Handtalk Using Flex Sensor

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Submitted To:Asst Prof.

Anjulata Yadav Mam Submitted by: Shubham Jat

Enrollment No:
Flex Sensor
APR Voice kit

 There are some people who don’t have the ability to speak or
they lose it in an accident.
 In this project a Sign Language Glove which will assist those
people who are suffering for any kind of speech defect to
communicate through gestures i.e. with the help of single
handed sign language the user will make gestures of alphabets.
 The glove will record all the gestures made by the user and
then it will translate these gestures into visual form as well as in
audio form.
 This project uses Arduino uno to control all the processes
and flex sensors along with accelerometer sensors will
track the movement of fingers as well as entire palm.
 A LCD will be used to display the user’s gesture and a
speaker to translate the gesture into audio signal is
planned if possible for execution.
 This project can be further developed to recognize
complex like food, water, etc.
Block Diagram

 1. Hand Glove
 2. Arduino uno
 3. Flex Sensors Spectra Symbol 4.5"
 4. LCD HD44780
 5. Voice IC APR 9600
 6. Audio Amplifier LM 386
 7. Signal converter LM324
 8. Speaker

FLEX SENSOR is basically a VARIABLE RESISTOR whose terminal resistance increases when the
sensor is bent. So this sensor resistance increases depends on surface linearity. So it is usually
used to sense the changes in linearity.

 when the surface of FLEX SENSOR is completely linear it will be having its
nominal resistance. When it is bent 45º angle the FLEX SENSOR resistance
increases to twice as before. And when the bent is 90º the resistance
could go as high as four times the nominal resistance. So the resistance
across the terminals rises linearly with bent angle. So in a sense the FLEX
sensor converts flex angle to RESISTANCE parameter.

 For convenience we convert this RESISTANCE parameter to VOLTAGE

parameter. For that we are going to use VOLTAGE DIVIDER circuit
FLEX SENSOR Features and Specifications

 Operating voltage of FLEX SENSOR: 0-5V

 Can operate on LOW voltages
 Power rating : 0.5Watt (continuous), 1 Watt (peak)
 Operating temperature: -45ºC to +80ºC
 Flat Resistance: 25K Ω
 Resistance Tolerance: ±30%
 Bend Resistance Range: 45K to 125K Ohms(depending on bend)
APR Voice Kit

 The APR9600 device offers true single-chip voice recording, non-

volatile storage, and
Playback capability for 40 to 60 seconds.
 device is ideal for use in portable voice recorders, toys, and many
other consumer and industrial applications.
 APLUS integrated achieves these high levels of storage capability by
using its proprietary analog/multilevel storage technology implemented
in an advanced Flash non-volatile memory process, where each
memory cell can store 256 voltage levels.
 This technology enables the APR9600 device reproduce voice signals in
their natural form. It eliminates the need for encoding andcompression,
which often introduce distortion.
 Hand talk using flex sensor, basically it can be operated via Bluetooth
module or can be connected through laptop. It starts with coding, first
we write the code for the words or letters we are going to display. And
than this program is uploaded in Arduino uno. The flex sensors are
connected through pins A0,A1,A2,A3 and this pins are connected
through Arduino A0,A1,A2,A3 analog pins which has basically analog
and digital pins there are 13 digital pins which ar econnected with led
display as we give input from Arduino and as it is connected through flex
sensor and we had output as audio and on led display we will read that
 It has another option of power supply just upload the code in arduino and than
run the whole system through power supply and we can give input via bluetoth
connection. The working flow of the flex sensor kit is described below which
contain laptop, arduino uno, flex sensor, led display, speaker Etc.
 It requires fewer components so its cost is low.
 Small in size: Due to small size we can place its hardware on our hand
 Light weight.
 Flexible to users.
 It takes less power to operate system.
 Easy to operate: Anyone can operate it easily.
 Easy to define gestures: we can add or define our own gestures.
 Communication is possible in any language.
 Difficult to carry it everywhere.
 The soldering on flex sensor is difficult.
 It will produce error when used for a long time due to change in the
flexibility of sensor.

 Physically challenged persons

 Communication between the mute peoples and the normal peoples
 Conveying information related operations
 Medical application
 In public place for announcement
 www,google.com
 http://www.ijesi.org/papers/Vol%202(4)/Version-6/H244346.pdf
(International Journal of Engineering Science Invention)
 https://components101.com/sensors/flex-sensor-working-circuit-datasheet

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