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Knowing Me, You, Us

for a Better Chance on the European Job


5th project meeting ~ ITC “E. De Amicis”, Rovigo, Italy

Economic High School Of Tourism Iasi

We are students at Economic High School of Tourism Iasi and we will present you our recent
research on the job market in our region , at Iasi County Agency for Employment .

Economic High School Of Tourism Iasi

In the studies made by Romanian
National Employment Agency (NEA)
it was found that the most developed
manufacturing sectors in our region
(N-E part of Romania) are clothing
and construction industries, services
and commerce. The most wanted jobs
in Iasi and Moldova are those of cooks,
confectioners, engineers, taxi drivers
and also in the domains of agriculture,
healthcare and public relations.
According to Iasi County Agency
for Employment (CAE) the number
of persons looking for a job
registered in the county, differs
from month to month. For
example, there were approximately
21,000 people registered at the end
of February 2011.
From the CAE records, during the
first two months of this year more
than 1,200 people were employed
in various fields of activity.
Our national policy, as a state in the European
Union, approves and encourages foreign companies to
develop branches in our country. Moreover, due to the
opportunity to work abroad each of us should have
knowledge of at least one foreign language.
Therefore, in Romania students study in schools two
compulsory foreign languages. Aware of the need to
communicate with others from abroad, Romanian
students demonstrate that they have good language
skills in English, French or German. These
communicational abilities are tested and certified
according to the European framework of reference for
foreign languages at the Baccalaureate Exam (final
exam at the end of high school).
Due to the introduction of computerized
systems in all fields of activity we can state that
IT skills are absolutely necessary.
Moreover, every enterprise requires at least one
IT specialist to handle the virtual image of the
Lack of experience should not be an
impediment, as future employees with the
ability to adapt easily can be trained by
employers. But experience is usually a request
of the employer. On the other hand, there are
jobs that demand compulsory experience or
high responsibility, such as in the lower or
upper management of a company.
Romanian principles for employees’ remuneration:
• The principles of minimum wages; the minimum
wage is 640 RON, meaning 153 € / month.
• The principles of salary negotiation;
• Salaries established according to the quantity and
quality of work, to the skills level and working
In the private sector wages are negotiated between
the employee and the employer, while in the state
sector they are set by the Romanian law, depending
on the job requirements and worker’s studies. Big
multinational companies may provide motivating
salaries from 1000 to 2000 €.
Benefits are seen as indirect rewards and most
employees are extremely interested in. The benefits
offered by Romanian companies may include bonuses,
meal or transportation tickets. Thus, a financial
motivation that some employers offer to their employees
whose duties require transportation is to provide bus
tickets or company vehicles. The purpose of such
benefits and financial assistance is to motivate
In addition, employees may benefit of protection
programs, medical insurance, pensions, unemployment
compensations or retirement bonuses.
In Romania labor demand is low. But it is estimated that
production will increase once with the end of recession. This
will be an opportunity for people who are looking for a job
or want to change it.
Another opportunity is the opening of EU labor market.
According to the statistics of Iasi County Agency for
Employment, approximately 8400 people went abroad to
work. Most jobs were in agriculture, hospitality industry or
in health and social care with salaries between 850 and
1,200 € per month.
Professional development is strongly related to the
continuation and updating of the instructive training
through educational courses. These facilitate access to post
secondary or higher education and are usually organized
with European funds, which means free access.
A graduate from Economic High School of Tourism may continue his /
her professional career by:
1. Following higher education courses at one of the 4 state
universities from Iasi (“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Technical
University, University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,
University of Medicine and Pharmacy).
In Romania a student scholarship varies from 500 RON/119 € – meaning
an excellent study level – to 350 RON/84 € – awarded to skilful students
- and to 280 RON/ 67 € a regular study scholarship and finally to 250
RON/ 60 € for a social scholarship.
2. Finding employment in tourism or hospitality industry as travel
agents, tour guides, interpreters, receptionists, maids or waiters.
3. Opening a private business which involves both benefits and risks.
In two years we will let you all know about the choices WE will have made

WE will share
the success of

Students: WE will keep

WE will be fighting the Mălina Agapia our eyes open
Baccalaureate Andrei Costin for a WELL –
Monster! Anca Nestor PAID and
AlexandraPătraşcu challenging job!
Dragoş Trofin
Olivia Rusu and Emanuela Racu

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