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ACM Parameters

• The ACM is sent in the backward direction, and indicates that all

of the address signals required to properly route the call have been

received & Connection to next leg is set up or the Called Party is


• Called to Calling Speech path is set-up on reception of ACM

ACM Parameters
Mandatory ACM Parameters:
Backward Call Indicators :Information relating to the Called
Party, such as Charging, Status, Echo Control.
Optional ACM Parameters:
Cause Indicators : Disconnect Reasons, e.g. 23 Unallocated
Destination Number.
ACM can be sent when:
– Called Party is alerted
– Address Complete Indication is received from the terminating
– A tone or announcement needs to be played
– More information is to be collected directly from calling party
through DTMF signalling
ACM Parameters
Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Backward Call Indicator Fixed 2

Access Transport Optional 3-n

Optional Backward Call Indicator Optional 3

Cause Indicator Optional 3-4

Value of Message type : 06H

ACM Backward Call Indicator

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 P O N M L K J I

Parameter Name code: 11H

ACM Backward Call Indicator
bits BA: charge indicator

00: no indication (default) 01: no charge

10: charge 11: spare



bits DC: called party’s status indicator

00: no indication (default) 01: subscriber free

10: connect when free 11: excessive delay


ACM Backward Call Indicator
bits FE: called party’s category indicator

00: no indication (default) 01: ordinary (non-payphone) subscriber

10: payphone 11: spare


bits HG: end-to-end method indicator

00: no end-to-end method available

01: pass along method available

10: SCCP method available

11: pass along and SCCP methods available


ACM Backward Call Indicator

bit I : inter-working indicator

0: no inter-working encountered

1: inter-working encountered


bit J : IAM Segmentation indicator

0: no indication

1: additional information has been received and incorporated into call setup


ACM Backward Call Indicator

bit K : ISDN User Part indicator

0: ISDN User Part not used all the way
1: ISDN User Part used all the way
bit L : holding indicator
0: holding not required (default)
1: holding required (No procedure specified for U.S. networks)
bit M : ISDN access indicator
0: terminating access non-ISDN
1: terminating access ISDN
ACM Backward Call Indicator
bit N : Echo control device indicator
0: incoming half echo control device not included (default)
1: incoming half echo control device included
bits PO: SCCP method indicator
00: no indication (default)
01: connectionless method available (No procedure specified for U.S.
10: connection oriented method available (No procedure specified for U.S.
11: connectionless and connection oriented methods available(No procedure
specified for U.S. networks)
ANM – Answer Message
• The ANM is sent in the backward direction to indicate that the

Called Party has answered.

• Called to Calling Speech Path is set-up on reception of ANM

Mandatory ANM Parameter:


Optional ANM Parameter:

Backward Call Indicators

ANM Parameters
Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Backward Call Indicator Optional 4

Access Transport Optional 3-n

Value of Message type : 09H

ANM Parameters

Backward call Indicator and Access Transport parameter will be just like

ACM & IAM Parameters.

REL – Release Message
• The REL is issued in either direction to indicate that the circuit is

being released due to the Cause Value contained within the

message. Indicates that the circuit is prepared to be placed into

the IDLE state once the Release Complete message is received.

• Speech Path(s) already set-up are cleared on send or receipt of

REL message and all other resources are idled.

REL Parameters

Mandatory REL Parameters:

Cause Indicator : Reason for Disconnection

e.g Normal Release, User Busy,...

Optional REL Parameter: Automatic Congestion Control,Access

transport,redirection Number
REL Parameters
Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Cause Indicators Variable 3-4

Automatic Congestion Level Optional 1

Access Transport Optional 3-n

Redirection Number Optional 9

Value of Message type : 0CH

Cause Indicator
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

1 Ext. Coding Spare Location

2 Ext. Cause value

Diagnostic(s) (if any)


Parameter Name code: 13H

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A
Byte 3 H G F E D C B A

Byte 4 H G F E D C B A
Cause Indicator

Octet 1

Bit H: Extension Bit – 1

Bits GF: Coding Standard

00 ITU-T standard

01 reserved for other international standards

10 ANSI standard

11 network-specific

Bit E : Spare
Cause Indicator

Bits DCBA : General location

0000 user

0010 local local network

0110 local interface controlled by this signaling link

other reserved or spare

Cause Indicator
Octet 2
Bit H: Extension bit
0 diagnostic is included after octet 2 (see below)
1 diagnostic is not included after octet 2
Bits GFE : Cause value classes
000 to 001 normal event
010 network resource unavailable
011 to 100 reserved
101 invalid message
110 protocol error
111 inter-working
Cause Indicator

Binary Value Meaning

000 0001 unallocated number

000 0011 no route to destination

001 0000 normal clearing

001 0001 user busy

001 0101 call rejected

001 0110 number changed

001 0111 redirect to new destination

001 1001 exchange routing error

001 1010 misrouted call to a ported number

001 1011 destination out of order

Cause Indicator

Binary Value Meaning

001 1100 invalid message format (address incomplete)

001 1111 normal - unspecified (default, normal event cl.)

010 0010 no circuit available

010 1001 temporary failure

010 1010 switching equipment congestion

010 1111 resource unavailable - unspecified (default,

this class)

101 1000 incompatible destination

101 1011 invalid transit network selection

101 1111 invalid msg., unspecified (default, this class)

Cause Indicator

Binary Value Meaning

110 0001 message type non-existent or not implemented

110 0011 parameter non-existent or

not implemented- discarded

110 0110 recovery on timer expiry

110 0111 parameter non-existent or not

implemented - passed on

110 1111 protocol error - unspecified (default, this class)

111 1111 inter-working – unspecified (default, unknown

coding standard or class)

Cause Indicator

Octet 3


For a cause in class 110, a diagnostic may be included in the cause parameter.

If included, it should consist of the parameter name octet of the missing or

miscoded parameter, or the message type code of the non-existent or not

implemented message.
RLC – Release Complete

• The Release Complete Message is sent in either direction in

response to the REL Message, or a Reset Circuit Message (RSC) to

indicate that the concerned circuit has been placed into the IDLE


Mandatory RLC Parameters:

RLC Parameters

Parameter Parameter type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Value of Message type : 20H


• BLO (Blocking)

• BLA (Blocking Acknowledgement)

• RSC (Reset Circuit)

•UBL (Unblocking)

•UBA (Unblocking Acknowledgement)

•UCIC (Unequipped Circuit Identification Code)

•CQM (Circuit Query)

•CQR (Circuit Query Response)


Blocking Message (BLO): Message sent only for maintenance

purposes to the other end of a circuit, to cause an engaged
condition of that circuit for subsequent calls.

Blocking Acknowledgement (BLA) : Sent in response to a BLO

indicating that the circuit has been blocked.

Unblocking Message (UBL): Message sent to the exchange at the

other end of a circuit to cancel, in that exchange, the engaged
condition of the circuit.

Unblocking Acknowledgement (UBA) : Sent in response to an UBL

indicating that the circuit has been unblocked

Reset Circuit (RSC): Message sent to bring both sides of the circuits
to a known (idle) state. Response is RLC
Unequipped CIC (UCIC) : Sent in response to any message received
on an un-provisioned ( eg.: not mapped to a trunk circuit
internally) CIC
Circuit Query Message (CQM): Message sent to the exchange at the
other end of a circuit to query the state of the circuit.
Circuit Query Response (CQR): : Sent in response to CQM
Circuit Validation Test (CVT): Message sent to the exchange at the
other end of a circuit to ascertain the characteristics of circuit
Circuit Validation Response (CVR): : Sent in response to CVT
Maintenance Messages – without Parameters
Message Name Message Id (Hex)

BLO 13

BLA 15

UBL 14

UBA 16

RSC 12

CVT 20


•CCB (Circuit Group Blocking)

•CGBA (Circuit Group Blocking Acknowledgement)

•CGU (Circuit Group Unblocking)

•CGUA (Circuit Group Unblocking Acknowledgement)

•GRS (Circuit Group Reset)

•GRA (Circuit Group Reset Acknowledgement)

•CCB - Circuit Group Blocking
•CGBA - Circuit Group Blocking Acknowledgement
•CGU - Circuit Group Unblocking
•CGUA - Circuit Group Unblocking Acknowledgement
•GRS - Circuit Group Reset
•GRA - Circuit Group Reset Acknowledgement
•All the above messages can carry up to 32 circuits information in a single
•Equivalent Single Circuit Messages


Circuit Group Blocking Messages Parameters

Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Circuit Group Supervision Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2-5

Value of Message type : 18H

CGB Circuit Group Supervision Message Type indicator

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 15H

CGB Circuit Group Supervision Message Type indicator

bits BA: Circuit group blocking type indicator

00 block without release

01 block with immediate release

10 reserved for national use*

11 spare

bits C-H: spare

* For backward compatibility, receipt of a circuit supervision

message type indicator of "10" shall be interpreted by the switch
as "00" (block without release). If the "10" is received in the CGB
or CGU, the "10“ shall be returned in the CGBA or CGUA.
CGB Range & Status

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A
Byte 3 H G F E D C B A

Byte 4 H G F E D C B A

Byte 5 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 16H

CGB Range & Status
a. Range : A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to
23 (ITU-T – 31). Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field.
The number represented by a non-0 range code +1 indicates the range
of circuits affected by the message.
b. Status :The status field should contain from 1 to 24 status bits
numbered from 0 to 23. Status bit 0 is located in bit position 1 of the
first status field octet. Other status bits follow in numerical order. The
number of relevant status bits in a given status field is equal to range
Each status bit should be associated with a Circuit Identification
Code (CIC) such that status bit n is associated with CIC m + n, where
m is the CIC contained in the message (as part of the standard
header. )
0 : no blocking
1 : blocking
Circuit Group Blocking Acknowledgement Messages

Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Circuit Group Supervision Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2-5

Value of Message type : 1AH

CGBA Circuit Grp Super. Msg Type indicator

This parameter is same as in Circuit group blocking Message

CGBA Range & Status

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A
Byte 3 H G F E D C B A

Byte 4 H G F E D C B A

Byte 5 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 16H

CGBA Range & Status
a. Range : A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to
23. Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field. The number
represented by a non-0 range code +1 indicates the range of circuits
affected by the message.
b. Status :The status field should contain from 1 to 24 status bits
numbered from 0 to 23. Status bit 0 is located in bit position 1 of the
first status field octet. Other status bits follow in numerical order. The
number of relevant status bits in a given status field is equal to range
Each status bit should be associated with a Circuit Identification
Code (CIC) such that status bit n is associated with CIC m + n, where
m is the CIC contained in the message (as part of the standard
header. )
0 : no blocking acknowledgement
1 : blocking acknowledgement
Circuit Group Unblocking Messages
Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Circuit Group Supervision Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2-5

Value of Message type : 19H

CGU Circuit Grp Super. Msg Type indicator

This parameter is same as in Circuit group blocking Message

CGU Range & Status

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A
Byte 3 H G F E D C B A

Byte 4 H G F E D C B A

Byte 5 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 16H

CGU Range & Status
a. Range : A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to
23. Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field. The number
represented by a non-0 range code +1 indicates the range of circuits
affected by the message.
b. Status :The status field should contain from 1 to 24 status bits
numbered from 0 to 23. Status bit 0 is located in bit position 1 of the
first status field octet. Other status bits follow in numerical order. The
number of relevant status bits in a given status field is equal to range
Each status bit should be associated with a Circuit Identification
Code (CIC) such that status bit n is associated with CIC m + n, where
m is the CIC contained in the message (as part of the standard
header. )
0 : no unblocking
1 : unblocking
Circuit Group Unblocking Acknowledgement

Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Circuit Group Supervision Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2-5

Value of Message type : 1BH

CGUA Circuit Grp Super. Msg Type indicator

This parameter is same as in Circuit group blocking Message

CGUA Range & Status

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A
Byte 3 H G F E D C B A

Byte 4 H G F E D C B A

Byte 5 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 16H

CGUA Range & Status
a. Range : A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to
23. Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field. The number
represented by a non-0 range code +1 indicates the range of circuits
affected by the message.
b. Status :The status field should contain from 1 to 24 status bits
numbered from 0 to 23. Status bit 0 is located in bit position 1 of the
first status field octet. Other status bits follow in numerical order. The
number of relevant status bits in a given status field is equal to range
Each status bit should be associated with a Circuit Identification
Code (CIC) such that status bit n is associated with CIC m + n, where
m is the CIC contained in the message (as part of the standard
header. )
0 : no unblocking acknowledgement
1 : unblocking acknowledgement
Circuit Group Reset

Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2-5

Value of Message type : 17H

GRS Range & Status

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A
Byte 3 H G F E D C B A

Byte 4 H G F E D C B A

Byte 5 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 16H

GRS Range & Status
a. Range : A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to
23. Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field. The number
represented by a non-0 range code +1 indicates the range of circuits
affected by the message.
b. Status :The status field should contain from 1 to 24 status bits
numbered from 0 to 23. Status bit 0 is located in bit position 1 of the
first status field octet. Other status bits follow in numerical order. The
number of relevant status bits in a given status field is equal to range
Each status bit should be associated with a Circuit Identification
Code (CIC) such that status bit n is associated with CIC m + n, where
m is the CIC contained in the message (as part of the standard
header. )
0 : Reset
1 : No reset
Circuit Group Reset Acknowledgement

Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2-5

Value of Message type : 29H

Circuit Query Message

Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2*

* Note: No status field is included in this message.

Value of Message type : 2AH

CQM Range & Status

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 16H

a. Range : A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to
23. Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field. The number
represented by a non-0 range code +1 indicates the range of circuits
affected by the message.
Circuit Query response

Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Range & Status Variable 2*

Circuit State Indicator Variable 2-25

* Note: No status field is included in this message.

Value of Message type : 2BH

CQR Range & Status

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code : 16H

a. Range : A number in pure binary representation ranging from 0 to

23. Range code 0 indicates absence of the status field. The number
represented by a non-0 range code +1 indicates the range of circuits
affected by the message.
CQR Circuit State Indicator

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Byte 2 H G F E D C B A
Byte 3 H G F E D C B A

Byte 4 H G F E D C B A

Byte 5 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: 16H

CQR Circuit State Indicator

Coding Standard


0000 0000 transient

0000 0001 spare

0000 0010 spare

0000 0011 unequipped

0000 0100 incoming circuit busy, active

0000 0101 incoming circuit busy, locally blocked

0000 0110 incoming circuit busy, remotely blocked

CQR Circuit State Indicator
Coding Standard


0000 0111 incoming circuit busy, locally blocked and remotely blocked

0000 1000 outgoing circuit busy, active

0000 1001 outgoing circuit busy, locally blocked

0000 1010 outgoing circuit busy, remotely blocked

0000 1011 outgoing circuit busy, locally blocked and remotely blocked

0000 1100 idle

0000 1101 idle, locally blocked

0000 1110 idle, remotely blocked

CQR Circuit State Indicator
Coding Standard


0000 1111 idle, locally blocked and remotely blocked

0001 0000 }

to } Spare

1111 1111 }
CVR Parameters
Parameter Pr type Length

Message Type Fixed 1

Circuit Validation Response Indicator Fixed 1

Circuit group Characteristic Indicator Fixed 1

Circuit Identification Name Optional 28

CLLI Code Optional 13

Value of Message type : EBH

CVR Circuit Validation Response Indicator

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: E6H

0000 0000 : successful

0000 0001 : failed (default)
0000 0010 to
1111 1111 : Spare
CVR Circuit Group Characteristic Indicator

Byte 1 H G F E D C B A

Parameter Name code: E5H

CVR Circuit Group Characteristic Indicator
bits BA: circuit group carrier indicator
00 unknown
01 analog
10 digital
11 analog & digital
bits DC: double seizing (glare) control indicator
00 no circuit control
01 odd CIC control
10 even CIC control
11 all circuit control
CVR Circuit Group Characteristic Indicator
bits FE: alarm carrier indicator
00 unknown
01 software carrier handling
10 hardware carrier handling
11 spare bits
HG: continuity check requirements indicator
00 unknown
01 none
10 statistical
11 per call

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