Land Law

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LARR (Amendment)

Bill, 2015

Bharath Simha Reddy N

LARRAct ,2013
• Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act,2013
• Lays down rules for Compensation,
rehabilitation &Resettlement of land and
ensuring transparency
• Introduced by the NDAas a course correction
of the LARRAct 2013 passed under the UPA
regime as it was considered as restrictive by
industrial bodies.
• Bill has attracted major criticism from the
opposition and witnessed several walkouts in
the lower house by several political parties.
Five Special Sectors
• Defence.
• Rural Infrastructure.
• Affordable housing.
• Industrial corridors.(amended finally)
• Infrastructure projects including PPPprojects
where Central government owns the
land.(amended finally)
Comparisons with the LARR Act2013

 Drawbacks
• Removal of consentclause
For the above 5 sectors govt. doesn’t need the 80% ( for private)
& 70%(for PPP) consent of local land owners for landacquisition.
• Removal of SocialAssessment
New bill says only land owners will be compensated earlier all
assessmentwasdone to know how many people will beimpacted
• Fertility of land
Also whether the land is fertile or not will also
not be taken into consideration while acquiring
it for these five specific sectors. Thus even if the
land is extremely fertile like it was the case in
Singur (W.B) , it can be acquired if it fits the
criterion of these five sectors, no question
• Time limit
earlier if the project wasn’t completed in 5
years then the land wasn’t acquired
but the LARRBill, 2015 removes this clause
• Private Entities
The bill changes the acquisition of land for
private companies mentioned in the LARRAct
2013 to acquisition by private entities .
A private entity includes companies,
corporations and non profit organizations.
Advantages and similarities
• Govt. has amalgamated 13 new Acts in LARRAct
2013 like Land Acquisition (Mines) Act 1885,
National Highways Act 195,etc. which promise
better compensation, rehabilitation &
resettlements to the farmers.
• Direct compensation
Direct compensation has been kept same as LARR
four times the market value in rural &
double the market value in urban
• Congress, Trinamool Congress, Samajwadi
Party, RJDand BJDwalked out of the House.
• Congress and other parties are accusing the
bill to be "pro-corporate" and"anti-farmers".
• Several farmers organizations staged rallies
against the Bill
The LARR Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha. Since the National
Democratic Alliance (NDA) has a majority in the lower house, the bill
was passed after an intense debate on March 10, 2015. But the LARR
was stuck in the Rajya Sabha.

However this particular law was active for 154 days straight
by the use of Article 123 of the Constitution of India. The Supreme
Court had to step in and expressly tell the administration to stop
pulling these stunts. A seven-judge bench ruled “re-promulgation of
ordinances is a fraud on the Constitution and a subversion of the
democratic legislative processes”.

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