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CSR and


By- LT-B08





What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Eligibility Criteria, A company having

1. Net worth > 500cr. ‘or’
2. Turnover > 1000cr. ‘or’
3. Net profit > 5cr.
 During any financial year, shall form a Corporate Social Responsibility
Committee of the Board consisting of 3 >= DIRECTORS, out of which at least
one director shall be an independent director.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee shall—

(a) formulate and recommend to the Board, a Corporate Social Responsibility

Policy which shall indicate the activities to be undertaken by the company as
specified in Schedule VII;
(b) recommend the amount of expenditure to be incurred on the activities
referred to in clause (a); and
(c) monitor the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy of the company from time
to time.
Schedule VII

(i) eradicating extreme hunger and poverty;

(ii) promotion of education;
(iii) promoting gender equality and empowering women;
(iv) reducing child mortality and improving maternal health;
(v) combating human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency
syndrome, malaria and other diseases;
(vi) ensuring environmental sustainability;
(vii) employment enhancing vocational skills;
(viii) social business projects;
(ix) contribution to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or any other
fund set up by the Central Government or the State Governments for
socio-economic development and relief and funds for the welfare of the Scheduled
Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, minorities and women; and
(x) such other matters as may be prescribed.

The Board of every company, shall ensure that the company spends,
in every financial year,
at least 2% of the average net profits of
the company made during the three immediately preceding financial years,
in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Co.) (9822 Cr.)
CSR Expenditure (in Cr.)






CSR Expenditure of Top 15 spender

SBI spending on CSR activities
CSR activities done by SBI bank
 Supporting Healthcare – SBI supported large number of hospitals and complements the National
Health Policy 2017. SBI launched Project SBI Shishu Raksha and Project SBI Umeed. Some other
initiatives were Project SBI – Anugraha, Project SBI – Life, Project SBI – Darpan.
 Education for social development – Support to the tribal communities living inhabiting the
north-east region through its “Shiksha Samhiti” and “Purvottor Janajati Shiksha Samiti”. Some
noteworthy initiatives were Project Gyanshala and Project Beti Padhao Kendras.
 Drinking water and sanitation facilities- Provided funding for the construction of girl – friendly
toilets and amenity centers at different colleges in Thumba. It positively impacted the health
and hygiene.
 Skill development and Livelihood Creation – This initiative strive to remove the disconnect
between demand and supply of skilled manpower. SBI has contributed more than Rs. 9 Crores
towards the construction of RSETI buildings. Programs include SBI Youth for India Fellowship
 Supported India’s Defence Services – SBI operates branches in Tangtse, Kargil and Leh-Ladakh
region and Tawang and Tenga in Arunachal Pradesh to financially assist the military
establishments stationed there. SBI has associated itself with “Bharat Ke Veer” portal.
 Women Empowerment and Care for Senior Citizens – SBI Foundation and United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) launched Project “Samriddhi”. The first phase of the project have
benefitted 3,500 – 4,500 adolescent girls across 150 villages.
 Sustainability and Environment – To establish different sustainable waste management
methods, SBI initiated Project SBI Corbett, under which 37 villages were provided waste
management system trainings.
Some other CSR initiatives by SBI

 SBI Chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya launches CSR initiative SBI GRAM SEVA wherein the mission
is to develop the micro needs of thw community through SBI and empower people to achieve
macro needs.
Caring for the environment-
 Achieving Carbon Neutrality – SBI is currently working towards the development of an
exhaustive, pan-India Carbon Neutrality Strategy.
 Investments of Renewable Energy – SBI has given a commitment to the Government of India to
finance viable renewable energy projects over a five year period. (2015-2020)
 Energy consumption and Management – Bank initiated replacement of CFL Lights with LED and
Split Ac’s to Variable Refrigerant Volume (VRV)
 Waste management.
. Digital innovation and Resource Consumption – SBI’s digital services
that have contributed to reduced paper consumption have been Digital
On-Boarding of Merchants, SBI Intouch, Green Channel Counters (GCC),
Green Remit Cards (GRC), Green Pins.
 Creating Environment Consciousness – SBI’s Green Marathon was rolled
out to educate the society on the negative impacts of climate change
and to encourage the citizens of India to participate actively in
protecting the environment.
ICICI Foundation
ICICI Foundation for inclusive growth was set up in early 2008 to build
upon the ICICI group’s legacy of promoting inclusive growth. It works
on high impact projects that are sustainable and scalable in four
areas: skill development and sustainable livelihood, financial
inclusion, elementary education and primary healthcare.

1. Skill Development & Sustainable Livelihood ICICI Foundation

significantly enhanced the outreach of the Academy of Skills which
provides vocational training to youth from economically weaker
sections to help them earn a sustainable livelihood.

 Academy of Skills academy for skills has 22 center's including 10

center's exclusively for women. The centre provide
underprivileged youth with vocational training of 12 weeks
duration which enables them to earn a sustainable livelihood.
CSR initiatives
 Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI) ICICI
Foundation operates RSETI mainly in Udaipur and Jodhpur which
imparts skills in 33 diversified trades which facilitates livelihood
opportunity for underprivileged youth.

2. Elementary Education ICICI Foundation has partnered with

government of Rajasthan and Chattisgarh to
emplement the School and Teacher Education Reform Programme
(STERP) which aims at improving the quality of education in these

3. Primary Healthcare
(i) Strengthening Convergent Action for Reducing Child Under-
nutrition, Rajasthan : ICICI Foundation in partnership with
government of Rajasthan implemented a 3 year pilot project across
494 Anganwadi Center's (AWC) to improve the nutrition level of

The main purpose is to prevent, manage and treat under nutrition. It

also monitors the children's growth and referral of Under nourished
children to Malnutrition Treatment Centers.

4. Other Initiatives The ICICI Foundation contributed 450 million to

support the initiatives in skill building, elementary education,
healthcare and rural development. This involves adopting a holistic
approach to improve livelihood and enhance access to financial
services. Training is provided to individuals to become self employed
and facilitates financial inclusion of a larger population. The bank has
opened 20.7 million Basic Saving Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA) of
which 2.9 million were opened under the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan
Yojna (PMJDY).
Other Contribution
1. Employee Salary Donation for Chennai relief in December 2015.
The ICICI Group contributed 100 million to the Chief Minister’s
Relief Fund to help people affected by the flood. The contribution
comprises salaries of employees of ICICI Bank and its group of

2. DAAN UTSAV The annual event organised by bank in partnership

with Give India provides customers and employees of the ICICI Group
an opportunity to donate towards education for underprivileged
children. A total amount of 12 million was mobilised through
participation from 121,805 donors.

3. Blood Donation Over 4800 bank employees have participated in

blood donation drive conducted by ICICI Foundation since 2011.
HDFC Bank “Parivartan”
a step towards progress
Development-construction of irrigation plants, installation of solar lamps & development across
communities. 298000+ households are covered and 870+ villages are impacted.

•Financial literacy & Inclusion- providing essential knowledge about savings & investments.59,17,200+
participants are covered under FLPs & 6,83,300+ FLPs are conducted.

•Healthcare & Hygiene- Community led sanitation campaigns, promoting hygienic conditions through
appropriate wastewater disposals and providing safe drinking water are at the heart of this
programme. .5600+ health camps are conducted & 23,250+ sanitation units are constructed under this

• Zero Investment Innovation for Education Initiative(ZIIEI)- action-oriented initiative aiming at

improvement of education system at zero or minimal cost. With HDFC Bank Parivartan as its principal
sponsor, ZIIEI is the world’s largest people-driven grassroots innovation movement. It ha successfully
improved the quality of education in government schools across 75 districts of UP & is being implemented
in 11 other states and 1 union territory.
Other Key Initiatives
•SustainableLivelihood Initiative(SLI)-it empowers women in rural India by providing direct access to l finance
& non-financial services. It has reached over 56.78 lakh households across 25 states & is providing skill training
to over 2000 youth.
•Capacity Building Program(CBP)- The program focuses on providing key skills that on providing key skills that empower
people to earn a respectable and better livelihood.

•Educational Crisis Scholarship Support(ECSS)-provides interim support children who face a personal or
financial exigency. Through there interventions, they have touched more than 60,000 students and 2 lakh
teachers across 11 states of India.
Katha Lab School- Through Katha Lab School, they aim to provide holistic education to economically deprived children
from all age groups.
Navjyoti India Foundation - under Navjyoti India Foundation they discourage students from dropping out of school.
The same is done by offering tutorial assistance to students studying in class four, the grade post which students are
most susceptible to drop-outs. The initiative has helped contain a number of students from dropping out in Haryana.
Sri Aurobindo Society- they have reached out to train upto 2,00,000 teachers based majorly in rural Uttar Pradesh
providing education to 2 crore school students in the state.
Magic Bus,- they have undertaken several projects to uplift the quality of education. they aim to improve the calibre of
both students as well as teachers in the states of Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharasthra.
• community initiatives-their rural development programmes focus in the areas of Financial Literacy and Inclusion, Improvement of Education and infrastructure,
Sustainable Livelihood through skill development and Natural Resource Management, Water and Sanitation, Health and Environment and Energy.

 Natural Resource Management- designing of intervention plans based on needs assessment carried out in each village. Till now they have improved soil quality in
317hc. Of land & have reduced soil and water erosion.

 Water wheels-they have introduced water wheels amongst 2029HHs in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan. 45 litres of water can now be easily
carried in the wheel without putting any physical burden on the person and this has also helped in saving time in fetching water.

 Solar street lights-In partnership with theNGOs and active ownership of communities, they have installed more than 500 street lights which have benefited 72 villages
of Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.

 Skilling- by adopting number of skill development programmes like Loksamruddhi, ASHA for a greener tomorrow, swaadhar& hunar hai. They have currently
been reach out more than 16,000 rural households across 6 states.
 Loksamruddhi-An agriculture based community skill development programme, the project intends on creating a sustainable future for the community by focussing on
natural resources management and improved agricultural produce. Working with BAIF Agro India, they have reached out to more than 3400 families across 18 villages
in the states of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.

 ASHA for a greener tomorrow-The programme uses a mobile platform for information dissemination to farmers from use of insurance to boosting farm productivity to
diversification of crops and varying income cycle. About 1200 households in the hinterlands of Vidisha district of Madhya Pradesh are covered under the programme.

 SWAADHAR-A programme whose operating model is based on supporting economic empowerment of women through a multi-pronged approach resulting in sustainable
development of the community.

 Hunar hai-Motivating over 800 youth in Maharashtra, the ‘Hunar’ programme is aimed at training young students in fields of IT, Retail, Hospitality, soft skills and even
placements. In association with the Navrachna Mahila Vikas Trust, HDFC bank advocates for better technology and constant innovation in community development in
44 villages in Maharashtra.

 Azim Premji foundation realizes that education has the greatest multiplier effect. Old saying
“if you give someone a fish you feed him for a day. You teach him how to fish you feed him
for lifetime”
Education: Wipro Cares focuses on meeting the educational needs of the urban poor along
with other initiatives. The educational needs of children that belong to this group are often
neglected due to various reasons. Wipro Cares aims at helping these children by offering them
opportunities for holistic educational and social development by running bridge schools, non-
formal schools and giving them vocational training. Wipro also help train teachers to engage
with these children, with empathy. In addition, they support a school for hearing impaired
children and encourage girl child education.

Mission10X is a not-for-profit trust of Wipro, launched on September 5, 2007,

with an aim to enhance the employability skills of engineering graduates in India.
It aims to achieve this by collaborating with academicians & leading educational
institutions across the country.
The Mission10X Learning Approach empowers engineering faculty with innovative
teaching techniques using which they can help learners in imbibing higher level
of understanding of subjects, application of concepts learned and development
of key behavioral skills.
Since its launch Mission10X has gained tremendous recognition and momentum in
the field of engineering education. Mission10X has reached out to over 1,200
engineering colleges across 25 States in India and has empowered over 23,000
engineering faculty members.
Magic bus

 Magic bus, Bengaluru: The Magic Bus project started in October 2013 and is
working with 500 children around Sarjapur area in Bangalore. Sensitization of
around 500 children in and around Sarjapur area on importance of education,
gender issues and health hygiene is being carried out and also 20 youth
leaders from the community were be trained and assisted to take up
leadership roles in the community.
 Strive for economic
development that positively
impacts the society at large
with minimal resource
 Embrace responsibility for
the company’s action and
encourage a positive impact
through its activities.
 Hunger, poverty, malnutrition and healthcare: Eradicating extreme hunger,
poverty and malnutrition, promoting preventive healthcare and sanitation and
making available safe drinking water.
 Education: Promoting education, including special education and
employment-enhancing vocational skills especially among children, women,
elderly and the differently abled, and livelihood enhancement projects;
monetary contributions to academic institutions for establishing endowment
funds, chairs, laboratories, etc., with the objective of assisting students in
their studies.
 Rural development: Strengthening rural areas by improving accessibility,
housing, drinking water, sanitation, power and livelihoods, thereby creating
sustainable villages.
 Environmental sustainability: Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological
balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agro-forestry,
conservation of natural resources and maintaining the quality of soil, air and
 Gender equality: Promoting gender equality and empowering women; setting up
homes, hostels and day care centers for women and orphans; setting up old age
homes and such other facilities for senior citizens; and adopting measures for
reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.
 National Heritage, art and culture: Protecting national heritage, art and culture
including restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of
art; setting up public libraries; promoting and developing traditional arts and
 Also works for clean India:1000+ Infosys volunteers are working on clean India
• Believes in the TATA Group philosophy of building a sustainable business for
sustainable community & hence environment.

• Follow the “Basket Weave” methodology: impacting social, economic and

environmental issues: both inside & outside of TCS.

• Corporate Sustainability extends: People, Planet & Profit.

Association with Kumbh: Nashik

 Over 30 million devotees visited Kumbh in Nashik in 2015.

 TCS joined hands with team “Kumbhathon” to mentor & encourage bottom up
innovations through a series of tech camps in the run up to the event.

 Led to 12 innovations being deployed during Kumbh for crowd management.

(DISQ) in Nashik to create impact
through use of digital technology &
inclusive design.

Young to-be-graduates are trained and

DISQ: Nashik work in themes to tackle challenges
across 7 themes.

Discovered around 24 solutions that

could be implemented in Nashik city
and has helped 6 startups bloom.

 DISQ also provides young innovators mentoring & coaching.

 The young entrepreneurs become ideators & innovators

 The process takes 6 to 12 months: a brand new startup or marketable MVP is born.
Thank you

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