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1. Learning
2. Consumer learning
3. Importance
4. Increase consumer retention power
5. Learning theories
6. Conclusion
V Learning is any relative permanent change in
behavior or behavior potential produced by
experience .

V Feature
Involves some kind of experience .
Behavioral changes occurring due to learning are
V It is process that continually evolves and
changes as a result of newly acquired
knowledge or from actual experience.

V Consumer learning is :-
Intentional:- Acquired through careful search
Incidental:-Acquired through accidents or less effort
x:- Ad of new product of familiar brand
V hotivation

V Cues

V Response

V Reinforcement
V rime task of marketers V Cue is a stimulus that
to uncover motives. suggest to satisfy salient
V Aim behind is how the
product would be V hotivation leads to
useful to consumer
V Ad ,market place, pricing,
V Unfilled need leads to packaging etc serve as
motivation and which cues.
leads to learning.
xample:-when we learn
xample:- advertisement
to ride a bicycle or car we for an exotic trip recognizes
are motivated need for vacation

V ow individual reacts to V It increases likelihood
cues or drives is response. that a specific response
V Learning occurs when occur in future on
responses are clear. inducement of stimuli or
V xample :- Car hanft. cue.
provide cues to V xample :-If an individual
individuals but it does not in on having food at a
result in sale ,but if he is restaurant gets full value
able to get the response it of money ,he plans to dine
can covert to sale at the same place again .
V romotes brands loyalty
V Increases brand equity
V Improves Classification on basis of
Design etc
V Improves market share of the company
V Build company financially strong and generate
good amount of revenue.
V he following are the learning theories :-

Classical conditioning.

Instrumental conditioning.

bservational Learning.
V Conditioning is response to situation built up
through repeated exposure.

V In the following theory

Ivan avlov , Russian physiologist conducted

experiment to describe conditioning.

e conducted his studies on dogs.

In his experiment a hungry dog was operated &

fitted with instruments in mouth , aim behind to
check the learning.
After operating , a bell was sounded and food was
given to dog, seeing food started salivating.

After some trials ,bell was sounded and dog started

salivating ,without giving food to dog.

Bell =conditional stimulus
Food = Unconditional stimulus
alivation = Unconditional Response

At particular time if the food was offered to dog

then after repeated trial the dog would salivate at
that particular time.
ime = Conditional timulus
V he following theory says that learning occur
through trial and error .

V It leads to development of behavior.

V Instrumental conditioning is also called operant


V It the following experiment

he experiments was carried out on rats.
A hungry rat was placed in skinner box, which had a
lever ,on pressing it food pellet was delivered to rat.
V Continuous pressing of lever helped rat learn
way to satisfy his hunger whenever he was
placed in the box .

V ressing pellet = conditional stimulus

V Dropping of food pellet = unconditional

response .
@   :Rat will perform till he his hunger is not
V bservational learning = Imitation

V his ype of learning was first was studied by


V Advertisers recognize the importance of

bservational learning in selection of models and

x:- halbro Cigarettes failure in 1980·s by advertising a

girl holding Cigarette.
V Consumer hodels with whom target audience
can identify achieving certain positive outcome
to common problems

V Children Learn huch of their social behavior

and consumer behavior by observing older
x: In boys ,buying a Bike by seeing their sibling
driving .
V Recoganization & recalls
Aided recalls
Unaided Recalls
V Brand Loyalty
Attitudinal Loyalty
Behavioral loyalty
Framework of customer loyalty
V Brand quity
Association with mega brands

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