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 Aqsa Rubab
 Sidra Mehmod
 Aima Zubair
 Sumavia Arshad
 Hamza Butt
 Syed Mohtishm Ammar
 Ahmad den
 Inam.ul.den

 Defination
 History
 Causes
 Evaluation
 Sonography
 Treatment
 Why U/S
 Theterm thyroid nodule refers to an
abnormal growth of thyroid cells that
forms a lump within the thyroid gland.
Although the vast majority of thyroid
nodules are benign (noncancerous), a small
proportion of thyroid nodules do contain
thyroid cancer.

 Rapid growth of neck mass

 Chilhood neck and head irradiaton
 Total body irradiation for bone marrow transplantation
 Family history of thyroid cancer,or thyroid cancer
What can cause thyroid nodules?

 Several conditions can cause nodules to develop in your

thyroid gland:
 Iodine deficiency. ...
 Overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue. ...
 Thyroid cyst. ...
 Chronic inflammation of the thyroid (thyroiditis). ...
 Multinodular goiter. ...
 Thyroid cancer.
Who’s At Risk?
Thyroid nodules are actually quite common. By the age of
60, half of all people have them. They’re often very
small.You have an ultrasound of your thyroid.
Still several things can increase your chances of
developing a thyroid nodule. They include:
•Living in a part of the world where the diet doesn’t
include iodine
•Having a family history of thyroid nodules
•Being male
•Being younger than 30 or older than 60
Now WHAT are the next steps to
evaluate a thyroid nodule?????
serum TSH
Thyroid function should be assessed in
all patients with thyroid nodules.
 Cystic spaces
 If nodules large ,cystic space also enlarge
 If malignant than hypoechogenicity ,taller-than-
wider and microcalcification
 IF benign wider-than-taller ,smooth rim and
microcalcification absent
Does thyroid nodule affect
 Most nodules do not cause problems during pregnancy.
Yet, pregnancy does cause major changes in the levels of
hormones made in the thyroid gland. ... Doctors also are
concerned about thyroid nodules because some can be
malignant (cancerous). Most, though, are benign (not
Thyroid nodules are very common. With
the increased use of thyroid ultrasound,
some studies suggest that thyroid nodules
occur in >50% of the population. ... Fine
needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is the best
way to find out whether a thyroid nodule
is cancerous or benign.
Thyroid Nodule
Do thyroid nodules go away on their
The nodule may go away on its own or stay the same size.
... Other forms of treatment include taking hormones or
radioactive iodine to shrink the nodules or injecting the
nodules with ethyl alcohol (ethanol) to shrink the nodules
Thyroid nodule doppler
What does increased vascularity
in thyroid nodule mean?
 It has been our experience that increased nodule
vascularity and ill-defined borers are associated with
malignancy in indeterminate thyroid nodules. ...
Therefore, increased vascularity can suggest increased
risk of malignancy, especially when correlated with other
suspicious findings, but is not itself diagnostic

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