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Personality of Femina

We don't know how to save half of the human race but to save those who live in India

© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry 1

National Pledge of India

भारत मेरा दे श है | हम सब भारतवासी भाई बहन हैं |

मुझे अपना दे श प्राण ों से भी प्यारा है |
इसकी समृद्धि और ववववध सोंस्कृवत पर मुझे गवव है |
हम इसके सुय ग्य अवधकारी बनने का सदा प्रयत्न करते
रहें गे |
मैं अपने माता-वपता, वशक्षक ों एवों गुरुजन ों का सदा आदर
और सबके साथ वशष्टता का व्यवहार करुुँगा |
मैं अपने दे श और दे शवावसय ों के प्रवत वफादार रहने की
प्रवतज्ञा करता हुँ
उनके कल्याण और समृद्धि में ही मेरा सुख वनवहत है |
© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry 2
Do we follow our National pledge ?
• India got independence on 15th august 1947,But is India
Independent in means of Women’s Safety.
• “India is my country”, its true, but India is only my country is
• Do we really mean on saying that “ALL INDIAN’s ARE MY
• Ask your own self ?????.

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Achievements of Women
• These are the few Indian ladies who achieved the top of their carrier enjoying a
Democratic Nation.

• Indira Ganghi - 1st Lady Indian Prime Minister.

• Pratibha Devisingh Patil – 1st Indian President.
• Mother Terrisa - Noble prize winner.
• Kiran Bedi - (1st Indian IPS officer) Megasesay Prize winner for her book on
• Bichendri Pal - 1st Indian woman to climb on Mount Everest
• Kalpna Chawla - 1st Indian woman on the space.
• Arundhati Roy, Megasesay Prize winner for her novel 'The world of small things'.
• Nirmal Chawla – 1st Lady Indian piolet participated in any war (Kargil), she was
flying 'Chetak' India's best fighter Chopper.
• Malleshwari Devi - Winner of only silver medal winner in Olympic'2000 80.Kg
weight category in Weight Lifting.
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Preamble to the Indian Constitution
• We, The People Of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India
into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to secure to
all its citizens:
• Justice, social, economic and political;
• Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
• Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all
• Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and
integrity of the Nation.

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Women of India
• God is personified as a male in the whole world. But we have female goddesses in India .
We have “Goddess of Strength” but not a “God of Strength”
We envisage our nation as a woman and call our country as the mother land.
The President of India was a woman.
The Chief of the ruling political party is a woman.

• Then how can someone say that the status of woman is low in India

Let us be proud of the superior position of the woman in India . Woman has been occupying superior positions
in the traditions of India throughout the ages. We have one of the oldest civilizations in the world where women
were given equal status. In all the stories of Vedas, Puranas Bible and Qur’an and other scriptures, woman is
depicted as an insignia of power. In the modern history also we find the examples of Rani Lakshmi Bai and many
others. It’s the time to get inspired by their heroism and build a powerful India . Can anyone cite some examples
of achievements of Indian woman in the recent time? Kalpana Chawla is one of them.

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Importance of women
 Woman was created as a companion for man. The first woman Eve was made from Adam's ribs neither from his
head to rule over him nor from his feet to serve him but from his side to walk with him as his equal, but what do we see
today? We see woman as a second-class citizen. We often see them hopeless, destitute, wronged only because this
world has stopped giving importance to the woman.
• Hidden inside the veil unbroken,
• Lies my soul still unspoken,
 Countless words still unsaid,
 Many thoughts still not expressed,
 I am an incomplete story, an unfinished song,
 I am an actor without a role,
 While walking on the road of life,
 I wait for my soul to be discovered,
 Until than this dejected soul lies in eternal torment.
 Yes, The above poem move us, it did as it was a cry of a lonely, shattered and depressed woman. We Should wonder
that we discuss about politics, wars, racism, terrorism but have anyone ever gave a little thought to "the importance of

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 Eve-teasers on the Roads
There are men often driving bikes are cars like nuts.... speedy
often drunk harassing women...they stop their bikes or cars to
offer rides to women walking on the streets.... We invite
Women and Girls to share your thoughts... have you ever
witnessed any such incidence??

These is a very common thing that most of the girls and women
face at some point of their life. Eve teasing is a very common
thing in India and almost all of us are victim of this. The main
reason of eve teasing is that males of our society thinks
themselves to be superior to that of women and to prove their
masculinity they indulge in such kinds of degrading activities.
However, in my opinion, these problem can only be solved by
changing the mindset of people.

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Think before teasing ???
She is Mother ! She is Daughter ! She is Wife ! She is Sister !
She is a Person.
She is Strong,Smart,Crafty.
She is Passionate, Courageous, Generous.
Cooking barefoot is only one of several superpowers.
She is Action,Emotion,Devotion.
She has Hope,Beauty,Power.
She has a Brain and she knows how to use it.
She gives You LIFE.
She believes in you.
She will nurture you, fight for you.
She deserves nothing Less from you...

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Total count Rate per 100,000 population

y/terri 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

India 18233 18359 19348 20737 21467 21397 22172 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8

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Are women responsible for rape?
 Many a times it has been argued, that women invite rape. By wearing Western/revealing dresses, or by
mixing in with guys, or by going out alone to a secluded place etc.
What do you think?

 If I get drunk and punch someone, who is to blame? The booze or myself? Of course I am to be blamed
in this case. People who argue that women invite rape by wearing revealing clothes have lost their sense
of morality. Who the hell are they to decide what women should wear? India is still a free country.
 Woman must carry themselves with grace rather than wearing revealing clothes but just because
wearing short clothes or locked up at home cannot save them from getting raped.. its all in the head of
a man that force him to take the indecent step.
 We say that India is adopting the western culture and people are becoming modern from every aspect
and even in their thoughts. If it is so then how can a woman be blamed for inviting rapes by wearing
western attire. It is sad but true that the mentality of Indian men are still the same and they think
themselves to be more powerful and the main cause of rape is the male attitude to show their
masculinity. Women are not to be blamed or held responsible for rapes.

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 Lack of Respect for Women.
 Western Influence.
 Night life.
 Fast closeness with new friends
 Extra time out of house.
 Influence by Movies.
 Sudden change to live royal life.
 Encouraging rape victims to compromise
Low status of women:
Perhaps the biggest issue, though, is women’s overall lower status in Indian society. For poor families, the need
to pay a marriage dowry can make daughters a burden. India has one of the lowest female-to-male population ratios in
the world because of sex-selective abortion and female infanticide. Throughout their lives, sons are fed better than
their sisters, are more likely to be sent to school and have brighter career prospects.

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• Meaning:-
• Human Trafficking is the illegal trade of humans into slavery for sexual exploitation
or forced labour.
• Sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion,
or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of
• The recruitment, harbouring, transportation provision, or obtaining of a person for
labour or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of
subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.
• Women and girls are trafficked within the country for the purposes of commercial
sexual exploitation and forced marriage especially in those areas where the sex ratio
is highly skewed in favour of men.
• Children are subjected to forced labour as factory workers, domestic servants,
beggars, and agriculture workers, and have been used as armed combatants by
some terrorist and insurgent groups.

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• Approximately 75-80% of human trafficking is for sex.
• There are an estimated 27 million adults and 13 million children around the
world who are victims of human trafficking.
• Nearly 2 million children around the globe are currently in forced sexual
• An estimated 30,000 victims of sex trafficking die each year from abuse,
disease, torture, and neglect. Eighty percent of those sold into sexual slavery
are under 24, and some are as young as six years old.
• Although human trafficking is often a hidden crime and accurate statistics
are difficult to obtain, researchers estimate that more than 80% of
trafficking victims are female. Over 50% of human trafficking victims are
• In approximately 54% of human trafficking cases, the recruiter is a stranger,
and in 46% of the cases, the recruiters know the victim. Fifty-two percent of
human trafficking recruiters are men, 42% are women, and 6% are both men
and women.
• Human trafficking around the globe is estimated to generate a profit of
anywhere from $9 billion to $31.6 billion. Half of these profits are made in
industrialized countries.
• Human trafficking is one of the greatest injustices on our planet today, and is
second only to the drug trade as the largest criminal activity in the world.

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• The first and most Important reason of Human Trafficking is the disrespect of the women
or female child in our Society.
• Women has a soft corner for every individual in the society which makes her week to
differentiate between good and bad ones.
• In approximately 54% of human trafficking cases, the recruiter is a stranger, and in 46% of
the cases, the recruiters know the victim. Fifty-two percent of human trafficking recruiters
are men, 42% are women, and 6% are both men and women.
• Due to lack of awareness and boldness to speak, people get trapped in traffickers hands,
which motivation the traffickers to increase the human trafficking ratio.
• By offering potential victims false promises, traffickers paint a rosy picture of a better life,
such as a good job, educational opportunity or marriage. If a potential victim falls for the
false promises, the trafficker transports the person to another place or country for
• Often, victims do not even have basic control over their daily decisions such as when to
sleep, eat or rest. Their lives are at the mercy of the traffickers who subject the victims to
physical violence, repeated rape, torture, forced drug use, forced abortions and
psychological manipulation. The trafficking experience is traumatic and damages the
physical, mental and social well being of a person..
• India is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children trafficked
for the purposes of forced labour and commercial sexual exploitation.

© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry

• People must start respecting the women she might be of any country, state, religion,
• Human trafficking is the most violated crime which influences the rape.
• Human traffickers are the base for the women which are raped as they are amongst the
same society in which we live in.
• The police can help persons who are trafficked, therefore victims should seek help from law
• enforcement.
• Schools and colleges must spread the awareness, and must start physical training for the
• People offering job opportunities without any reference in different state or country must
be cross checked by Family members, people in society or police, it may be a trap by Human
• Though there is no country, as yet, that has managed to stop rapes from happening.
Nothing has helped. Not even the death penalty has deterred rape.
• “The law may have allowances for hanging and punishing criminals but this will not change
the situation. Our behaviour is not controlled by laws; it is the internal control or self-
control that stems from each individual’s conditioning that determines his actions,”
• A lot of how India will be in the future, how one half of the population will treat the other
half, will depend on the lessons from parents and teachers. GPS and CCTVs, after all, cannot
track what goes inside homes and the minds of men; they can only make our streets a bit
safer. It is we have to take care of each and everyone …..No matter what group, religion

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Stop Violence Against Women
 Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation, and it is perhaps the most pervasive. It
knows no boundaries of geography, culture or wealth. As long as it continues, we cannot claim to be making real
progress towards equality, development, and peace.

It is a major health and human rights concern. Women can experience physical or mental abuse throughout their
lifecycle, in infancy, childhood and/or adolescence, or during adulthood or older age. While violence has severe
health consequences for the affected, it is a social problem that warrants an immediate coordinated response .

 We should promise ourselves that we will never deny woman their rights , we will never discriminate her as she is so
weak , so feeble to stand for her rights .
 In the end I would say
 Every tear that sheds from an eye,
 Every drop of blood that has fallen to the ground,
 Every scream of woman that goes unheard in the night,
 Every sigh that escapes the lips of the woman,
 Every soul that is destroyed,
 Shouts out:
 Enough! I am a woman respect me enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Be a Man, respect woman..Shower her wit Love not Lust..Treat her as u want others to treat wit your mother and sisters..!

RESPECT womanhood
Luv u all….

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• The police can help persons who are trafficked, therefore victims should seek help from law
• Schools and colleges must spread the awareness, and must start physical training for the
• Although statistics show that most men never rape, the overwhelming majority of rapists
(and one in ten victims) are in fact male. We ask men to make a promise to be a different
kind of man--one who values equality and whose strength is not used for hurting.
• 1.Be Aware of Language. We live in a society in which words often cut down or put down
women. Avoid words like bitch, whore, freak, dog. Those words send a message that females
are less than human. Seeing them in such a light makes it easier to treat them without
respect or to ignore their well being.
• 3. Speak Up. You may never see a rape in progress but you will hear jokes and language that
is inappropriate and degrades women. When your best friend tells a joke about rape, tell
him it is not funny. Support women who bring charges against violent men. Do anything but
remain silent.
• Talk with Women. If you’re willing to listen, there is much to be learned about how the "risk
of being raped" affects women’s daily lives. Talk to them about it.
• Talk with Men. Talk about what it is like to be viewed as a potential rapist. Talk about the fact
that 15-20% of all males will be sexually abused in their lifetime. Talk about whether they
know any rape survivors. But start talking.

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• We are excited to announce our launch on May ???????with a

Week of Action. Join us and Take the Pledge.
• Don’t forget that this is your Campaign – every member and
every action counts!
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Awareness through this event.

• Women and children are important.

• Importance of the women in ones life.
• Real problem of rape cases in India.
• What is the current scenario for the women of India at urban or rural level.
• How to fight against the human trafficking in India.
• NGO’s working against the protest and rehabilitating the women or children those who have gone through
Human trafficking.
• To making people aware of the Hidden crime which motivates the rape cases.
• Providing the Collected funds to the NGO’s who work for the rehabilitating the women or children those
who have gone through Human trafficking.
• Making People aware of actual meaning of “BEING HUMAN”.

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• Couples, Girls, Women with Family.

• Expected Crowd : 8000 – 10000.
• Maximum colleges and Working Females in different sector would be covered.
• Schools Above 8th Standard will also be invited.
• Beneficial for Family, couple, kids, Individual.

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• Pre-Promotional activity would be started before 15 days of the event.
1. Hoardings would be put up with the name of the sponsor’s and the guest at the event.
2. Small Flex’s on Auto Rickshaw in the city.
3. Newspaper adds
4. Distribution of flyers in crowded places.
5. Passes would be sold through Radio announcement, E-tickets, registrations, Gifts etc..
6. E-marketing would be done.
7. Standees would be put up in 200mts area from the gate with the name of the sponsor’s and the guest at
the event.
8. T-Shirts for the Pass holders would be distributed before the event.

© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry
6:00pm-9:00pm Schedule of the Event.
• Opening of the Event through the Respected Song “National Anthem”.
• Welcoming People and a short Speech about the Event.
• Starting With a Dance describing the colors of Indian Women.
• College Student Band Performance.
• Speech By social Celebrity 1
• Contemporary Dance Describing the emotions of the women who is the victim of Human trafficking and Rape.
• Skit Play of the Student Protesting Against The Rape.
• Speech by Social Service officer 1
(Steps taken to prevent rape)
• Skit play of A school girl and police TO Stop Human Trafficking. (A Short entry of Celebrity )
• Performance by the Celebrity.
• Questionnaire 10 Questions
• Speech by the Police Head of PUNE
(Actions taken by Pune police to stop the HUMAN TRAFFICKING and RAPE)
• Dance Describing to stop the cruelty which causes women and children the victims of HUMAN TRAFFICKING and RAPE.
• THANKING ALL THE SPONSOR’s who have been a part of this event.

© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry

Schedule of the Event. (1 Half)
• Opening of the Event through the Respected Song “National Anthem”. 10 min
• Welcoming People and a short Speech about the Event. 5 min
• Starting With a Dance describing the colors of Indian Women. 8 min
• College Student Band Performance. 15 min
• Speech By Social Celebrity (1) 5 min
• Contemporary Dance Describing the emotions of the women who is
the victim of Human trafficking and Rape. (Dance Celebrity ) 15 min
• Message through Comedy Act. 15 min
(Importance of a Women)

© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry

Schedule of the Event. (2 half)
• Speech by (Social service 2) (Steps taken to prevent rape) 10 min
• Skit play of A school girl and police TO Stop Human Trafficking.
(A Short entry of Celebrity ) 15 min + 3 Min
• Performance By The Celebrity. 7 min
• Thanks Giving to the NGO’s working against the protest of
to the hands of Celebrity. (conditions apply) 10 min
• Questionnaire 20 Questions
(Distribution of T-shirt which are been sign by the Celebrity) 15 min
• Speech of the Police Commissioner of PUNE . 5 min
(Actions taken by Pune police to stop the HUMAN TRAFFICKING and RAPE)
• Dance Describing to stop the cruelty which causes women and children
the victims of HUMAN TRAFFICKING and RAPE. (Group Dance ) 15 min
• THANKING ALL THE SPONSOR’s who have been a part of this event. 10 min
TOTAL 176 min

© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry


• Distribution of Scarfs
• Distribution of Kitchens.
(Having a good thought with an Emergency contact NO. of Police)
• Distribution of Stickers
(with a thought and having pune police Emergency no.)
• Distribution Of SIMCARDS BEFORE and AFTER the Event (Conditions Apply).

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Frequent questions in sponsors mind !

Are we speaking against the Government ?

No, We are just making society aware of the woman’s rights. We need to work with the
government in order to stop this kind of acts. Alone government cant do anything, its we
should think about the solutions for the problem.

How this event is useful for sponsors?

If we are distributing hundreds and thousands of Ivory paper Flyers, Key chains, Vehicle Stickers, Ladies Stoles,
hoarding on Moving canter van, Standees on the Road, Water bottles, Sag Bags, with your name and logo
printed on the same, Than just imaging how useful this event can be for sponsors! THAT TOO IN SOCIAL EVENT.
Have you participated in any social events ?
Social events usually means characteristic of persons forming groups, YES OFCOURCE we have done this before successfully,
but this kind of eye watering event is new for us.

Without hurting anyone how will you procure this event ?

Entire event planning, designs is mentioned in the Brochure.
We are just trying to create awareness in public and provide the true message which is very important at this moment.

© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry

Now let us understand the importance of woman in our society. She has been the torchbearer for centuries. She is responsible for the
miracle of birth. In most cases she is also a provider of the family and the epitome and embodiment of morality. Woman is also responsible
for the image of the society. It is the woman who is considered the guardian of the respect and honor of a family .Moreover God has
already emancipated woman for no responsibility can be greater than that of continuing the cycle of life of birth. She is a mother, a sister, a
daughter, a wife. These are multiple role that woman elegantly fits, but she is, in our so-called modern world, still living in chains!!!
 Woman is also serving the country by being teachers, professors, lecturers, by being guideline for students who soon turn out be like
Quaid-e-Azam, Dr Abdul Qadir Khan, Einstein, and Graham Bell. Moreover women are leaders we encountered tend to be highly verbal,
speak with ease and more importantly, listen with ease and I think that they are quite capable to do this job like Margaret Thatcher, Queen
Elizabeth, Hilary Clinton and of course Benazir Bhutto who was the first woman prime minister. She is working day and night only to make
peace in the country, she is fighting for justice, she is sacrificing her life only for the sake of mankind yet she has no importance
 Don't you think that she is also helping to strengthen the world's economy? Don't you that she is also helping to build a nation. The half of
population consists of women. She is a doctor, an engineer, a business woman, ab architect, an author. Woman is also in media. She is
everywhere and as Barack Obama says:
 "She was the cornerstone of our family and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength and humility. She was the person who
encouraged and allowed us to take chance“
 I am a pessimist. I have a glass that is half empty. Why so? Because I have eyes that can see the injustice done with the women. I have ears
that can hear the cries of the women being victimized. Women have been faced with misogyny since time immemorial. It is hard to believe
that there is actually a term that defines a political ideology justifying and maintaining the subordination of women by men
 There are crimes against women that can neither be understood or nor be justified. I ask you why a female infant is buried alive in Arabia?
Why is a widow burnt with her dead husband in India? Why is a new bride beaten or tortured for dowry in Pakistan? Why is a sister, a
mother or a wife killed in the name of honor in Bangladesh? And there is only silence. In a world full of men there comes no answer from
any corner to tell this ferocious, greedy world that women are important without them no country could be made no nation could
© 2012-2013 Social Chemistry 31
“The women are not a garment you wear & undress however you like. They are honoured and have
their rights.”

Event Managed By
Social Chemistry Organizers and Planners
The power of five

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