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My Teaching Philosophy

By: Morgan Melia

What Does Being A Teacher Mean To Me?

 Open-minded
 Patient
 Care-free
 Communicative
 Outgoing
 Hold high expectations
Why Do I Want To Be A Teacher?

 When I was younger – I would answer

 I want to see a students “LIGHTBULB” shine

 NOW I answer –
 I want to see the student UNDERSTAND concepts
 I want to see the student STRIVE in their learning
Best Buddies:

 My senior year, I was the PRESIDENT of the Best

Buddies Program at El Dorado High School
 Best Buddies:
 a group where we pair up special education
students with general education students so they can
develop a friendship – hang out at school and outside
of school
 Made each student feel IMPORTANT
Being A Paraprofessional:

Being a Paraprofessional:
(Worked in Middle School/ Now at an Elementary School)

 Know that every child is different

 Helping students find different learning
techniques that work for them
 Seeing students understand
Philosophies I Want In My Classroom:

I want all my students to know:

 every child learns differently & at different
 they can feel safe to express themselves
 each child should develop & grow
physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially
 each student is UNIQUE
 each child should BELIEVE in THEMSELVES
Cooperative Learning In My Classroom:

Cooperative Learning will-

 help students COMMUNICATE
 help students WORK TOGETHER
 help students GROW
Will My Teaching Philosophy Ever Change?

 YES!
 Throughout my teaching path,
I will learn from my students and
from other teachers around me
Teaching Quotes:

 “Teachers who love teaching teach

children to love learning.”
 “Education is what survives when what
has been learned has been forgotten.”
 “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for
a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed
him for a lifetime.”
 “One child, one teacher, one book, one
pen can change the world.”
 “They may forget what you said, but they
will not forget how you made them feel.”
 “Never stop learning because life never
stops teaching.”

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