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Andi Aini Musdalifah / 1711440002

Nurul Fadhila Alimuddin / 1711440008

Nurul Hakim Lamaranginang / 1711441003
Meutiah Nahrisyah / 1711441014
Elvira / 1711442006

The activities in this section are not meant to be a complete teaching method for these topics,
rather they are examples of the kinds of activities instructors can make up to go with whatever
text they are using, or whatever other lessons they are teaching. They are arranged here
according to the subject matter of the activities. In each content area, there are group activities
and activities using manipulatives or visual representations of some kind. Each section has an
introduction with suggestions for using the activities in the section.
1. Ask some students (min 10 people) to come forward and play this game.
2. Ask student to stand and surround the chair provided.
3. The teacher will provide different questions for each chair and display them on the LCD. So
students who do not take part in the game can also solve questions and have the opportunity to
occupy these seats as explained in point 6.
4. When music is played, the task of students is to choose from a number of questions and
chairs to do while walking around the chair.
5. When the music stops, students must sit in a chair that matches the questions that have been
chosen before. Here, students compete to occupy seats. Because there may be more than one
person who chooses the same seat.
6. The teacher will check the answers of students whether right or wrong. If true, the student is
fit to occupy the chair. If not, then the question that is occupied, is given to students who have
not won the seat, and if it is wrong again, they will be given opportunities to students who are
not playing.
7. Because the number of seats is less than the number of players and each round will be
reduced by one seat, the number of players will certainly be less.
8. Finally, there will be one player who wins this game.
Because this is the first day, we will only refresh students' knowledge and memories of trigonometry.
The questions given are not in the form of addition, subtraction and so on. But still around special
angles in quadrant I.
For example, how many sin 30, cos 60, tan 45, cos 30, tan 0, sin 60, sin 45, sin 90, cos 45, and tan 30.
On the second day, ask students who haven't played in the previous day to play today. The
questions given are special angles in quadrant II.
For example, sin (120, 150, 135, 180), cos (120, 150,135,180), tan (120, 150, 135, 180).
On the third day, the questions given were more challenging. Already adding add or subtraction
operations as an application from the previous material.
For example, sin (45 + 30), cos (90-30), etc.
The level of questions given will be increasingly difficult.

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