campo magnético variable en el tiempo induce un voltaje en
una bobina de alambre si pasa a través de ella (ley del
transformador). eind = -Ndφ/dt (Ley de Faraday)
3. Un conductor que porta corriente en presencia de un campo
magnético experimenta una fuerza inducida sobre él (ley del
motor). F = i (l × B)
4. Un conductor eléctrico que se mueva en presencia de un campo
magnético tendrá un voltaje inducido en él (ley del generador).
e= (v x B) • l
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

Creating an electromagnet.

+ -
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

Creating an electromagnet.

Magnetic pole Magnetic pole

- +
Electromagnetism fundamentals.

Creating an electromagnet
• Reversing the current direction, reverses the polarity


+ -
Electromagnetic Actuators
Basic Concepts
Electromagnetic Actuators

 Conventional electrical rotating machines are very commonly

used as actuators in automatic systems.

 They can be energized either directly by conventional AC and DC

power supplies, or by power electronic converters/inverters,
especially in variable speed or position applications.
Electromagnetic Actuators

 According to the operational principles and power supplies,

they can be classified as:

 DC machines -- DC power supplies

 Synchronous machines -- Speeds proportional to the

supply frequency

 Induction machines -- Rotor emf and current are induced

by rotating magnetic field
Electromagnetic Actuators

Motors Classification
Electromagnetic Actuators

Motors & Electronics in the Automovil Industry

Hybrid Cars
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators

 Series hybrid
 Parallel hybrid
 Series/Parallel or "full" hybrid
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators

Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators

Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators

Motor/generator 1 (MG1)
Electromagnetic Actuators

Motor/generator 2 (MG2)
Electromagnetic Actuators
Electromagnetic Actuators
Ladder problem
Torque problem
Physical Basic Concepts

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