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Structural Analysis o Meo cored Inthe cave brig, uch shown in ig. 6-2 elon on the deck. js fet tranauted to tanger ten fo flow beens; and Tally tothe oer ofthe te appeting sn rma Like he root tan the rie {rum loding nao coplanar, 6-28 "When bree rot tunes Sxcad over ane tances, a rocker or taller commoniy sd for supporting one en for example jot in ig "tn and 6-25 The typeof support allows reedom or expansion ot ‘Sorstton ofthe member daca schange in temperature or pation ‘tious Assumptions for Design. data bots be ments adhe ‘SExcloped i cach member when the trust is aubjected to's sven {ooding To doth we will make two important smamptions +All loadings are applied at the Jone 1m most sitions rach ax for brage ad rot tras, thi acpi re. Fregutythe ‘weight ofthe members nopesed because he force sopperied by ‘ech member usualy mich larger than ts weight However, the ‘right ito be Inca i the ani is generally stacy to {ply Itaea vertea fore wth Malt of mapa applied each tha of te member + The members are Jin tgciher by smooth, pn, The jot member tos comion plate, called m use pla shown fn i 6-34, oF by simply pang Tage bolt or pin through sacha ‘he member Fie 6-0. Wecanatums thee connections Set pi provided the cee ines othe Joining members are concurrent nrg Because of thete two assumptions, euch as member wil ar as a P0- Jforcemember ad thertor the fore ating a each ond ofthe mbar trl be sirested along the ats of the member I the free tends 10 ‘longte the member tiene force (1). Fi 6: whereas tens to shorn the member, ia compresve force (C) Fig 64D Tn the force b tele or compresane. Often, compres members must be ‘ae sicker than teonon members bcause ofthe buckling a clam ‘cc that ovary when & member sin conspresion, ‘Simple Truss. three members re pin connected at their nds thoy forma tanga rss that wl Be pi, Pig 5. Attsering wo MOHe ‘membors and connecting these members to new joint D Tort eet {tusn Fig 6-8. Ths procedure canbe ropeated ar many times ab desfed {orform an even larger trum Is tans can be constructed by expanding ‘he bunlcramgelnr tin this way in ealled simple ra Pees

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