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Department Of Mechanical Engineering 2018-2019

A Presentation On,


guided by
The thinnest material known so far to humanity

 Graphene is the single atom layer of sp2 bonded

carbon atoms tightly packed into 2 dimensional
(2D) honeycomb lattice , graphene comes from
one allotropic form of carbon
 Even 1mm of graphite consist of 300 million
layer of graphene on top of each other.
Graphene is a 2D building material for carbon
materials of all other dimensionalities. It can be
wrapped up into 0D bucky balls , rolled into 1D
nanotubes or stacked into 3D graphite
Interesting about graphene

 Graphene is a miracle material of 21st century because of its unique

properties & its application found in every fields of research where graphene
is offering new & exciting possibilities.& as with electronics ,health science ,
medicine , energy, various fields of science the potential is mind boggling.
One can imagine with little efforts a new generation of super soft flak vests,
military vehicles &pace crafts, etc. all augmented by the addition of tiny
sheets of incredibly light materials
 Graphene is strongest material of world it is stiffer than diamond, thinnest
material that can be imagine (thin as 100000 times thinner than human hair)
& stretchable (up to 20%)many other properties that it world miracle material
Graphene aerogel

 Chinese material scientist created the worlds

lightest material is 7 times lighter than air
(1.2mg/cm),its 1cubic cm weight is about 0.16
milligrams. because of its elasticity and
absorbant, it can absorb 850 times more than its
weight, being good absorbent it can be used non
environmental clean-up, where in the effected
place this graphene aerogel can be spread and it
can then absorb organic products like oil from


1. Mechanical exfoliation of graphite using scotch-tape technique
2. Electromechanical exfoliation
1. Chemical vapour deposition (CVD)
2. Epitaxial growth of graphene on sic
Mechanical exfoliation
Electrochemical exfoliation
Chemical vapour deposition

 CVD, is a method which can produce relatively high quality graphene, potentially on a large scale. The CVD
process is reasonably straightforward, although some specialist equipment is necessary, and in order to create
good quality graphene it is important to strictly adhere to guidelines set concerning gas volumes, pressure,
temperature, and time duration. During the CVD process, the substrate is usually coated a very small
amount, at a very slow speed, often described in microns of thickness per hour. The process is similar to
physical vapour deposition (PVD), the only difference being that the precursors are solid compounds,
rather than gases, and therefore the process is slightly different. The solid compound or compounds
is/are vaporized, and then deposited onto a substrate via condensation.
 The benefits of using CVD to deposit materials onto a substrate are that the quality of the resulting
materials is usually very high. Other common characteristics of CVD coatings include imperviousness, high
purity, fine grained and increased hardness over other coating methods. It is a common solution for the
deposit of films in the semiconductor industry, as well as in optoelectronics, due to the low costs involved
compared to the high purity of films created.
Chemical vapour deposition
Expitaxial growth of graphene on SIC
Graphene superlatives
• Thinnest imaginable & strongest material ever measured
• Stiffest known material (stiffer than diamond)
• Most stretchable crystal (up to 20% elastically)
• Record thermal conductivity(outperforming diamond)
• Conducts electricity in the limit of no electros
• Good for flexible, wearable devices
• It is transparent :one atom thick layer sheet absorbs~2.3% visible light
• Most impermeable (even he atoms cannot squeeze through)
• Highest current density at room (million times of those in copper)
Properties of graphene
The carbon-carbon bond length in graphene
is 0.142nm
Worlds strongest material ultimate tensile strength is
130 Gpa (0.4 Gpa steel),high surface volume ratio ,
Youngs modulus (0.5 Tpa)
Properties of graphene
 Impermeability
graphene is highly impermeable stopping other material to getting
is useful for detecting & trapping gases
 Chemical properties
graphene is the only form of carbon in which every atom is available for
chemical reaction from two sides . atoms at the edge of graphene sheet have
special chemical reactivity . graphene has he highest ratio of edge atoms of any
allotrops . defects within sheets increases its chemical reactivity. The onest
temp. of reaction between the besal plane of single-layer of graphene &oxygen
gas is below 260.c (530K). Graphene burns at very low
Properties of graphene
 Optical properties
It is transparent to light(97.7%) and electrons
 Electrical properties
high electrical conductivity, high electrons mobility, semi metal/zero gap
 Thermal properties
best conductor of heat (better than even copper)
 Composites(light weight, multifunctional & heavy damage tolerant)
 Paints and coating (electrical properties of chemical derivatives of graphene)
 Graphene photonics(ultra fast lasers , metamaterials)
 Graphene electronics : specialist device(high freq. transistors)or combinations
with other electronics technologies
 Flexible electronics (as replacement for indium tin oxide in range o
applications such as touch screens)
 Graphene sensors (e.g. chemical , strain sensors)
 Energy storage(e.g. graphene based batteries, super capacitors).
Graphene in supercapacitors

 Cairo university graduate maher EL-Kady

wired a small piece of graphene to an
LED and found that it behaves as super
capacitors , able to store a considerable
amount of electricity . their laser-
scribed graphene is ideal as a super
capacitors partially because of its
enormous surface area,1520 sq.m/gram
graphene sheet as water filter

 Researchers of material science

at MIT found that graphene
sheet perforated with holes can
be used in water filtration .
holes with 1nm are big enough
to pass let water molecules to
pass through , small enough to
stop any undesired chemical
Graphene in body Armor

 Layers of carbon one atom thick can

absorbs blows that would punch through
steel. Recent tests suggests that pure
graphene twice as well as fabric currently
used in bulletproof vests , making it an
ideal Armor for soldiers
Graphene in optoelectronics

 Graphene can be used as a material in

optoelectronics on a large commercial
scale specifically touch screen , LCD, OLED
for s material to be used in optoelectronics
it must transmit light more than 90% %
should have good conductivity and
graphene have both of these properties
not only that its also flexible.
Medical pharmaceutical application
 Geriatric prosthetics..
 In recent times, graphene and its derivatives are
potentially employed for constructing bone tissue
engineering scaffolds because of their osteogenic
and regenerative properties. Graphene is a
synthetic atomic layer of graphite with SP2
bonded carbon atoms that are arranged in a
honeycomb lattice structure. which helps to
recover bones of human body.
Industries which are on graphene..

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