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5 Mind-Boggling New

Discoveries: 2017 Edition

Aimery Wayne B. Entera
7-St. Matthew
TRIVIA 1: 3 Earth like
Astronomers found not just one but
seven planets outside our solar
system that circle a tiny star called
TRAPPIST-1, about 40 light-years
Trivia 2:Neutron Star
Collision Detected

In October 2017, astronomers

detected something never seen
before: light and gravitational waves
from the same event. That event was
the collision observed two months
earlier, also for the first time of two
neutron stars 130 million light-years
from Earth.
Trivia 3:Secret Void
Detected in Great
Pyramid at Giza

scientists have found a previously

unknown area in the Great Pyramid
at Giza for the first time since the
1800s. Using muon radiography,
which detects the subatomic
Trivia 4:Orcas can
imitate human speech,
research reveals

Scientists say the discovery helps to

shed light on how different pods of
wild killer whales have ended up with
distinct dialects, adding weight to the
idea that they are the result of
imitation between orcas
Trivia 5:Discovery of

In April, scientists at Harvard’s MEarth

Project announced a major finding: the
discovery of an exoplanet that gives us
the best opportunity yet to find alien
life. Planet LHS 1140b is rocky,
temperate, and just 40 light-years away
(practically next door in astronomical
terms), where it transits a star smaller
than Earth.

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