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12 Project:
Personality Report
By: Álvaro Huidobro Mouvet
What does “INTJ” mean?
Basing on the test I made (this one), my personality type is INTJ or “Architect” personality.“INTJ” stands for
Introverted iNtuitor Thinker Judger, and it’s one of the 16 personalities of the human being, i’ts also one of the
rarest and most strategically capable personality types. In fact, INTJs form just two percent of the population
people with INTJ personality are usually like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless
intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the INTJ personality type are also imaginative yet decisive,
ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy. INTJs have got a natural thirst for
knowledge that shows itself early in life, INTJs enjoy sharing what they know as well, confident in their mastery of
their chosen subjects, but owing to their Intuitive (N) and Judging (J) traits, they prefer to design and execute a
brilliant plan within their field rather than share opinions on “uninteresting” distractions (like gossip, for example).
Most of the INTJs radiate self-confidence and an aura of mystery, and their insightful observations, original ideas
and formidable logic enable them to push change through with sheer willpower and force of personality.
• Introverted: You feel energized and alive when you are deep in intellectual thought, often now aware of the world around you. Often shy
when young.
• Intuition: You learn about your world using what you think is possible rather than what is really in front of you.
• Thinking: You use facts and logic to make decisions not emotions.
• Judging: You judge the correctness or appropriateness of yourself and others with strong conviction or belief.
INTJ Personality: Strengths & Weaknesses
• Quick, Imaginative and Strategic Mind - Arrogant
• High Self-Confidence - Judgmental
• Independent and Decisive - Overly analytical
• Hard-working and determined - Loathe highly structured environments
• Open-minded - Clueless in romance
• Jacks-of-all-Trades
Career paths recommended for INTJ people
INTJ people like problems and challenges as they energize them. They can be successful in any field you choose: “science,
engineering, invention, political or industrial empire-building, social reform, teaching, writing, or philosophy) When at their
best, many INTJs are gifted and have a deep appreciation for the deeper meanings in life. They also believe that nothing is
impossible- sometimes you just have to make a extra effort. These career paths are just a recommendation for INTJ people
but if they want to do anything else, like philology or something like that, they also can. Some career paths are:
Medical Doctor
Military Leader
Above all else, INTJs want to be able to tackle intellectually interesting work with minimal outside interference, no more, no less. Time-consuming
management techniques like trust-building getaways, progress meetings, and drawn-out, sandwiched criticisms are only going to annoy INTJs – all
they need, be they subordinate, colleague, or manager, is to meet their goals with the highest standard of technical excellence and to be surrounded
by people who share those values this makes them appear to be exemplary employees, and in many ways they are, but there are many types,
especially those with a combination of the Observant (S) and Feeling (F) traits, who will find a work (or any other) relationship with INTJs extremely
challenging. INTJs are independent people, and they quickly become frustrated if they find themselves pushed into tightly defined roles that limit
their freedom. With the direction of a properly liberal manager, INTJs will establish themselves in a position of expertise, completing their work not
with the ambition of managerial promotion, but for its own intrinsic merit. INTJs require and appreciate firm, logical managers who are able to
direct efforts with competence, deliver criticism when necessary, and back up those decisions with sound reason.
What is intovert/extrovert and how it affects INTJs?
By deffinition, introvert stands for someone who is shy, quiet,
and prefers to spend time alone rather than often being with other people. Extrovert
people are the opposite, they rather a million times being with lots of people than being
alone. INTJs are one of the rarest types of personality, and we know it. Because of that,
they rather being lonely on the top than being in the “middle” like a normal guy, so I
would say that INTJs are introvert people, and also because they don’t like being in
parties or dedicate his/her time to gossip or other social-related activities.
What is judging/prospecting and how does it affect INTJs?
Just looking on the dictionary, judging is to have or develop an opinion about something or
someone, usually after thinking carefully. Prospecting is the action referred to talk about the
possibility that something might happen in the future like, for example, trying to predict a
soccer match score. INTJ people are natural judgers, they apply everything they know to his/her
everyday life, for the good things and also for the bad ones. So I would say that judging has a
very important role in their lives. Talking about prospecting, I realized that every human brain
already prospects everything, for example, when you go on a bicycle, your brain is constantly
prospecting everything “now, we have to move the left leg for giving us more speed”, or “we
have to slow down, there is a road nearly”. So, in my opinion, prospecting is important for
everyone, but in INTJs has a bigger role.
I think it’s
gonna be
a 6!
What is thinking/feeling and how does it affect INTJs?
By deffinition, thinking is the activity of using your mind to consider something. Feeling is something that
you feel in your mind when you are happy, sad, afraid, etc. Thinking is already in the term INTJ, so it’s pretty
obvious that thinking is a very important thing in the life of an INTJ, we use thinking not only for learning or
discovering, also for taking decisions and judging. INTJs are famous Far his/her coldness, and this is because
we are so absorbed in thinking that we sometimes just forget that other people has feelings too, but it doesn’t
mean that we are bad or insensitive, it just means that emotions aren’t one of the most important things in
our lives.
What is observant /intuition and how does it affect INTJs?
Just looking on the dictionary observant stands for someone who’s good or quick at noticing things.
Intuition is the feeling that you know something without being able to explain why. Intuition is already in
the term INTJ, so it’s pretty obvious that intuition is a very important thing in the life of an INTJ, we use
intuition for lots of things, like prospecting or feeling. INTJ people have an enormous thirst of
knowledge, and they feed it by observing and learning, thinking and analyzing. So , yes, observing is
such an important thing for INTJ people.
Do i agree with my personality type?
At first I didn’t agreed with my personality type, so I made it 3 times just to be sure, and on the 3 ones I was
INTJ, so now I do agree with my personality type because I do think that I’m introverted, I also that learning
about my world using what I think is possible rather than what is really in front of me (intuition). I also think
that I’m smart, which matches with the self- confidence. Although, there are some things that I don’t agree the
thing that you’ll be clueless in romance, who knows how are you going to be in the future? Why are you going to
be clueless in romance if there are so many opportunities? Maybe you find someone you love and, who knows,
start a life together. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and thanks for your time.

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