Dr. Garima Mathur Dr. Richa Banerjee Prof. Shaifali Chauhan

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Garima Mathur

Dr. Richa Banerjee

Prof. Shaifali Chauhan

 Muzammil Hanif, Sehrish Hafees, Adnan Riaz (2010)
It can be concluded that if any firm wants to be
successful over longer period of time then it has to
make its customers satisfied through charging fair
tariffs and memorable customer services so that they
can reign over the market
 David Martin - Consuegra,Arturo Molina and A´ gueda
Esteban, (2007), The results from the study provide
empirical support, suggesting that perceived price
fairness influences customer satisfaction and loyalty.
The analysis also suggests that customer satisfaction
and loyalty are two important antecedents of price
 By Asma Saleem, Abdul Ghafar, Muhammad Ibrahim, Muhammad
Yousuf& Naveed Ahmed (2015) discovered that customer purchase
intention is significantly related with customer Product Perceived Quality
and Purchase Intention with Consumer Satisfaction , satisfaction and
perceived product quality. As the gap between perception and expectation
is negative we can done that customer has more expectation than then they
actual received.
 To measure the impact of price fairness on
purchase intention.
 To evaluate the impact of customer
satisfaction on purchase intention.
 This research is causal in nature with price fairness and customer satisfaction
being the independent variables and purchase intention being the dependent

 The population of entire Gwalior region was considered and the sample size of
210 was selected for data collection from the population with the help of non
probability purposive sampling techniques.

 The data collected with the help of standardized questionnaire of customer

satisfaction of Yongmei Xu, Xiaowen Ye, Fan Zhang, Year-2013, Price
Fairness (calling and Bassey, Year-December/2014), Purchase Intention
( Nikhashemi, Paim,and Fard, May, June/2013)

 The collected data is then codified and tabulated. To check the reliability
the measure was standardized through computation of validity and Regression
test was applied to find out the relationship between price fairness, customer
satisfaction and purchase intention.
Data Analysis
S.no Variable Cronbach’s alpha value

1 Customer satisfaction 0.693

2 Price fairness 0.696

3 Purchase intention 0.731

Variable name KMO value Chi –square value Sig. level

CS 0.758 518.911 0.000

PF 0.556 38.989 0.000

PI 0.678 291.011 0.000

 The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of sampling adequacy value for CS, PF and PI was .758,
.556 and .678 respectively indicating that the sample size was adequate to consider the data
as normally distributed .The Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was tested through Chi-Square
Value 518.911, 38.989 and 291.011 significant at 0% level indicating that the inter-item
correlation matrix was not an identity matrix and therefore the data was suitable for factor
Model Summaryb
Model Std. Change Statistics
Error of R
R Adjusted the Square F
R Square R Square Estimate Change Change df1
dimensio 1 .647a 0.419 0.411 3.438 0.419 49.544 3
a. Predictors: (Constant), PF_TOTAL, GENDER, CS_TOTAL
b. Dependent Variable: PI_TOTAL

In the above table of model summary we have the R value .647 which lies between
-1 to 1, showing a moderate relationship squared is the proportion of variation in
the dependent variable explained by the regression model the value of Adjusted R
squared ranged from 0 to 1. So here the value of Adjusted R square which was
found to be .411indicating that Customer satisfaction and Price fairness as
independent variable explained 41.10% variance in Purchase Intention as
dependent variable.
Model Sum of
Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 1757.007 3 585.669 49.544 .000a
Residual 2435.189 206 11.821
Total 4192.195 209
a. Predictors: (Constant), PF_TOTAL, GENDER, CS_TOTAL
b. Dependent Variable: PI_TOTAL

 The F statistics is the regression mean square divided by the residual mean
square. Here F value is 49.54 which is significant at 0% level of
significant. This means that final model significantly improves our ability
to predict the dependent variables. Since the F value is coming out to be
49.54 which is significant at .000 level of significance. Therefore the
model is showing the good fit

Model Standardize
Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -.013 2.170 -.006 .995

CS_TOTAL .459 .057 .457 8.001 .000

PF_TOTAL .705 .122 .328 5.756 .000

Dependent Variable: PI_TOTAL


 In the above table of coefficient, for CS and PF as independent variables and PI as

dependent variable the T value is coming out to be 8.001 and 5.756 respectively
which are significant at, .000 and .000 level of significance. Hence it was stated in
H01: There is no significant impact of CS and PF on PI, which is rejected. So we
can conclude that there is significant impact of CS and PF on PI
 This study intended to discuss about the factors which affects the
customer’s purchase intention. The study also attempted to establish
cause and effect relationship between Customer Satisfaction and
Price fairness with Purchase intention. The finding shows that
Customer satisfaction and Price Fairness has a significant & positive
effect on Purchase Intention. So it is suggested that to increase
purchase intention among customer a special care should be given to
Price fairness along with customer satisfaction.
 Balakrishnan, B. K., Dahnil, M. I., & Yi, W. J. (2014). The impact of social
media marketing medium toward purchase intention and brand loyalty
among generation Y. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 177-
 Bassey, F. O. (2014). The Effect of Perceived Price Fairness on Customer
Satisfaction and Loyalty (Doctoral dissertation, Eastern Mediterranean
University (EMU)-Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)).
 Bena, I. (2010). Evaluating customer satisfaction in banking
services. Management & marketing, 5(2), 143.
 Daikh, J. (2015). A Research Proposal: The Relationship between
Customer Satisfaction and Consumer Loyalty.
 Rothenberger, S. (2015). Fairness through Transparency: The Influence of Price
Transparency on Consumer Perceptions of Price Fairness. Working Papers
CEB, 15.
 Tsiotsou, R. (2005). Perceived quality levels and their relation to involvement,
satisfaction, and purchase intentions. Marketing Bulletin, 16(4), 1-10.

 Umar, A., Bahrun, R., & Sukati, I. Customer satisfaction as mediator between
price, trust and brand loyalty: A case study from Malaysia.
 Zhao, K. (2014). Hotel Corporate Social Responsibility: Guest Satisfaction,
and Repeat Purchase Intention in China's Domestic Hotel Market (Doctoral
dissertation, University of Waikato).
Thank You

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