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Guided By:

Miss. Rupali Zambre

Presented By:
Yasmin Babulal Pinjari
• Hadoop is an open source distributed processing
framework that manages data processing and storage for
big data applications running in clustered system.

• This is primarily concentrating on migration of Hadoop

from personal computer to android device.

• Hadoop = HDFS + MapReduce.

• HDFS is a file system used to store the data in Hadoop.

• MapReduce is algorithm for big data processing.

• ‘Chroot’ changes root environment.

• The objective is to porting methods of Linux console based
applications to android platform and primarily
concentrating on migration of Hadoop from personal
computer to android device.
Literature Survey
Sr Author Methods Work
1. Sharifnawaj Y. OAuth 2.0 , Real Time Data security in Hadoop
Inamdar, Ajit H. Encryption Algorithm Distribution Fie System
Jadhav, Rohit B.
2. Pravin S. Shinde , Map-Reduce, HDFS, Hadoop Pseudo-distributed
Amit A. Hadoop Common And Cluster on Android
Gaikvad(2015) Yarn using ‘chroot’

3. Harin C. Naik , MapReduce Hadoop framework is solution

Divyesh Joshi(2015) to process Bigdata very easily
and efficiently
• Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
• MapReduce
• Chroot
• Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN)
• Apache Spark(Apache Mahout)
High level Architecture of Hadoop
• ‘Chroot’ mounts a specific directory as root and create a sub-
process tree for particular system. Processes running under this

• Transfer same shared library files and recompiled binaries to

Android Application.

• To install Hadoop in such ‘chroot’-ed environment we need to

perform the following steps.
• Update Linux distribution

• Install java for your device architecture

• Download latest Hadoop from apache repository

• Navigate to home folder of user, then use

‘vi .bashrc’ to add configure and add environmental variables.

Use your installation path of java and Hadoop in the define code
• Facebook

• Yahoo

• Machine Learning
• Hadoop system provides highly available and fault tolerant
BigData Solutions.

• Distribute data and computation. The computation local to

data prevents the network overload.

• Simple programming model . The end-user programmer

only writes map-reduce tasks.
• HDFS is scalable and fast access to information and it also
possible to serves large number of clients by simply adding
more machines to the cluster.

• Reliability by automatically maintaining multiple copies of

data and automatically redeploying processing logic in
the event of failures.
• Hadoop is not suited for small files.

• Security Concerns.

• Support for Batch Processing only.

• No Delta Iteration.
• AndroHadoop will provide a mobile Hadoop Environment
with reduction in hardware cost. The system will be energy
efficient. With the help of this system it becomes possible
to work with Hadoop on Android platform using ‘Chroot’
Future scope
• Hadoop is among the major big data technologies and has a
vast scope in the future. Being cost-effective, scalable and
reliable, most of the world’s biggest organizations are
employing Hadoop technology to deal with their massive
data for research and production.

• In order to facilitate machine learning on Big Data, Apache

software foundation is working on a project called ‘Apache
• Namrata B Bothe Snehal S Karale Nayan D Kumbhar
“Migration of Hadoop To Android Platform Using ‘Chroot’ “
IJIRCT 2015.

• Sharifnawaj Y. Inamdar, Ajit H. Jadhav, Rohit B. Desai “ Data

Security in Hadoop Distributed File System “ IRJET Apr

2016 .
• Prof. S. Y. Raut, Balwant B. Raut, Mangesh S. Jondhale,
Nilesh R. Jaware, “Implementation of Hadoop Pseudo-
distributed Cluster on Android using ‘chroot’ “ IJECS 4 April

• Harin C Naik, Divyesh Joshi ” A Hadoop Framework Require

to Process Bigdata very Easily and Efficiently “ IJSRSET 2016.

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