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Reading Practice

The Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Theory and Its relation to
Pleasure, Happiness, Joy and
Complete the sentences below with words
taken from the passage.


1. Maslow’s theory which deals with

underlying reasons behind the human’s
behavior is called as ………………….
Complete the sentences below with words taken from
the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS for each answer.

2. The phrase “the most basic levels of human needs”

a) The human needs which are in the most basic levels
b) The levels of human needs which are the most basic
c) The needs of human which are the most basic levels

3. Our individual desire can be met if, previously, we

already fulfill the ……
Complete the sentences below with words taken from
the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS for each answer.

4. The phrase “self-actualization needs” means
a) The needs to actualize ourselves
b) The actualized needs of ourselves
c) Ourselves’ needs which are actualized

5. Before we can experience positive feelings, we have

to …………………

6. The term “basic needs” is also called as the ………

Complete the sentences below with words taken from
the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS for each answer.

7. The fundamental needs which we require to be able
to survive are ……………………

8. The four basic physiological needs which are

mentioned in paragraph C are …………………

9. The synonym of “generating new generation or

children” that you can find in this paragraph is
Complete the sentences below with words taken from
the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS for each answer.

10. The simple definition of safety needs is
11. The things are considered as being in
control if they are ………….. …………….
Complete the sentences below with words taken from
the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS for each answer.

12. In other words, love and belonging needs is also called as
the needs of ………………

13. The examples of large social groups are ……………………

14. The examples of small social groups are …………………….

15. The word “these” in the last sentence of this paragraph

refer to ………………….

16. Feeling worried is the synonym of ……………………………

Complete the sentences below with words taken from
the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS for each answer.

• If the physical, safety, love and belonging have
been achieved, we can go to the next level that
is …………………

• The intense and long term feeling of happiness

is called as …………………..

• The synonym of each human being that you can

find in this paragraph is ……………………….
Complete the sentences below with words taken from
the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN EIGHT WORDS for each answer.

• In the self-actualization stage, your lifetime
life purpose has been ………………… and
Questions 21-24
Match the words in the box with the
definitions below
• Happiness Fulfillment Joy Pleasure
• intense but with very short duration; works
mainly at the unconscious level
• intense with more duration; works already at the
conscious level at some extent
• permanent or long-lasting feeling; works at the
plenitude of unconscious and conscious levels
• very intense with longer duration; works at the
conscious level
How Managers With Different
Leadership Styles Motivate
Their Teams

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