Universal Religion of Swami Vivekananda

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Of all the forces that have worked and are still working to mould the destinies of the
human race, none, certainly, is more potent than that, the manifestation of which we call
religion. Generally, in life we give importance only to those things that fulfill our daily
needs. In this aspect, we take food, clothes and dwelling as essential aspects of life, from
which we accomplish our physical needs. But according to swami Vivekananda, in this
life we are not bound to this physical necessity. There are higher desires than this and
continuous motivation to this higher desires leads to ‘necessity of religion’. Now the
question is- that what role does religion play in our life’s? Religion played a major role
in Vivekananda ideas. To Vivekananda religion was not only talk or doctrine or theory,
but realization of the best and strongest powers within oneself. He said – “it is being
and becoming, not hearing or acknowledging; it is the whole soul becoming changed
into what it believes.” Vivekananda believes that the essence of man lies in his soul,
which he possesses in addition to his body and mind. While Swamiji defines education
as ‘the manifestation of the perfection already in man.’ The aim of education is to
manifest in our lives the perfection, which is the very nature of our inner self.
 Universalism is a theological and philosophical concept that some ideas have
universal application or applicability. A community that calls itself
Universalist may emphasize the universal principles of most religions, and
accept others in an inclusive manner.
 The concept is at least a Thousand years older, we see universalism in Rig
Veda, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, in Buddhist thoughts and in some
contemporary thinkers of Indian philosophy like Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. S.
Radhakrishnan, Swami Vivekananda and many more.
 The earliest statement of universal religion comes from the Rig Veda, i.e.,
“Ekam sat vipra bahauda vadanti” or “to what is one, the sages gives many
names: they call it Agni, Yama, Matarisvan”. While Upanishad describe it
with the non-dual approach of “Neti-Neti” or not this, not that” meaning that
no physical object or mental concept fully embraces Brahman.
 Coming of 19th century Universal religion returned as an important concept
in Indian contemporary thinkers like Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
and Swami Vivekananda

 To Vivekananda religion was not only talk or doctrine or theory, but

realization of the best and strongest powers within oneself. He said –
“it is being and becoming, not hearing or acknowledging; it is the whole
soul becoming changed into what it believes.”
 Spirituality is the core of the universal religion of Vivekananda .the
realization of the spirit in its true nature is spirituality and practical
manifestation of this spirituality is religion. His religion stands for the
spiritualization of the whole mankind, which ultimately leads to the
peace and the unity of all religions.
 Vedanta as the basis of religious universalism. For Vivekananda
Advaita Vedanta is absolute truth. It is the goal of all humanity. Through
vedantic ideas we can realize this oneness of beings. In this regard he
says that religion is realization which means realization of god in soul.
 Education means becoming developed or progressing from inside to outside.
Thus, education is the process of developing the inner power and abilities of an
 According to swami Vivekananda, ‘man-making’ type of education necessary for
Indian society because it was supposed to have the potential of purging the
human mind towards ignorance, laziness and a resigned attitude which accepts
anything that is prescribed without personal reflect.
 It was his profound conviction that such a development of human self could be
achieved through education, in which physical and mental self will involved with
the aim of elevating both, to the highest spiritual level.
 Swamiji vision of a new India was of one that was firmly rooted in spirituality
but with all the attributes of a modern, progressing tendencies and service to
 According to swami Vivekananda – religion is the core of education. Self
realization i.e. the realization of the individual soul as the universal soul was the
goal of his educational philosophy.
 In conclusion we may say that many of us believe in the
existence of god and spirit. And also in self realization of
education. Swami Vivekananda concept of universal religion has
a positive look towards education system. The idea of the
unfoldment of perfection inherent in the consciousness of man
through education is also significant because this unfoldment in
turn contribute to the perfection of the society. Thus we can say
the progress of consciousness of man from the social to moral
and to highest spiritual level through man making education
gives us a realistic picture of human personality
Thank You


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