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Calcium metabolism

Dr. joko wahyu wibowo MKes

Calcium Turnover
Calcium metabolism

 99% of total body calcium in the bone

 1% in ICF ,ECF ,& cell membranes .
 Calcium weight is 400mg/kg in infant
& 950mg/kg in adult .
 The 1% can be divided in 3
components :
1) 50% ionized . 2) 40% bound to protein
3)10% complex
Calcium in Blood and Bone
 Ca2+ normally ranges from 8.5-10 mg/dL
in the plasma.
 The active free ionized Ca2+ is only about
48% 46% is bound to protein in a non-
diffusible state while 6% is complexed to
 Only free, ionized Ca2+ is biologically
Phosphate Turnover
Phosphorous in Blood and Bone

 PO4 normal plasma concentration is 3.0-

4.5 mg/dL. 87% is diffusible, with 35%
complexed to different ions and 52%
 13% is in a non-diffusible protein bound
state. 85-90% is found in bone.
 The rest is in ATP, cAMP, and proteins
Calcium Turnover in Bones
 80% of bone is mass consists of cortical bone–
for example: dense concentric layers of
appendicular skeleton (long bones)
 20% of bone mass consists of trabecular bone–
bridges of bone spicules of the axial skeleton
(skull, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis)
 Trabecular bone has 5 X greater surface area,
though comprises lesser mass.
 Because of greater accessibility trabecular bone
is more important to calcium turnover
Types of Bone Cells
 There are 3 major types of bone cells:
Osteoblasts are the differentiated bone
forming cells and secrete bone matrix on which
Ca2+ and PO43- precipitate.
 Osteocytes, the mature bone cells are enclosed
in bone matrix.
 Osteoclasts is a large multinucleated cell
derived from monocytes whose function is to
resorb bone. Inorganic bone is composed of
hydroxyapatite and organic matrix is composed
primarily of collagen.
Calcium, Bones and Osteoporosis

 The total bone mass of humans peaks at

25-35 years of age.
 Men have more bone mass than women.
 A gradual decline occurs in both genders
with aging, but women undergo an
accelerated loss of bone due to increased
resorption during perimenopause.
 Bone resorption exceeds formation.
Calcium, Bones and Osteoporosis

 Reduced bone density and mass: osteoporosis

 Susceptibility to fracture.
 Earlier in life for women than men but eventually
both genders succumb.
 Reduced risk:
 Calcium in the diet
 habitual exercise
 avoidance of smoking and alcohol intake
 avoid drinking carbonated soft drinks
Vertebrae of 40- vs. 92-year-old women

Note the marked loss of trabeculae with preservation of cortex.

Control of
Hormonal Control of Ca2+

 Three principal hormones regulate Ca2+ and

three organs that function in Ca2+ homeostasis.
 Parathyroid hormone (PTH), 1,25-
dihydroxy Vitamin D3 (Vitamin D3), and
Calcitonin, regulate Ca2+ resorption,
reabsorption, absorption and excretion from the
bone, kidney and intestine. In addition, many
other hormones effect bone formation and
Vitamin D

 Vitamin D, after its activation to the

hormone 1,25-dihydroxy Vitamin D3 is a
principal regulator of Ca2+.
 Vitamin D increases Ca2+ absorption from
the intestine and Ca2+ resorption from the
bone .
Calcium metabolism
Vitamin D
 Actions:
1)increase Ca absorption from intestine.
2) increase PO4 absorption from intestine.
3) increase renal reabsorption of Ca &PO4.
4) increase bone resorption from old bone
&mineralize new bone{net resorption} .
 Overall effect :increase serum Ca & PO4 .
Synthesis of Vitamin D
 Humans acquire vitamin D from two sources.
 Vitamin D is produced in the skin by ultraviolet
radiation and ingested in the diet.
 Vitamin D is not a classic hormone because it is
not produce and secreted by an endocrine
“gland.” Nor is it a true “vitamin” since it can be
synthesized de novo.
 Vitamin D is a true hormone that acts on distant
target cells to evoke responses after binding to
high affinity receptors
Synthesis of Vitamin D
 Vitamin D3 synthesis occurs in keratinocytes in
the skin.
 7-dehydrocholesterol is photoconverted to
previtamin D3, then spontaneously converts to
vitamin D3.
 Previtamin D3 will become degraded by over
exposure to UV light and thus is not
 Also 1,25-dihydroxy-D (the end product of
vitamin D synthesis) feeds back to inhibit its
Synthesis of Vitamin D
 PTH stimulates vitamin D synthesis. In the
winter or if exposure to sunlight is limited
(indoor jobs!), then dietary vitamin D is
 Vitamin D itself is inactive, it requires
modification to the active metabolite, 1,25-
 The first hydroxylation reaction takes place in
the liver yielding 25-hydroxy D.
 Then 25-hydroxy D is transported to the kidney
where the second hydroxylation reaction takes
Synthesis of Vitamin D
 The mitochondrial P450 enzyme 1a-hydroxylase
converts it to 1,25-dihydroxy-D, the most potent
metabolite of Vitamin D.
 The 1a-hydroxylase enzyme is the point of
regulation of D synthesis.
 Feedback regulation by 1,25-dihydroxy D inhibits
this enzyme.
 PTH stimulates 1a-hydroxylase and increases
1,25-dihydroxy D.
Synthesis of Vitamin D

 25-OH-D3 is also hydroxylated in the 24 position

which inactivates it.
 If excess 1,25-(OH)2-D is produced, it can also
by 24-hydroxylated to remove it.
 Phosphate inhibits 1a-hydroxylase and
decreased levels of PO4 stimulate 1a-
hydroxylase activity
Regulation of Vitamin D Metabolism

 PTH increases 1-hydroxylase activity, increasing

production of active form.
 This increases calcium absorption from the intestines,
increases calcium release from bone, and decreases
loss of calcium through the kidney.
 As a result, PTH secretion decreases, decreasing 1-
hydroxylase activity (negative feedback).
 Low phosphate concentrations also increase 1-
hydroxylase activity (vitamin D increases phosphate
reabsorption from the urine).
Vitamin D

 Vitamin D is a lipid soluble hormone that binds

to a typical nuclear receptor, analogous to
steroid hormones.
 Because it is lipid soluble, it travels in the blood
bound to hydroxylated a-globulin.
 There are many target genes for Vitamin D.
Vitamin D action

 The main action of 1,25-(OH)2-D is to stimulate

absorption of Ca2+ from the intestine.
 1,25-(OH)2-D induces the production of calcium
binding proteins which sequester Ca2+, buffer
high Ca2+ concentrations that arise during initial
absorption and allow Ca2+ to be absorbed
against a high Ca2+ gradient
Vitamin D promotes intestinal calcium
 Vitamin D acts via steroid hormone like
receptor to increase transcriptional and
translational activity
 One gene product is calcium-binding
protein (CaBP)
 CaBP facilitates calcium uptake by
intestinal cells
Calcium homeostasis
Calcium &
 Calcitonin acts to decrease plasma Ca2+ levels.
 While PTH and vitamin D act to increase plasma
Ca2+-- only calcitonin causes a decrease in
plasma Ca2+.
 Calcitonin is synthesized and secreted by the
parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland.
 They are distinct from thyroid follicular cells by
their large size, pale cytoplasm, and small
secretory granules.

 The major stimulus of calcitonin secretion

is a rise in plasma Ca2+ levels
 Calcitonin is a physiological antagonist to
PTH with regard to Ca2+ homeostasis

 The target cell for calcitonin is the

 Calcitonin acts via increased cAMP
concentrations to inhibit osteoclast motility
and cell shape and inactivates them.
 The major effect of calcitonin
administration is a rapid fall in Ca2+
caused by inhibition of bone resorption.
Actions of Calcitonin
 The major action of calcitonin is on bone
 Calcitonin inhibits activity of osteoclasts, resulting
in decreased bone resorption (and decreased
plasma Ca levels).
osteoclasts: destroy bone to
release Ca

 Role of calcitonin in normal Ca2+ control is not
understood—may be more important in control of bone
 Used clinically in treatment of hypercalcelmia and in
certain bone diseases in which sustained reduction of
osteoclastic resorption is therapeutically advantageous.
 Chronic excess of calcitonin does not produce
hypocalcemia and removal of parafollicular cells does not
cause hypercalcemia. PTH and Vitamin D3 regulation
 May be more important in regulating bone remodeling
than in Ca2+ homeostasis.
Other Factors Influencing Bone and Calcium

 Estrogens and Androgens: both stimulate

bone formation during childhood and puberty.
 Estrogen inhibits PTH-stimulated bone
 Estrogen increases calcitonin levels
 Osteoblasts have estrogen receptors, respond
to estrogen with bone growth.
 Postmenopausal women (low estrogen) have
an increased incidence of osteoporosis and
bone fractures.
Effects of Glucocorticoids

 Normal levels of glucocorticoids (cortisol) are

necessary for skeletal growth.
 Excess glucocorticoid levels decrease renal calcium
reabsorption, interfere with intestinal calcium
absorption, and stimulate PTH secretion.
 High glucocorticoid levels also interfere with growth
hormone production and action, and gonadal steroid
 Net Result: rapid osteoporosis (bone loss).
Influence of Thyroid Hormones

 Thyroid hormones are important in skeletal growth

during infancy and childhood (direct effects on
 Hypothyroidism leads to decreased bone growth.
 Hyperthyroidism can lead to increased bone loss,
suppression of PTH, decreased vitamin D
metabolism, decreased calcium absorption. Leads to
Effects of Diet
 Increasing dietary intake of Ca may prevent
osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
 Excessive Na intake in diet can impair renal Ca
reabsorption, resulting in lower blood Ca and
increased PTH release. Normally, PTH results in
increased absorption of Ca from the GI tract (via
vitamin D). But in aging women, vitamin D
production decreases, so Ca isn’t absorbed, and PTH
instead causes increased bone loss.
 High protein diet may cause loss of Ca from bone,
due to acidic environment resulting from protein
metabolism and decreased reabsorption at the
Effects of soft drinks
 Intake of carbonated beverages has been
associated with increased excretion and loss of
 25 years ago teenagers drank twice as much
milk as soda pop. Today they drink more than
twice as much soda pop as milk.
 Another significant consideration is obesity and
increased risk for diabetes.
 For complete consideration of ill effects of soft
drinks on health and environment see:
Excessive sodium intake
 Excessive intake of Na may cause renal
hypercalciuria by impairing Ca reabsorption
resulting in compensatory increase in PTH
 Stimulation of intestinal Ca absorption by PTH-
induced 1,25-(OH)2-D production compensates
for excessive Ca excretion
 Post-menopausal women at greater risk for bone
loss due to excessive Na intake due to impaired
vitamin D synthesis which accompanies estrogen
Effects of Exercise

 Bone cells respond to pressure

gradients in laying down bone.

• Lack of weight-bearing exercise decreases

bone formation, while increased exercise helps
form bone.

•Increased bone resorption during immobilization may

result in hypercalcemia

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