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What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality (VR) can be referred to as immersive
multimedia or computer-simulated reality, replicates an
environment that simulates a physical presence in
places in the real world or an imagined world, allowing
the user to interact in that world. Virtual reality
artificially create sensory experiences, which can
include sight, touch, hearing, and smell.
A Virtual Reality headset
Who invented virtual reality?
• It is difficult to state with any certainty who the father of virtual reality is.
• If we are talking about the realm of virtual experience then the answer is
Morton Heilig.
Other people who lay claim to this title include:
• Jaron Lanier
• Douglas Engelbart
• Ivan Sutherland
• Myron Krueger
Who coined the term “virtual reality”?
• The term ‘virtual reality’ was coined by Jaron Lanier in 1987.
• He had set up VPL Research - a company which pioneered research into
virtual reality and 3D graphics
• VPL Research patents were later acquired by Sun Microsystems in 1999.
Features of virtual reality systems

• VR allow the person to view three-dimensional images.

• They change as the person moves around their environment which
corresponds with the change in their field of vision.
• A virtual environmentprovides the appropriate responses – in real time- as
the person explores their surroundings.
Why have Virtual Reality?
• Immersive films and video games are good examples.
• The entertainment industry is after all a multi-billion dollar one and
consumers are always keen on novelty.
There are a wide variety of applications for virtual reality which include:
• Architecture
• Sport
• Medicine
• The Arts
• Entertainment
How is Virtual Reality achieved ?

• Headsets, omni-directional treadmills and special gloves. These are used to

actually stimulate our senses together in order to create the illusion of reality.
• The right combination of hardware, software and sensory synchronicity
achieves something known as a sense of presence. Where the subject really
feels like they are present in that environment.
Virtual Reality in Engineering
• This technology enables engineers to view their project in 3D and gain a
greater understanding of how it works.
• This also allows the design team to observe their project within a safe
environment and make changes as and where necessary.
• Visualize and manipulate things that you cannot see in the real world
• Interact in real time
• Present realistic or abstract scenarios
• Promote different learning styles and teaching methods
Virtual Reality in Aviation Industry

• Aviation industry was the first to adopt virtual reality as it helped

them to save billions of dollar.
• Flight simulators were made to train pilots and astronauts with the
help of VR displays .
Virtual Reality in entertainment
The entertainment industry is one of the most enthusiastic advocates of virtual
reality, most noticeably in games and virtual worlds. But other equally popular
areas include:
• Virtual Museums, e.g. interactive exhibitions
• Galleries
• Theatre, e.g. interactive performances
• Virtual theme parks
• Discovery centres
Many of these areas fall into the category ‘edutainment’ in which the aim is to
educate as well as entertain.
Tech giants in Virtual Reality
• Oculus Rift
• Samsung
• Google
Future of Virtual Reality

• VR systems are being improved.

• Presently limited to only a few applications and multimedia.
• Growth of VR systems is increasing as major tech giants are
• In future VR systems are expected to be seen in daily use.
Virtual reality is the creation of a virtual environment presented to
our senses in such a way that we experience it as if we were really
there. It uses a host of technologies to achieve this goal and is a
technically complex feat that has to account for our perception and
cognition. It has both entertainment and serious uses. The
technology is becoming cheaper and more widespread. We can
expect to see many more innovative uses for the technology in the
future and perhaps a fundamental way in which we communicate
and work thanks to the possibilities of virtual reality.

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