A Presentation On Deforestation

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- 1st year 2016-17

EC-2 (B-3)

Submitted to Submitted by
Ms Rashmi thakur Shadab khokar
• What is deforestation?
• Causes of deforestation
• Why do humans clear forest lands?
• Effects of deforestation
• How can we stop deforestation?
• Conclusion
What is Deforestation?
• The destruction of forests or the cutting of trees is known as


• It has many harmful effects on our environment.

Causes of Deforestation




• Leading cause of deforestation
• As the Farmers need land to grow crops and raise
animals they remove forest land to make room for
farms. They use slash and burn to perform
•Loggers cut down trees for their wood
•Logging is illegal in many areas, like National Parks
•The wood is used for many purposes, including paper
production and as a building material
•Miners search for materials like gold, copper, and
•This clears the land, including the forest that occupies
•Contaminates the ecosystem with runoff
•Building the roads themselves destroys trees in the
•Provides access to a larger area of the forest for
loggers, miners, and farmers
Why do Humans clear forest land?
Trees are cut down for many
reason they are including ;-
1. To be used, sold or
exported as timber, wood
or fuel .this is called
2. To be used for farming
purpose ( grazing fields
for livestock. Or large-
scale farming activities)
3. To make room for human
settlement and
urbanization ( these
include making .
Space for shelter, industries
Effects of deforestation
• Disrupts
water cycle
and carbon
• Loss of bio-
• Soil erosion.
Water Cycle
If the trees are gone,
there will be less
transpiration and less
water released into
the hydrologic cycle
CO2 CO2 Carbon Cycle CO2 CO2


If trees aren’t there, carbon dioxide will accumulate and

contribute to the greenhouse effect
How can we stop deforestation

•Buying environmentally friendly paper.

•Donating to an organization that stands

up for forests.
Environmentally Friendly Paper
• This could be recycled paper or paper made from
Again, this pressures paper making companies into
using recycled paper and bamboo paper.
Donating to Organizations
• Organizations like Greenpeace fight damage to the
environment like deforestation.
Since they receive money, these organizations can
influence corporations and politicians to make
environmentally friendly policies
• As the deforestation is a very serious problem and it is
increasing very rapidly so we should think and try to
overcome from this problem. It is time to come forward and
try to find out a solution otherwise it may be too late, I think
that we should spread awareness among the peoples and
make understand them that how necessary is the forests for
us. If we unite together and fight with this problem then no
one can stop us to overcome from this problem.
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modem
 http://www.tahirmehmood.com/wp
 http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-modem.htm
 http://e99ie.tripod.com/ADSL_Tutorial/purpose.htm
 http://amylouisewebber.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/thankyou2.jpg
 http://home.olemiss.edu/~misbook/cs11.htm
 http://www.scribd.com/doc/27121008/Functions-and-Types-of-Modems
 http://www.ustudy.in/node/5016

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