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Question In steady flow, which one of the following changes with

A Velocity
B Pressure
C Density
D None of these.

Answer D
Question 'Flow net' analysis cannot be applied to
A Region close to boundary where viscosity effects
are predominant
B Sharp turns
C When flow is Turbulent
D Rotational flow

Answer A
Question Pick up the correct statement from the following :

A In incompressible flow the density of a fluid remains

B In compressible flow, the density of a fluid changes
from point to point
C In uniform flow, the velocity of a fluid does not change
with respect to length of flow direction
D All of the above

Answer D
Question The line traced by a single fluid
particle as it moves over a period of
time is called __________ line.

A Stream
B Path
C Equipotential
D None of these

Answer B
Question A stream tube is that, which has
__________ cross-section entirely
bounded by stream lines.
A A circular
B Any convenient
C A small
D A large

Answer B
Question Equation of continuity for 1-D flow
is applicable when,
A Flow is steady
B Flow is one dimensional
C Velocity is not uniform over the
D All the above.

Answer D
Question The imaginary line drawn such that
the tangents at its all points indicate
the direction of the velocity of the
fluid particles at each point, is called

A Path line
B Stream line
C Potential line
D Streak line.

Answer B
Question One dimensional flow implies

A Steady uniform flow.

B Unsteady uniform flow.
C A flow which does not account for
changes in transverse direction.

D None of above

Answer C
Question The flow is called rotational if its
velocity normal to the plane of area
is equal to
A Angular velocity vector
B Twice the angular velocity vector

C Thrice the angular velocity vector

D None of these.

Answer B
Question The continuity equation in fluid
mechanics utilizes the principle of
conservation of
A Momentum
B Mass
C Energy
D Both (b) &(c)

Answer B
Question Streamline is a line in flow field,

A That is traced by all the fluid particles

passing through a given point.

B Along which a fluid particle travels.

C Such that at every point on it, the

velocity is tangential to it.
D None of these.

Answer C
Question Potential function is applicable only
for __________ flow.
A Irrotational
B Turbulent
C Steady
D None of these

Answer A
Question The property of steam function ψ is

A constant everywhere on any stream

B The rate of change of ψ with
distance in an arbitrary direction, is
proportional to the component of
velocity normal to that direction

C The velocity vector may be found by

differentiating the stream function

D All the above.

Answer D
Question A three dimensional flow is one in which
A The flow region has a width ,depth and length
B The velocity vector is inclined such that it can be
resolved into three mutually perpendicular
C The fluid moves in straight paths parallel to the
main direction of flow
D The velocity distribution over parallel planes is
identical throughout the flow region

Answer B
Question A stream tube is one
A which is bounded by a closed surface
containing the streamlines
B which has constant area throughout
its length so that the velocity
remains constant
C in which the flow cannot cross the
bounding surface
D Both A and C

Answer D
Question Normal acceleration in fluid flow
situations exists only when
A the streamlines are straight and
B the flow is two dimensional
C the streamlines are curved
D the flow is unsteady

Answer C
Question Irrational flow is characterized as the
one in which
A the fluid flows along a straight path

B the fluid does not rotate as it moves

C the net rotation of fluid particles
about their mass centres remains
D the streamlines of flow are curved
and closely spaced

Answer C
Question The existence of velocity potential in
fluid flow indicates that
A the flow must be Irrotational
B the flow is rotational and satisfies
the continuity equation
C the vorticity must be zero
D All of above

Answer C
Question The concept of stream function
which is based on the principle of
continuity and is applicable to

A three-dimensional flow
B Two-dimensional flow only
C Uniform flow cases only
D For all types of flow

Answer B
Question Streamlines in fluid flow are
A Equipotential lines along which the
velocity potential Φ= constant

B Lines along which the stream

function Ψ = constant
C Lines along which the vorticity is zero

D None of above

Answer B
Question A flow net is a graphical representation of
streamlines and equipotential lines such that
A These lines indicate the direction and magnitude of
velocity vector
B These lines intersect each other orthogonally
forming curvilinear squares
C These lines intersect each other at various different
angles forming irregular shaped nets
D The velocity potential Φ increases in the direction of

Answer B
Question Streamline, pathline and streakline
are identical when
A The flow is uniform
B The flow is steady
C The flow is unsteady
D The flow is neither steady nor

Answer B
Question The mass acceleration is zero for a

A steady flow
B steady and uniform flow
C unsteady and uniform flow
D unsteady and non-uniform flow

Answer B
Question A control volume implies
A an isolated system
B a closed system
C a specific mass in a fluid flow
D a fixed region in space

Answer D
Question If an incompressible liquid is
continuously flowing through a pipe,
the quantity of liquid passing per
second is different at different
A True
B False
C Depends on pipe size
D Can't say

Answer B
Question In a steady flow of a fluid , the total
acceleration of any fluid particle

A can be zero
B is never zero
C is always zero
D is independent of coordinates

Answer A
Question For an Irrotational flow, the equation

is given by...
A Cauchy-Riemann
B Reynold
C Laplace
D Bernoulli.

Answer C
Question If u, v, w are the components of the
velocity v of a moving particle,
the equation
A one dimensional flow
B two dimensional flow
C three dimensional flow
D none of these.

Answer C
Question The flow net shown in figure is drawn for

A Retarding flow through converging boundaries

B Accelerating flow through Diverging boundaries
C Accelerating flow through converging boundaries
D Retarding flow through diverging boundaries

Answer D
Question The relation ∂2Φ/∂x2+∂2Φ/∂y2=0
for an irrotational flow is referred to as
A Euler's equation
B Laplace equation
C Reynolds equation
D Cauchy-Reimann's equation.

Answer B
Question Select the correct statement about
equipotential line
A has a constant dynamic pressure

B connects the mid points of a flow

cross section
C exists in case of rotational flows

D lies orthogonal to streamlines for the

flow pattern

Answer D
Question The pipe cross section and fluid flow rate are shown in
figure. The velocity in pipe A, is

A 1.5m/s
B 3.0 m/s
C 15 m/s
D 30 m/s

Answer A
Question For the straight converging streamlines shown
the type of acceleration applicable

A No acceleration
B Convective tangential acceleration
C Local acceleration only
D Both local and convective acceleration

Answer B
Question If a stream function exists for a flow field and it
satisfies the Laplace equation, then
A flow is rotational
B continuity equation is satisfied and the flow is
C Flow is Irrotational but does not necessarily
represent a possible flow field
D the function represents a possible flow field but
does not necessarily satisfy condition for
irrotational motion.

Answer B
Question Which is not true in the context of velocity
potential function?
A is defined as the integral of the tangential
velocity component along a closed contour
B exists for irrotational motion of fluids whether
compressible or incompressible
C satisfies the Laplace equation
D lines of constant velocity potential

Answer A
Question During motion, a fluid element is
stated to undergo a change in angle
between adjacent sides when it
moves from one position to another.
The type of motion is called
A linear deformation
B angular deformation
C rotation
D Circulatory motion.

Answer B
Question ... used to describe the motion of
A Eulerian method
B Langrangian method
C both (a) and (b)
D none of these.

Answer C
Question ... is branch of fluid mechanics which
deals with the study of velocity and
acceleration of the particles of fluid
in motion and their distribution in
space without considering any force
or energy.
A Fluid Dynamics
B Fluid Kinematics
C Fluid Statics
D none of these.

Answer B
Question An observer sitting on the bank of a
river and studying the movement of fluid
particle or floating body is a example of …

A Eulerian method
B Langrangian method
C both (a) and (b)
D none of these.

Answer A
Question An observer sitting in moving boat
and studying the flow is a example of

A Eulerian method
B Langrangian method
C both (a) and (b)
D none of these.

Answer B
Question The shortcomings of the Langrangian
method to describe the motion of
fluid are…
A Cumbersome and Complex
B Equation of motion are very difficult
to solve
C The motion of fluid is hard to
D All of the above.

Answer D
Question O out of the following which
method is used exclusively in fluid
mechanics to describe the motion of
fluid, especially because of its
mathematical simplicity?
A both (b) and (c)
B Langrangian method
C Eulerian method
D none of these.

Answer C
Question The acceleration of fluid particle
consists of …..
A both (b) and (c)
B connective acceleration
C local acceleration
D none of these.

Answer A
Question …..is scalar function of space and
time such that its negative derivative
w.r.t. any direction gives the fluid
velocity in that direction.
C both (a) and (b)
D none of the above.

Answer A
Question Any function Φ satisfies the …
equation is a possible irrotational
flow (potential flow) case since the
continuity is satisfied.
A Euler’s
B Bernoulli’s
C Newton’s
D Laplace.

Answer D
Question Which of the following equation
represents the possible case of an
irrotational flow?

D both (a) and (b).

Answer A
Question The mathematical expression shows

A stream lines and equipotential lines

do not meet orthogonally
B stream lines and equipotential lines
meet orthogonally
C both (a) and (b)
D None of the above.

Answer B
Question Which one of the following velocity fields
represents a possible fluid flow?
A u=x, v=y
B u=x2 , v = y2
C u= xy , v = x2y2
D u=x , v= -y

Answer D
Question Two flow patterns are represented by their stream
functions Ψ1 and Ψ2as 1 = x2+y2and Ψ2= 2xy. If
these two patterns are superposed on one another
, the resulting streamline pattern can be
represented by one of the following
A A family of parallel streamlines
B A family of circles
C A family of parabolas
D A family of hyperbolas

Answer D
Question In a compressible flow, the area of flow, the velocity
of flow and the mass density are denoted by a,v
and m respectively. At a particular section, the
differential form of the continuity equation is
A da/a = dv/v +dm/m
B da/a = dv/v -dm/m
C da/a =- dv/v +dm/m
D da/a =- dv/v -dm/m

Answer D
Question Consider the following parameters related to fluid
1 Vorticity
2 Velocity potential
3 Stream function
Among these , those which exist both in rotational flows and
Irrotational flows would include
A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 1 and 3
D 1,2 and 3

Answer C
Question An inert tracer is injected continuously from a point
in an unsteady flow field. The locus of locations of
all the tracer particles at an instance of time
A streamline
B Path line
C stream tube
D streak line

Answer D
Question The rate of rotation of a fluid particle
is given
A ωy = 0 , ωz = - y/2h
B ωy = 0 , ωz = y/2h
C ωy = y/h , ωz = y/h
D none of these

Answer A
Question Which of the following conditions will be
satisfied by steady Irrotational flow?
1 ∂u/∂y+∂v/∂x =0
2 - ∂u/∂y+∂v/∂x =0
3 ∂u/∂x+∂v/∂y =0
select the correct answer using the codes given below codes

A 1 and 2
B 2 and 3
C 1 and 3
D 1,2 and 3

Answer B
Question The relation that must hold for the
flow to be Irrotational
A ∂u/∂ y –∂ v /∂ x = 0
B ∂ u/∂ x –∂ v /∂ y = 0
C ∂2u/∂ x2+∂2v /∂y2=0
D ∂u/∂ y +∂v /∂ x = 0

Answer A
Question The following stream function ψ = x3/3 –x2–xy2+y2
will represent /satisfy
A rotational flow and Laplace equation
B Irrotational flow and Laplace equation
C Irrotational flow and equation of continuity

D Irrotational flow ,Laplace equation and equation of


Answer D
Question Consider the following statements
1.In Lagrangian method of describing the motion of fluid , an
observer concentrates on a point in the fluid system .
2. The components of acceleration of the fluid particle are v
∂v/∂s and ∂v/∂s
3. A particle moving in a curved path will always have a
normal acceleration v2/r towards the centre of the curved
Which of these statements are
A 1,2 and 3
B 1 and 2
C 1 and 3
D 2 and 3

Answer D
Question Acceleration in the normal direction to a stream
line is represented by (symbols have usual
A ∂Vn/∂t + Vs2/r
B ∂Vs/∂t + Vn2/r
C ∂Vn/∂t + ∂Vs /∂t
D ∂Vs/∂t + ∂Vs /∂ t

Answer A
Question A two dimensional flow is described by velocity
components u= 2x and v =-2y . The discharge
between points (1,1) and (2,2 ) is equal to
A 9 units
B 8 units
C 7 units
D 6 units

Answer A
Question The flow through an irrigation canal
is an example of ….
A Steady flow
B Unsteady flow
C Uniform flow
D Non-uniform.

Answer A
Question The flow around a uniform diameter
pipe-bend or canal bend is an
example of ….
A Steady flow
B Unsteady flow
C Uniform flow
D Non-uniform.

Answer D
Question The flow in pipe where average flow
parameters are considered for
analysis” is an example of ….
A One dimensional flow
B Three dimensional flow
C Both (a) and (b)
D Two dimensional flow.

Answer A
Question The flow between parallel plates of
infinite extent is an example of ….

A One dimensional flow

B Three dimensional flow
C Both (a) and (b)
D Two dimensional flow.

Answer D
Question Ground water flow is an example of
A Two dimensional flow
B Uniform flow
C Rotational flow
D Laminar flow.

Answer D
Question Flow in natural streams, artificial
channel, water supply pipes, sewers
are the example of…
A Turbulent flow
B Uniform flow
C Rotational flow
D Laminar flow.

Answer A
Question In experimental work often a colour
or dye or some other substance
(such as smoke in case of gases) is
injected into the flowing fluid, in
order to trace the motion of the fluid
particles. The resulting trail of colour
is known as a …
A Stream line
B Stream tube
C Path line
D Streak line.

Answer D
Question To study the basic principles of fluid
flow; a definite volume with fixed
boundary shape is chosen in space
along the fluid flow passage, this
volume is known as….
A Stream volume
B Control volume
C Proper volume
D Streak volume.

Answer B
Question If the fluid particles move in straight
lines and all the line are parallel to
the surface, the flow is called

A steady
B uniform
C compressible
D laminar

Answer D
Question If the velocity in a fluid flow changes
with respect to length along the
direction of flow, it is called
A unsteady flow
B compressible flow
C Irrotational flow
D none of the above

Answer D
Question Irrotational flow means
A fluid does not rotate while moving.

B fluid moves in straight lines.

C net rotation of fluid particles about
their mass centers is zero.
D none of the above.

Answer C
Question If the Reynolds number of the flow is
less than 2000, the flow is said to be

A Laminar flow
B Transit
C Turbulent flow
D none of these

Answer A
Question The acceleration of a fluid particle in
the direction of x is given by _

A ax=u ∂u/∂x+ v∂v/∂y + w∂w/∂z+∂u/∂t

B ax=u ∂u/∂x+ v∂u/∂y + w∂u/∂z+∂u/∂t

C ax=u ∂u/∂x+ u∂u/∂y + u∂u/∂z+∂u/∂t

D None of the above

Answer B
Question The convective acceleration of fluid
in the x-direction is given by
A u ∂u/∂x+ v∂u/∂y + w∂u/∂z
B u ∂u/∂x+ v∂v/∂y + w∂w/∂z
C u ∂u/∂x+ u∂v/∂y + w∂w/∂z
D ∂u/∂t+ ∂v/∂t + ∂w/∂t

Answer D
Question ΔΨbetween two stream lines
A head
B pressure
C velocity
D discharge

Answer D
Question Stream lines and equipotential lines
A form meshes of any geometrical
B are orthogonal wherever they meet

C can be determined mathematically

for all boundary conditions
D can be drawn graphically for viscous
flow around any boundary

Answer B
Question If Ψ= x2- y2is the stream function in a
2D flow field, the magnitude of
resultant at point (2, 3) is,
A √52 unit
B √15 unit
C √5 unit
D √125 unit

Answer A
Question A grid obtained by drawing a series
of streamlines Ψ and equipotential
lines Φ is known as
A Stream line
B Path line
C Streak line
D Flow net

Answer D
Question For a Irrotational flow, the velocity
potential lines and the streamlines
are always
A coplanar
B Inclinedto the horizontal.
C parallel to each other
D orthogonal to each other

Answer A
Question Stream lines and path lines always
coincide in case of
A laminar flow
B uniform flow
C turbulent flow
D steady flow

Answer D
Question Consider the flowing statements.
For a two-dimensional potential flow
1. Laplace equation for stream function must
be satisfied
2. Laplace equation for potential function
must be satisfied
3. Streamlines and equipotential lines are
4. Stream function and potential function
and not interchangeable.
Which of these statements are correct ?

A 1 and 4
B 2 and 4
C 1, 2 and 3
D 2, 3 and 4.
Answer C
Question For a two-dimensional fluid element
in x-y plane, the rotational
component is given as _
A ωz=1/2(∂v/∂x-∂u/∂y)
B ωz=1/2(∂u/∂x-∂v/∂y)
C ωz=1/2(∂u/∂x+∂v/∂y)
D ωz=1/2(∂v/∂x+∂u/∂y)

Answer A
Question The flow of blood in small veins is an
example of
A Laminar flow
B Turbulent flow
C Transitional
D none of these

Answer A
Question A flow whose streamline is
represented by a curve, is called _

A two-dimensional flow
B one dimensional flow
C three dimensional flow
D four dimensional flow

Answer A
Question The existence of velocity potential in
fluid flow indicates that the
A circulation around any closed curve
must have a finite value
B flow is rotational and satisfies the
continuity equation
C Vorticity must be non-zero.
D flow must be Irrotational

Answer D
Question The local acceleration in the
direction of x is given by
A ∂u/∂t
B u (∂u/∂x)
C u (∂u/∂x+∂u/∂t)
D None of the above

Answer A
Question The rate of increase of velocity with
respect to changes in the position of
fluid particle in a flow field is called _

A convective acceleration
B local acceleration
C material acceleration
D none of these

Answer A
Question The general form of expression for the
continuity equation in a Cartesian coordinate
system for incompressible or compressible 3-D
flow is given by _
A ∂ρ/∂t+ ∂/∂x(ρu)+∂/∂y (ρv )+∂/∂z(ρw) =0

B ∂ρ/∂t+ ∂/∂x(ρu)+∂/∂y (ρv )+∂/∂z(ρw) =1

C ∂u/∂x+∂v/∂y +∂w/∂z=0
D ∂/∂x(ρu)+∂/∂y (ρv )+∂/∂z(ρw) =0

Answer A
Question Vorticity in the z-direction is given by,

A 2(∂v/∂x-∂u/∂y)
B (∂u/∂x-∂v/∂y)
C (∂u/∂x+∂v/∂y)
D (∂v/∂x+∂u/∂y)

Answer A
Question The motion is described as when the
components of rotation or vorticity are zero
throughout certain point of the fluid.
A rotational
B irrotational
C either of the above
D None of the above

Answer B
Question The concept of stream function which is based on
the principle of continuity is applicable to
A rotational flow only
B two-dimensional flow only
C three-dimensional flow
D uniform flow only.

Answer B
Question -----is defined mathematically as the line integral of
the tangential velocity about a closed path (contour).

A circulation
B vorticity
C either of the above
D none of the above.

Answer A
Question In a fluid-flow the stream lines are lines

A along which the vorticity is zero

B along which the stream function Ψ=constant

C which are parallel to the equipotential lines

D which exist in irrotational flow only.

Answer B
Question . ...... is a curve which gives an instantaneous picture
of the location of the fluid particles which have
passed through a given point.
A Path line
B Stream line
C Streak line
D None of the above.

Answer C
Question Which aspect is not true in the context of a
A is applicable to Irrational fluid flow
B the bounding surface forms streamlines and the
equipotential lines intersect the boundaries at
right angles
C spacing between streamlines as well as that
between equipotential lines is inversely
proportional to local velocities
D for prescribed bounding surface, the flow net
changes with reversal in the flow direction.

Answer D
Question If the Reynolds number is more than 4000, the flow in
a pipe is
A laminar flow
B turbulent flow
C transition flow
D none of the above.

Answer B
Question If the flow is Irrotational as well as steady it is known as
A non-uniform flow
B one-dimensional flow
C potential flow
D none of the above.

Answer C
Question The flow in a pipe whose valve is being opened or
closed gradually is an example of
A steady flow
B unsteady flow
C rotational flow
D compressible flow.

Answer B
Question Continuity equation for compressible fluid states
A discharge at any section is constant
B discharge is different at different section
C density is constant at all sections along the flow
D none of the above.

Answer B
Question When a highly viscous fluid flows at a slow velocity,
the flow becomes
A Laminar
B turbulent
C uniform
D Steady.

Answer A
Question A continuity equation for two-dimensional
compressible flow is given by

A (∂u/∂x)+(∂v/∂y)=0
B ∂/∂x(ρu)+ ∂/∂y(ρv)=0
C u∂u/∂y+v∂v/∂y=0
D U(∂ρ/∂x)+v(∂ρ/∂y)=0

Answer B
Question A continuity equation given as
A is valid for steady flow whether the flow is
compressible or incompressible
B is not valid for incompressible, unsteady flow
C is valid for steady & incompressible flow
D is valid for ideal fluid flow only.

Answer C
Question A flow has diverging straight stream lines. If the
flow is steady, the flow
A is uniform with local acceleration
B has convective tangential acceleration
C has convective normal acceleration
D has both convective normal and tangential

Answer B
Question Flow of fluid of fluid in a pipe takes
place from
A Higher level to lower level
B Higher pressure to lower pressure

C Higher energy to lower energy

D None of the above

Answer C
Question Vorticity is given by
A Two time of rotation
B 1.5 times of rotation
C 3 times of rotation
D Equal to rotation

Answer A
Question Study of fluid motion with the forces
causing the flow is known as
A Kinematics of fluid flow
B Dynamics flow
C Statics of flow
D Kinematics of fluid flow

Answer B
Question Cipolleti weir is a trapezoidal weir
having side slopes of
A 1 horizontal to 2 vertical
B 4 horizontal to 1 vertical
C 1 horizontal to 4 vertical
D 1 horizontal to 3 vertical

Answer C
Question Francis formula for a rectangular weir for two
end contraction is given by
A Q= 1.84( L -0.2 x 2H) H5/2
B Q= 1.84 ( L -02H) H3/2
C Q= 1.84 ( L -0.2 H)H5/2
D None of the above

Answer B
Question Irrotational flow means
A Fluid does not rotate while flowing

B Fluid moves in straight lines

C Net rotation of fluid particles about
their mass centers is zero
D None of the above

Answer C
Question For irrotational flow the velocity potential
lines and stream lines are always
A Parallel to each other
B coplanar
C Orthogonal to each other
D Inclined to horizontal

Answer B
Question Irrotational flow occurs when
A Flow takes place in duct of uniform cross section
at constant mass flow rate
B Streamlines are curved
C There is no net rotation of fluid element about its
mass center
D Fluid element does not undergo any change in
shape or size

Answer C
Question The figure shows

A Stream line
B Streak line
C Path line
D None of the above

Answer C
Question For the two dimensional flow, the stream function
is given by ψ = 2xy. The velocity at a point (3, 4) is

A 6 m/sec
B 8 m/sec
C 10 m/sec
D 12 m/sec

Answer C
Question The flow in a river during the period of heavy
rainfall is :
A steady ,uniform, two-dimensional
B unsteady ,uniform, three- dimensional
C unsteady ,non-uniform and three –
D steady, non-uniform and three

Answer C
Question Two dimensional stream function

A Relates velocity and pressure.

B Is constant along a stream line.

C Is constant along an equipotential

D None of these.

Answer B
Question What causes convective acceleration
in fluid flow ?
A Steep slope in flow
B Unsteady nature of flow
C Non-uniformity of flow
D Turbulence in flow

Answer C
Question A flow at an instant is represented by curved v con verging
streamlines. The type of acceleration is

A Normal acceleration only

B Tangential acceleration only
C Both normal and tangential acceleration
D None of above

Answer C
Question Velocity of flow is independent of
temperature &pressure, when the flow is

A Unsteady through unchanged cross-section.

B Steady through changing cross-section.
C Steady and the cross-section are unchanged.
D Unsteady and the cross-section is changed.

Answer C
Question A fluid element has a velocity V = (-y2.x)i +
(2yx2). j. The motion at (x, y) = (l/2, 1) is a
possible case of
A rotational
B Irrotational
C Irrotational and compressible
D Irrotational and incompressible

Answer B
Question An equipotential line is __________
to the streamline at every point.

A Normal
B Parallel
C Tangential
D None of these

Answer A
Question Steady fluid flow occur when the
derivative of flow variables satisfy
the following condition.
A ∂v/∂t=0
B ∂v/∂t=1
C ∂x/∂t=0
D ∂t/∂s=0

Answer A
Question Unsteady non-uniform flow is
represented by flow through an

A Long pipe at constant rate.

B Long pipe at decreasing rate
C Expanding tube at increasing rate.

D Expanding tube at constant rate.

Answer C
Question Uniform fluid flow occurs, when the
derivative of the flow variables
satisfy the following condition.

A ∂s/∂t=0
B ∂v/∂t=0
C ∂x/∂t=0
D ∂t/∂s=0

Answer A
Question A water supply pipeline changes its alignment
through a bend . when the flow in the pipeline is
increases by operating a valve , the flow in the bend
is classified as
A unsteady, uniform flow
B unsteady ,non-uniform flow
C steady ,uniform flow
D steady, non-uniform flow

Answer B
Question The pressure gradient in the direction of flow is
equal to the
A shear gradient parallel to the direction of flow
B shear gradient normal to the direction of flow
C velocity gradient parallel to the direction of flow

D velocity gradient normal to the direction of flow

Answer B
Question A velocity field with no components in the y and z
directions is given by, v = 6 + 2xy + t2The
acceleration along the x-direction at a point (3, 1,2)
at time 2, is
A 36 units
B 8 units
C 16 units
D 46 units

Answer A
Question Velocity field in fluid V = 4x3i - 10 x2yj + 2 tk. The velocity
of particle at (2, 3, 1) and t = 2 sec. is,
A 124 m/s
B 12 m/s
C 24 m/s
D 111 m/s

Answer A
Question The velocity potential function for 2D flow is
Φ= x(2y -1). At point P(1,1), the velocity is,
A √5 unit
B √15 unit
C √1.5 unit
D √2.5 unit

Answer A
Question The circulation ſ around a circle of radius 2 units for
the velocity field u = 2x +3y and v = -2y is
A -6π units
B -12π units
C -18π units
D -24π units

Answer B
Question The x component of velocity in a two dimensional
incompressible flow is given by u= 1.5x . At the
point (x,y) =(1,0) , the y component of velocity v=0 .
The equation for the y component of velocity is
A v=0
B v = 1.5y
C v= -1.5x
D v= -1.5 y

Answer D
Question A velocity field with no components in the y and z
direction is given by V= 6+2xy +t2. the acceleration
along the x- direction at a point (3,1,2) at time t=2 , is

A 8 units
B 16 units
C 20 units
D 36 units

Answer C
Question The velocity in m/s at a point in a two –dimensional
flows is given as V =2i+3j . The equation of the
stream line passing through the point is
A 3dx-2dy =0
B 2x+3y =0
C 3dx +2dy =0
D xy =6

Answer A
Question Consider the following statements
1 In a source , equipotential lines are circles
2.Flow net is a representation of 2 dimensional Irrotational flow
of incompressible fluid.
3 Boundaries act as a limiting equipotential lines in a flow net
4 In a uniform flow region, streamlines will be parallel and
equidistant. Of these statements
A 1,2 and 3 are correct
B 1,2 and 4 are correct
C 2,3 and 4 are correct
D 1,3 and 4 are correct

Answer B
Question If Φ=x(2y-1)find the velocity at (-3,-5)

A 12.04 units
B 12.52 units
C 18.06 units
D 5.55units

Answer B
Question A steady three dimensional flow field is described
by a velocity vector as
V = (2x2 +3y) i+ (-2xy + 3y3 + 3yz)j + (-3z2/2 – 2xz +9y2z)k
Magnitude of velocity at point (1,-2,1) is equal to

A 2.5 m/s
B 41.8
C 62.5
D 1784.25

Answer B
Question Which one of the following velocity fields
represents a possible fluid flow?
A u = x; v = y
B u = xy; v = x2y2
C u = x; v = - y
D u = x2; v= y2

Answer C
Question Velocity field in fluid V = 4x3i - 10 x2y j + 2 tk. The
acceleration component in x-direction at (1, 1, 1) and t
= 3 sec is,
A 78m/s2
B 98m/s2
C 28m/s2
D 48m/s2

Answer D
Question The stream function for two
dimensional flow is given by ψ = 2xy. The
resultant velocity at a point P(2,3)
A 8.45 units /s
B 7.21 units /s
C 6.44 units /s
D 5.18 units /s

Answer B
Question Water flows through a straight uniform pipe in
which the discharge is reduced from 100 lps to
zero in 10 seconds. If the cross sectional area of
pipe is 200sq-cm,find the acceleration and its
A Tangential acceleration with a value of -0.5m/s2
B Uniform acceleration with a value of -0.1m/s2
C Normal acceleration with a value of 1.5m/s2
D Convective acceleration with a value of -0.5m/s2

Answer A
Question If the stream function in flow is given by Ψ=1.5 x2.
What is the nature of the flow represented by this function.

A Parallel to y axis in downward direction

B Parallel to Parallel to x axis
C Concentric circle
D Normal to y-axis in upward direction

Answer A
Question In a 3-D incompressible flow,the velocity components
are u=x2+z2+5,and v= y2+z2-3,find the missing
component so that it satisfy continuity equation.
A w= -2(x+y)z + f(x,y,z)
B w=(y+z)x + f(x,y,z)
C w=-(x+y)+ f(x,y,z)
D w= 2x+y)z + f(x,y,z)

Answer A
Question The velocity along a streamline passing through
origin is given by
V=2√x2+y2 the velocity and acceleration at (4,3)
A 25 m/s &30m/s2
B 15 m/s &30m/s2
C 10 m/s &20m/s2
D 2.5 m/s &3.0m/s2

Answer C
Question A Stream function is given by Ψ=3x2+ 3y2.Is the flow
possible,if so find the magnitude of the
A 15.25m/s
B 20.83m/s
C 21.63m/s
D 12.58m/s

Answer C
Question A diverges uniformly from 0.1m to 0,2m diameter
over a length of 1m.Determine the local and
convective acceleration at the mid section assuming a
flow rate of 0.1m3/s
A 5 m/s2&22.25 m/s2
B 0 & -42.76m/s2
C 0.5m/s2
D 0 &0.15 m/s2

Answer B
Question Water flows through a pipe which diverges from
20cms from one end to 40 cms at the other. If a
constant discharge of 150 lps flows through it find
the velocity at both ends to maintain the discharge.

A 12.5 m/s&15.56m/s
B 1.83m/s&0.85m/s
C 2.83 m/s&1.5m/s
D 4.83 m/s &1.25m/s

Answer D

Question The red lines shown indicates -----

A Stream line
B Streak line
C Path line
D None of the above

Answer D
Question The area of 2 long tapered duct decreases as A
=0.5-0.2 x) where x,is the distance in meters. At a
given instant a discharge of 0.5m3/s is flowing in the
duct and is found to increase at a rate of 0.2m3/s.
The local acceleration at x=0 will be
A 1.4
B 1.0
C 0.4
D 0.667

Answer B
Question A liquid flows downwards through a tapered
vertical portion of a pipe. At the entrance and exit
of the pipe the static pressure are equal. If for a
vertical height 'h' velocity becomes 4 times the ratio
of 'h'the velocity head at the entrance will be
A 3
B 8
C 15
D 24

Answer C

In the figure the line joining the points is called as

A Stream line
B Streak line
C Path line
D None of the above

Answer B
Question A stream function is give by(x 2- y 2) the potential
function of the flow will be
A 2xy + f(x)
B 2xy + constant
C 2(x2- y2)
D 2Xy + f(y)

Answer B
Question A Pitot-static tube is used to measure the velocity of
water using a differential gauge which contain
manometric liquid of relative density 1.4.The
defection in gauge when water flows at a velocity of
1.2m/s will be (assume coefficient of tube to be 1)

A 183.5mm
B 52.4mm
C 5.24mm
D 73.4mm

Answer B
Question The fig shows ----

A Stream tube which is a fluid mass bounded by a group of stream lines.

B Pipe consisting of network of potential lines .

C Pipe consisting of network of path lines
D None of the above

Answer A
Question The flow through pipe shown in
figure is a---

A One dimensional flow

B Two dimensional flow
C Three dimensional flow
D Four dimensional flow

Answer C
Question The flow through pipe shown in figure is

A Laminar flow
B Turbulent flow
C Transitional flow
D None of the above

Answer A
Question The flow through pipe shown in figure is

A Laminar flow
B Turbulent flow
C Transitional flow
D None of the above

Answer B
Question The path taken by smoke coming out of chimney
shows ----lines

A Stream line
B Streak line
C Path line
D None of the above

Answer B
Question The velocity components in x and y
directions in terms of velocity
potential Φ are
A u= - ∂Φ/∂x, v= - ∂Φ/∂y
B u= ∂Φ/∂x, v= - ∂Φ/∂y
C u= ∂Φ/∂y, v= ∂Φ/∂x
D u= - ∂Φ/∂x v= ∂Φ/∂y

Answer A
Question The velocity components in x and y
directions in terms of stream
function Ψ are
A u= - ∂Ψ/∂y, v= ∂Ψ/∂x
B u= ∂Ψ/∂x, v= ∂Ψ/∂y
C u= ∂Ψ/∂y, v= ∂Ψ/∂x
D u=- ∂Ψ/∂x, v= ∂Ψ/∂y

Answer A
Question Which of the following statement is false for
two-dimensional flow field ?
A If Φexists, Ψ will also exist
B If Ψexists, Φ will also exist
C If Φ exists the flow will be rotational
D If Ψ exists flow will be either rotational or

Answer D
Question The figure illustrates

A Pure or linear translation of fluid particles

B Linear motion with deformation fluid particles
C Rotational motion fluid particles
D Angular deformation fluid particles

Answer D
Question The figure illustrates

A Pure or linear translation of fluid particles

B Linear motion with deformation fluid particles
C Rotational motion fluid particles
D Angular deformation fluid particles

Answer D
Question The flow pattern represented in fig (a),(b) &(c) can be
expressed respectively as

A y=c, x=c &y= mx+c

B y=f(x), x=y2&y= mx+c
C y=mx c,x=y2& x= my+c
D y= 0,x=0 &y= x2

Answer A
Question The flow pattern represented in fig (d) and (e) can
be expressed respectively as -

A y=c, y= mx+c
B y= f(x), x2+y2=c
C y=mx ,x=y2& x= my+c
D y= x&y= x2

Answer B
Question The figure shows 2 pipes of different size. Find the loss
of energy between section (1) &(2)

A 1.276 kg-m
B 1.00 kg-m
C 0,725 kg-m
D 0.15 kg-m

Answer C
Question An elbow nozzle assembly shown in figure is in a
horizontal plane .The velocity of flow from nozzle is

A 4 m/s
B 16 m/s
C 24 m/s
D 30 m/s

Answer C
Question The component of velocity u and v along x
and y directions in a 2D incompressible fluid are
A u=x2cos y ; v=2x siny
B u= x+2; v=1-y
C u=xyt; v=x3– y2t/2
D U= ln x+ y; v= xy – y/x

Answer A
Question A flow in a 2D was represented by mesh consisting of
intersection of the two lines. The graphical representation is known as

A Intersection of flow and potential line

B Intersection of velocity and flow lines
C Flow net
D None of the above

Answer C
Question The flow net shown in figure is drawn for

A Retarding flow through converging boundaries

B Accelerating flow through Diverging boundaries
C Accelerating flow through converging boundaries
D Retarding flow through diverging boundaries

Answer C
Question The head loss in case of hot water flow through a
pipe compared to cold water will be
A same
B more
C less
D More or less depending on temperature

Answer C
Question For a flow through a horizontal pipe, the pressure
gradient in the flow direction is
A +ve
B 1
C zero
D -ve

Answer D
Question The differential manometer connected to pitot static
tube used for measuring fluid velocity gives
A Static pressure
B Total pressure
C Dynamic pressure
D Difference between total and dynamic pressure

Answer C
Question The realization of velocity potential in fluid flow indicates
that the
A Flow must be irrotational
B Circulation around any close curve must have a finite value
C Flow is rotational and and satisfy the contunity equation
D Vorticity must be non zero

Answer A
Question The figure illustrates

A Pure or linear translation of fluid particles

B Linear motion with deformation fluid particles
C Rotational motion fluid particles
D Angular deformation fluid particles

Answer A
Question In a 2-D flow in a x-y plane, if ∂u/∂y =∂v/∂x then
fluid element will undergo
A Translation only
B Translation and rotation
C Translation and deformation
D Rotation and deformation

Answer A
Question Path line can cross the stream line at right angles
when flow is
A rotational
B Irrotational and unsteady
C Irrotational and steady
D Unsteady

Answer D
Question The following are the practical examples of continuity equation

A For one dimensional flow-if mean velocity at one section is

known, the mean velocity at any other section can be found out

B For two dimensional flow-if any one velocity component is

known, its perpendicular component at that point can be
C Both A &B
D None of the above

Answer C
Question The method of drawing flow net by graphical method

A Velocity potential lines are drawn first

B Streamlines are drawn first
C Velocity potential lines and stream lines are drawn
D None of the above

Answer B
Question If u=2yz+t2 , v=x2z-t, w=xy2,find the acceleration
along ax at point(2,1,2) direction at time t=1sec
A 30 m/s2
B 28.5 m/s2
C 15 m/s2
D 20.5 m/s2

Answer A
Question Flow is represented by the stream function Ψ =xy. the
velocity components u and v are------and flow is --------

A U=x2,v=y2 and rotational

B u=x, v=-y and flow is irrotational
C u=x, v=-y and flow is rotational
D none of these

Answer B
Question A flow is represented by a group of concentric
streamlines as shown in fig. The type of acceleration in
such flow is

A Local Acceleration
B Total Acceleration
C No acceleration
D Convective normal acceleration

Answer D
Question The magnitude of the component of velocity at a
point (1,1) for a stream function ψ=x2-y2 is equal to

A 2
B 2√2
C 4
D 4√2

Answer B
Question In a two dimensional incompressible steady flow
around an airfoil , the stream lines are 2cm apart
at a great distance from the airfoil , where the
velocity is 30m/s . The velocity near the airfoil ,
where the stream lines are 1.5cm apart , is
A 22.5 m/s
B 33 m/s
C 40 m/s
D 90 m/s

Answer C
Question Stream function y = uy –vx represents
A free vortex motion
B uniform flow parallel to x axis
C uniform flow parallel to y axis
D uniform flow inclined to x axis

Answer D
Question For the streamline shown if fig the type of acceleration
applicable is

A Convective acceleration
B Local Acceleration
C Total Acceleration
D No acceleration

Answer D
Question Identify the statements pertaining to laminar flow
(1) fluid particles exhibit a regular pattern of flow
(2) fluid flows through a narrow passage
(3) momentum transfer is on macroscopic level
(4) the injection of smoke or dye fills the pipe
A 1 &2
B 2
C 1
D 1 &4

Answer A
Question A flow through a long pipe at varying
rate is called __________ uniform flow.

A steady
B unsteady
C One dimensional flow
D Rotational flow

Answer B
Question A flow in which each liquid particle
has a definite path and their paths do
not cross each other, is called
A Steady flow
B Uniform flow.
C Streamline flow
D Turbulent flow

Answer C
Question A stream line is
A The line of equal velocity in a flow
B The line along which the rate of pressure drop is
C The line along the geometrical center of the flow

D Fixed in space in steady flow.

Answer D
Question Separation of flow occurs due to
reduction of pressure gradient to
A Zero
B Negligibly low value
C The extent such that vapour formation starts

D None of the above


Answer C
Question A flow through an expanding tube at
constant rate is called
A Steady uniform flow
B Steady non-uniform flow
C Unsteady uniform flow
D Unsteady non-uniform flow

Answer B
Question The continuity equation
A Expresses the relationship between work and energy
B Relates the momentum per unit volume between two points
on a stream line
C Relates mass rate of flow along a stream line
D Requires that Newton's second law of motion be satisfied at
every point in fluid.

Answer C
Question If u, v, w are the components of the
velocity V of a moving particle, the
equation represents
A One-dimensional flow
B Two dimensional flow
C Three dimensional flow
D None of these

Answer C
Question The figure illustrates

A Pure or linear translation of fluid particles

B Linear motion with deformation fluid particles
C Rotational motion fluid particles
D Angular deformation fluid particles

Answer B
Question In an experimental work to trace the motion of fluid
particles, a coloured dye may be injected into the flowing fluid and the
resulting coloured filament lines at a given location give -------line

A Stream line
B Streak line
C Path line
D None of the above

Answer B
Question A flow, in which the quantity of liquid
flowing per second is constant, is
called __________ flow.
A Steady
B Streamline
C Turbulent
D Unsteady

Answer A
Question For steady flow of a perfect fluid
through a contracted section in a
horizontal tube, which of the
following statements are true
A The mass flow rate is the same inside
and outside the contracted section.

B The pressure is higher inside the

contracted section
C The fluid slows down as it passes
through the contracted section

D None of the above

Answer A
Question The resistance wire used in a hot
wire anemometer for conducting
electrical current is made of
A Copper
B Tungsten
C Chromium
D Aluminum

Answer A
Question A steady uniform flow is through

A A long pipe at decreasing rate

B A long pipe at constant rate

C An expanding tube at constant rate

D An expanding tube at increasing rate

Answer B
Question Pick out the wrong statement about
a streamline.
A It is always parallel to the main
direction of the fluid flow
B It is a line across which there is no
flow and it is equivalent to a rigid
C Streamlines intersect at isolated
point of zero velocity and infinite
D The mass of fluid between any two
streamlines can be considered

Answer C
Question Steady non-uniform flow is
exemplified by flow through an

A Long pipe at constant rate.

B Expanding tube at increasing rate.

C Expanding tube at constant rate.

D None of above

Answer C
Question If velocities of fluid particles vary
from point to point in magnitude and
direction, as well as from instant to
instant, the flow is said to be
A Laminar
B Turbulent flow
C Uniform flow
D Non-uniform flow

Answer B
Question What type of motion the fluid
element undergoes, when it changes
from one position to another
position, such that the angle
between the two sides changes in
A Rotation
B Translation
C Linear deformation
D Angular deformation

Answer D
Question Uniform flow is said to occur when

A Size and shape of the cross-section in

a particular length remain constant

B Size and shape of the cross-section

change along a length
C Frictional loss in the particular length
of the pipe will the more than the
drop in its elevation
D Frictional loss in the particular length
of the pipe, will be less than the drop
in elevation.

Answer A
Question The continuity equation in ideal fluid
flow states that
A Net rate of flow into any small
volume must be zero.
B Energy is not constant along a
C There exists a velocity potential.

D None of above

Answer A
Question Equation of continuity of flow is based on the
principle of conservation of
A Mass
B Momentum
C Force
D None of these.

Answer A
Question For an irrotational motion
A the fluid elements do not undergo a circular motion
B the velocity is constant at every point in the flow field
C the fluid particles do not rotate about their mass
centres while moving along a streamline
D the fluid elements do not experience any shear.

Answer C
Question Flow is rotational if the
A fluid element undergoes linear deformation
B fluid element undergoes angular deformation
C fluid element undergoes net rotation in a plane about an axis
normal to the plane
D flow takes place in a circular path.

Answer C
Question During the opening of a valve, the flow is
A laminar
B unsteady
C uniform
D rotational.

Answer B
Question Mark the wrong statement:
A streamlines cannot start or end anywhere
except at the interface or infinity
B streamline spacing varies directly as the flow
C streamlines can meet at a stagnation point where
the velocity is zero
D the flow is only possible in direction of falling
velocity potential

Answer B
Question For a two-dimensional flow field, the
equation of a streamline is given as

A u/dx=dy/v
B du/dx= dv/ dy/=0
C dy/u= dx/v
D dx/u= dy/v

Answer D
Question The flow-net analysis can be used to determine
A quantity of seepage and upward lift press
B the efficient boundary shapes, for which the flow
does not separate.
C the velocity and pressure distribution for given
boundaries of flow (provided the velocity
distribution and pressure at any reference section
are known).
D all of the above.

Answer D
Question If velocity potential Φ satisfies the Laplace’s
equation, it represents the possible ..... flow.
A unsteady, compressible, rotational
B steady, compressible, irrotational
C unsteady, incompressible, rotational
D Steady, incompressible, irrotational.

Answer D
Question ---------is defined as a scalar function of space and
time such that its negative derivative with respect
to any direction gives the fluid velocity in that
A potential function
B Stream function
C Circulation
D Vorticity.

Answer A
Question Body perfume is sprayed. The flow of spray mist so
generated will represent,

A Path line
B Streamline
C Streak line
D flow line

Answer C

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