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What Procedure Analysis

Entails classifying things,

Rely on text and person, events, properties
- Observation which characterize them.
image data, have
unique steps in - Interview
- Involves preparing the data
data analysis, analysis
and draw on - Documents - Conducting different
diverse analysis
strategies of - Analysis - Representating the data
inquiry - Making interpretation of the
target meaning data

Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and

Mixed Method, John W. Creswell, 2003, USA

What Procedure Analysis

- The field of Anthropology

(Bronislaw Malinowski, - Identify and describe
Robert Park and Franz Boas) patterns and themes
- To obtain a holistic picture f from the perspective
the subject of study with of the participant(s).
emphasis on portraying the Then attempt to
everyday experiences of understand and
individuals by observing and explain these patterns
interviewing them and and themes.
relevant others.
- Organized by
categorically and

Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and

Mixed Method, John W. Creswell, 2003, USA
Case Study

Typology The
The study of speech,
writing, or language
Multi-side Case
use of one person, No Study
either at one point in Ethnographic
time or over a period - Consists of
of time, e.g. The - The indepth condensed fieldwork Etnography
language acquisition undertaken by a - Complete
of a child over a investigation team workers on a account of a
period of year of a single number of sites and particular culture
(Richards, Platt, case by a possibly offering an
Weber: 1985) alternative approach
participant to research that Case Study
observer based on sampling - Examine a facet
and statistical of particular
inference aspect of the
culture or
subculture under

Research Methods in Language Learning, David

Nunan, Cambridge University Press
Interactional Analysis & Discourse Analysis

Interactional Analysis
Discourse Analysis
- Shares characteristics
both with discourse and - Concerned with the
conversation analysis
rhetorical routines
- Concerned with both the realised in speech
linguistic and non-linguistic
aspects of spoken
language, and attempt to
articulate links between Conversation Analysis
the linguistically focused
rhetorical routines and - Interested in the
social aspects of social routines

Research Methods in Language Learning, David

Nunan, Cambridge University Press
Triangulation Strategy

Usually uses separate quantitative and qualitative

methods as a means to offset the weaknesses
inherent within one method with the strengths of
the other method.


Data Data
Collection Display

Research : Qualitative,
Quantitative, and Mixed Conclusion:
Method, John W. Creswell, Drawing/Verifying
2003, USA

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