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Myth #1: The normal aging process inevitably leads to debility

While it may seem hard to believe, it is often diseases, rather than the
process of normal aging, that rob you from the ability to stay active and
engaged in your later years.
And averting common diseases—and hence functioning well into old age—is
more in your control that you may think.
Myth #2: Your genes determine how long you will live

Although having good genes is a blessing, only a small

percentage of how long you will live, as well as how healthy you will
live, is encoded in your genes.
Myth #3: You will “feel” your age

Your chronologic age does not predict how you will biologically age.
Although certain genes may be programmed to turn on or off according to a
certain chronologic timeline, the “wear and tear” that takes place in your
body from processes such as inflammation and free radical damage can
determine how young you biologically feel at any age.

You can slow or accelerate your rate of aging by counteracting

inflammatory and oxidative damage through your dietary intake of anti-
inflammatory, anti-oxidant rich foods, and through exercise.
Myth #4: It’s all “down hill”

Aging is just as much a process of growth and development as it is of

physical decline. Unleashing your middle age and beyond creativity,
wisdom, and emotional intelligence can make the latter half of life
rewarding and fulfilling.

Life experiences and new learning constantly strengthen and rewire

brain circuits until your middle age brain develops from a dial up to a
turbo charged broadband connection. By becoming better at recruiting
help from your logical left brain and your intuitive right brain, your mind
becomes more agile at cross indexing knowledge, problem solving quicker,
and thinking “out of the box.”
Myth #5: It’s too late for me

While you may feel that it’s too difficult or futile to change your
health habits late in life, even small changes, at any age, can make a big
Myth #6: Your physical health determines how you will age

Your emotions, beliefs, and expectations are just as important as

your physical health in determining your lifespan and health span.

Your attitude, which has many dimensions, influences your rate of

aging through chemical messengers, such as cortisol, released during
your evolutionarily designed flight-or-flight stress response.

Among the attitude traits that can help you live an exceptionally
long life are optimism, living with purpose, adapting to life’s
circumstances, and maintaining a sense of humor.

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