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Engineering and Project Management

Introduction to Management

Dr. Lotfi K. Gaafar,

The American University in Cairo

Based on Management. 5th ed. By Ricky Griffin, 1996 and input from Dr. A. A. Elimam.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 1

Course Outline

Principles of Engineering Management

 The importance of management to
 Applications of these Principles in
Engineering Organizations

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 2


• Is getting work done through others.

• Requires a set of activities (including planning and
decision making, organizing, leading, and
controlling) directed at an organization’s resources
(human, financial, physical, and information), with
the aim of achieving organizational goals in an
effective and efficient manner.

• An organization is a group of people working together in a

structured and coordinated fashion to achieve a set of goals.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 3

Management in Organizations

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 4

Management in Organizations

• Manager: Someone whose primary

responsibility is to carry out the management
• Effective: Making the right decisions and
successfully implementing them.
• Efficient: Using resources wisely in a cost-
effective way.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 5

Management Functions
• Planning: Setting goals and deciding how best to
achieve them.
• Decision Making: Selecting a course of action
from a set of alternatives.
• Organizing: Grouping activities and resources in a
logical fashion.
• Leading: Processes to get members of the
organization to work together to further the
interests of the organization.
• Controlling: Monitoring organizational progress
toward goal attainment and taking corrective action
when needed.
April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 6

Most managers engage in more than one

activity at the same time
April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 7
Management: Origins

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 8

What is Engineering?

The profession in which a knowledge of the

mathematical and natural sciences gained by
study, experience, and practice is applied with
judgment to develop ways to utilize, economically,
the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of
mankind. (ABET)
Engineer: A person applying his/her mathematical
and science knowledge properly to solve practical

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 9

What is Engineering Management?

• Engineering management is a process of leading

and controlling a technical function/enterprise.
• Engineering management is similar to other
definitions of management, but with a slant toward
technical issues.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 10

Management Levels and Areas

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 11

Management Levels
Level Type of Job
 Directly supervise non-managers.
 Carry out the plans and objectives of higher management using
the personnel and other resources assigned to them.
First-line Managers  Short-range operating plans governing what will be done
tomorrow or next week, assign tasks to their workers, supervise
the work that is done, and evaluate the performance of individual
 Manage through other managers.
 Make plans of intermediate range to achieve the long-range goals
set by top management, establish departmental policies, and
evaluate the performance of subordinate work units and their
Middle Management managers.
 Provide and integrating and coordinating function so that the
short-range decisions and activities of first-line supervisory
groups can be orchestrated toward achievement of the long-range
goals of the enterprise.
 Responsible for defining the character, mission, and objectives of
the enterprise.
 Establish criteria for and review long-range plans.
Top Management
 Evaluate the performance of major departments, and they evaluate
leading management personnel to gauge their readiness for
promotion to key executive positions.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 12

Basic Managerial Skills

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 13

Basic Managerial Roles

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 14

Some reasons an engineering background can help
prepare for an engineering management position
1. Engineers: logical, methodical, objective, and
make unemotional decisions based on facts.
2. Use their technical knowledge to check the validity
of information.
3. Can analyze problems thoroughly, look beyond the
immediate ones, and ask good questions to explore
alternative solutions to technical problems.
4. Understand what motivates engineers.
5. Can review and evaluate the work of their
subordinates since they understand what they are
April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 15
Some reasons an engineering background can help
prepare for an engineering management position

6. Can engage in future planning with appropriate

consideration for technology and its relationship
to cost effectiveness.
7. Engineering backgrounds help in technical
discussions with customers.
8. Their background increases the manager's
credibility with subordinates, customers, and
superiors. People attribute qualities, abilities,
skills, and knowledge to them, which allows the
manager to influence those who have that
April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 16
Role Differences Between Engineers and
Position Engineer Manager
Focus More concerned with More concerned with
things technical/scientific people
Decision making Makes decisions with Makes decisions often
much information, under with inadequate
conditions of greater information, under
certainty conditions of greater
Involvement Works on tasks and Directs the work of
problems solving others to goals
Process outcomes Work based on facts with Work based on fewer
quantifiable outcomes facts, less measurable
Effectiveness Depends on person Depends on
technical expertise, interpersonal skills in
attention to detail, communication, conflict,
mathematical/technical management, getting
problem solving, and ideas across,
decision making negotiating, and

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 17

Role Differences Between Engineers and

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 18

Engineers Versus Managers
What Engineers Do What Managers Do
Minimize risk Take calculated risks
Emphasize accuracy and mathematical Rely heavily on intuition, take educated
precision guesses, and try to be "about right"
Exercise care in applying sound Exercise leadership in making
scientific methods on the basis of decisions under widely varying
reproducible data conditions based on sketchy
Solve technical problems based on Solve techno-people problems based
their own individual skills on skills in integrating the talents of
Work largely through their own abilities Work through others to get things done
to get things done

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 19

Philosophical Similarities Between Engineering and

 Both engineers and managers are trained to be

decision makers in a complex environment.
 Both allocate resources for the operation of
existing systems or for the development of new
 Both have to recognize, identify and evaluate the
interactions among system components. (Cleland
and Kocaoglu 1981)

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 20

The Scope of Management

• Large businesses: Most knowledge comes from

large profit-seeking organizations.
• Small and Start-Up Businesses: Management is
key as wrong decisions may never be recovered.
This is how most businesses start. Compaq started
by 3 in 1982. In 1994 76th largest with sales of $7b.
• International management: Most large
organizations derive a significant portion of their
business from international markets.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 21

Nonprofit Organizations
Effective and efficient use of resources
• Government Organizations: Subject to political
and public pressure.
• Educational Organizations: Unique
management and administration problems.
• Healthcare Facilities: Clinics, Hospitals, HMOs.
New educational programs.
• Nontraditional Settings: Religious
organizations, service organizations,
households, …, etc.
April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 22
Management: the driving forces

• Social Forces: The norms and values that

characterize a culture.
• Economic Forces: Economic systems and
general economic conditions. Market economy.
• Political Forces: Governing institutions and
general policies and attitudes. Legal cases
against business.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 23

Management Perspectives

• Classical: Scientific (individual workers) and

Administrative (whole organization)
• Behavioral: Individual attitudes and behaviors
and group processes
• Quantitative: Applies quantitative techniques to
• Integrated: All three perspectives must be
integrated for best performance (Systems and
Contingency perspectives)

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 24

Scientific Management

1) Development of a science to replace rule -of-thumb working knowledge;

2) Scientific selection and development of individuals;
3) Combining the results of work study with selected and trained workmen;
4) Intimate, friendly co-operation between management and the workforce.

Three feet per seconds
Knock immediately
Stores must handle 1,124 packages per hour
Load packages at the rate of 500 per hour
April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 25

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 26

Behavioral Perspective: Theories X and Y

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 27


April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 28


April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 29

Integrated Perspective

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 30

Contemporary Perspective
Theory Z: A concept that combines the positive aspects
of American and Japanese management into a modified
approach aimed at increasing U.S. managerial
effectiveness while remaining compatible with norms and
values of the American society and culture.
Developed by William Ouchi

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 31

Management Context

• External
Everything outside an
organization the might
affect it.
• Internal
The conditions and
forces within an

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 32

The External Environment

• General Environment: The set of broad

dimensions and forces in an organization’s
surroundings that create its overall context
• Task Environment: Specific organizations or
groups that affect the organization.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 33

The General Environment
• The Economic Dimension: The overall health of the
economic system in which the organization operates.
• The Technological Dimension: The methods available for
converting resources into products or services.
• The Sociocultural Dimension: The customs, mores, values,
and demographic characteristics of the society in which the
organization functions.
• The Political-legal Dimension: The government regulation
of business and general relationship between business and
• The International Dimension: The extent to which an
organization is involved in or affected by business in other

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 34

The External Environment: Example

Ford’s General Environment

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 35
The Task Environment
• Competitor: Competes for resources.
• Customer: Whoever pays money to acquire an
organizations products or services.
• Supplier: Provides resources.
• Regulator: A unit that has the potential to control,
legislate, or otherwise influence the organization’s
policies and practices
• Regulator Agency: An agency created by the
government to regulate business activities.
• Interest Group: A group formed to attempt to
influence business.
• Strategic Ally: Another organization working in a
joint venture or a similar arrangement.
April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 36
The Task Environment: Example

Ford’s Task Environment

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 37
Environmental Response

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 38

Management Ethical and Social Context
• Ethics: An individual’s personal beliefs regarding
what is right and wrong or good and bad.
• Ethical Behavior: Behavior that conforms to
generally accepted social norms.

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 39

Managerial Ethics

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 40

An Example Code of Ethics

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 41

Areas of Social

April 19 Lotfi K. Gaafar 42

Social Responsibility

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