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Slide Deck 7B:

Levels of Government
How is government organized in
What is a representative democracy?

• Representatives (or politicians)

are chosen by people to act and
speak on their behalf in
government (and pass laws)

• These representatives are chosen

through elections

• Each representative is
responsible for a different
geographic area or community
Levels of Government
Canada has several levels of government and each
has its own group elected representatives.

• Federal
• Provincial and territorial
• Municipal
• The elected representative is called a Member of
Parliament (MP)
• There are currently 338 elected MPs
• MPs debate and pass laws in the House of Commons
in Ottawa
• The leader is called the prime minister
• The Queen is represented by the governor general
Alberta Provincial
• The elected representative is called a Member of the Legislative
Assembly (MLA)
• There will be 87 MLAs voted into provincial government in the spring
• MLAs debate and pass laws in the Legislative Assembly in Edmonton
• The leader is called the premier
• The Queen is represented by the lieutenant governor
Do you know how the prime minister of
Canada is chosen?

Do you know how the premier of Alberta is

How are the leaders decided?
• At the provincial and federal level, most elected
representatives are part of a political party (a group
with shared interests and goals).

• The political party with the most number of elected

representatives usually forms government and their
leader becomes the leader of the government.
Current leaders

Justin Trudeau Rachel Notley

Prime Minister Premier

Liberal Party of Canada Alberta NDP

183 representatives 53 representatives
(out of 338) (out of 87)
Municipal Governments
• The elected representative at the municipal level is called a
councillor (not part of political party)
• The size and structure of the council depends on the size of
the community
• The head of the council (leader) is called a mayor or reeve
and they elected by all citizens living in the municipality
• Municipal councils debate and pass laws at the city or town
Who is responsible for what
in government?
Government Responsibilities
• Federal = National/International issues
(Trade, immigration and citizenship, national defence, fisheries and
• Provincial = Provincial issues
(Education, health care delivery, universities and colleges,
transportation and highways)
• Municipal = Local issues
(Roads and bridges, water and sewer service, recreation and
community facilities, libraries, police and fire protection)
For some issues, the different levels of
government have to work
together and share the responsibility.

This is called concurrency.

For example: environment, natural resources

Can I contact my elected representatives?


Elected representatives expect to hear from their

constituents when they have issues to discuss, or if
they need help accessing government services.
In most cases your representative can be contacted
by mail, email, phone, or by appointment at their
local constituency office.
Summary of Representatives

Federal = Member of Parliament

Provincial = Member of the Legislative Assembly

Municipal = Local Councillor

Final Thoughts

What have you learned about government in Canada?

Is government important? Why or why not?

What issue in your community concerns you the most?

Who can you contact?

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