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A business comes from our mind

 Independent, bookish, and having

 Plant and improve independence.
 Develop mastery and skill in knowledge.
 Improve academic and non-academic
achievements by using different acceptable
learning method.
 To improve our performance and facilities in
1 year.
 To be recognized as a qualified tutoring
agency in 2 years.
 To succeed at least 1000 students making a
great achievements in the education world in
6 years.
 To be the number one tutoring agency
around Indonesia in 12 years.
There are many well-known tutoring agencies
that provide a good service. Many new comers
tutoring agencies is appearing showing their
capability to handle today’s education
circumstances, but there are also many
agencies is failed facing it. Almost all students
do not get the knowledge they want. They feel
no enough receiving material learning from
their school only. Market in the education world
is becoming highly changeable.
Competitors who are also tutoring agencies try
to give their best for the students, and for the
cost, they have some low-cost learning packet.
That will be our hit point to prove to people
that we are cheap but we are not worthless
tutoring agency which will always seek a
qualified student to teach them by using our
best teaching method “asah-asih-asuh”.
Scheduled daily regular teaching-learning.

Clinic learning.
 We have brochures to spread to school.
 We have our own banner.
 We will use social media participation to
advertise our business.
 We will have our blog and website for easily
accessing by people in Indonesia.
Analyze cash flow to know about the profit

and the loss forecasts for years 1 – 11.

 The students

 The classrooms

 The stationeries

 Many of supporting books

 Improving our facilities in the second year.

 Recruit an employee in the third year.

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